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Magic Numbers: Numerology Origins

Sylvia Rose

Updated: Aug 11, 2024

Numerology has a long history of rich growth and insight into traditions of divination. In ancient civilizations and today, magic numbers hold significant meanings in human life. The act of writing or inscribing further empowers a number.

big clock numbers

Numerology explores mystic and occult connections of numbers, personality and events.

The core concept of numerology revolves around computing numerical values of letters in words and names through the basic alphanumeric system A=1, B=2 etc.

By interpreting these values, practitioners gain insight into different aspects of an individual's life. When numerology applies to a person's name, it's under the category of onomancy, or divination based on the study of names. It can be also used with handwriting analysis.

names on colored paper

This process involves analyzing the numerical significance of each letter in the name and deriving insights from a set of characteristics or values assigned to each number. In simplest form:

The letters coincide with numbers 1 - 26. Add until a single number is reached.


J = 10: 1 + 0 = 1

A = 1

N = 14: 1+ 4 = 5

E = 5

1 + 1 + 5 + 5 = 12

1 + 2 = 3

Jane = 3

3 is one of Jane's power numbers. In numerology Number 3 is the auspicious number ruled by Jupiter.

Mathematician in pursuit of the Philosophers' Stone
Mathematician in pursuit of the Philosophers' Stone (artist Matthias Merian) 1617 Atalanta Fugiens, Michael Maier

The number 3 carries significant spiritual symbolism in life. People linked to 3 align with Jupiter thus the metal tin. Tin is used to give copper strength, forming the alloy bronze (88% copper; 12% tin). Number 3 is optimistic, unique and loyal to those who share her values.

The number of each letter can also be viewed separately, as components of the personality. One can get different numbers by adding Jane's surname and middle name(s). The name should be spelled out as the person usually writes it.

look look see jane write

Jane E. Smith is calculated rather than Jane Ellen Smith if the first is normally used. However, the second can be calculated as an influencing subsection. Numbers give glimpses into a person's character, personality traits, strengths, weaknesses and potential future events.

In parts of Asia number 8 is lucky and much desired in a house or business number. Likewise number four is unlucky because it sounds like the world for death. Numerology assigns mystical and divine meanings to numbers, sharing a connection with alchemy and astrology.

The 8 Immortals of Chinese Lore
The fabulous 8 Immortals of Chinese Lore

Alchemy often works on mathematical principles. Also, alchemists love word and number games, symbols and codes. Alchemical works are peppered with them, from writings of Zosimos of Panopolis of ancient Alexandria, to psychologist Carl Jung of 20th century Europe.

The process of breaking down each number echoes the alchemist's work especially in the nigredo stage of the Magnum Opus. If Jane changes her name spelling to Jayne, she ends up with a different power number (1) which highlights quick thinking and independence.

independent person

Name spelling can be changed to attract more favorable vibrations. Other numbers can be introduced into the formulae as well, such as house number, pet name number, wedding date numbers.

One of the most notable instances of numerology in the realm of science pertains to the uncanny similarities in certain significant numbers. These are observed by mathematical physicist Paul Dirac, mathematician Hermann Weyl and astronomer Arthur S. Eddington.

alignment of planets

The numerical correlations involve various values. These include the ratio between the age of the universe and the atomic unit of time, the total number of electrons in the universe, and the disparity in magnitudes between gravity and electric force acting on the electron and proton.

Wolfgang Pauli (1900 - 1958), who named the Pauli effect, is also fascinated by the appearance of certain numbers, including 137 (a prime number), in physics. Many people are boggled by how often they see 11:11 on the digital clock.

streams of green data

Numerology is vital to deciphering meanings behind certain sequences and patterns. In astrology, where celestial bodies and their movements influence human affairs, numerology provides a unique way to interpret the influence of planetary alignments and cosmic energies.

The connections between numerology, alchemy, and astrology point to a deeper understanding of universal and mystic forces shaping our lives. Exploring the underlying patterns and energies helps clarify these aspects of existence.

dreaming of numbers

Many practitioners of numerology use it as a complementary practice to astrology and other types of divination. Both disciplines aim to uncover deeper meaning and connect with the hidden forces of nature and the universe.

Numerology enthusiasts explore links between numbers and various life events, seeking patterns, synchronicities and hidden messages in numerical sequences. Examining numerical vibrations of different life aspects can provide illumination to the way one's life could progress.

have a relaxing day

Numerical vibrations emanate most strongly to events such as birthdates, addresses, phone numbers, major milestones and time measurements. Practitioners of numerology seek a deeper comprehension of cryptic connections.

Numerology is connected to Jungian psychology and other types of depth psychology, as well as new age input, which analyze synchronicity and coincidences. Within the alphanumeric system arise several diversities.

periodic table
Periodic Table of Elements can also give numerological insight

In the example of Jane, her planet is Jupiter, her overall power number is 3 and her element is tin. On the periodic table tin has a value of 50 (not shown). Add 50 + 3 = 53; 5 + 3 = 8, and Jane is one lucky lady. Any number obtained this way is seen as a sub-value of Jane.

One can have a lot of fun with this method, even without going any deeper into the intricacies of numerical systems. The fundamental number meanings are HERE.

many dice numbers

Various numerology systems assign numerical value to the letters of an alphabet. Examples include the Abjad numerals in Arabic, Hebrew numerals, Armenian numerals, and Greek numerals.

The practice within Jewish tradition of attributing mystical significance to words based on their numerical values, and on connections between words of equal value, is referred to as gematria. The Book of the Zodiac is a significant Mandaean text concerning numerology.

Zodiac Clock
Zodiac Clock

The numerologist understands and believes in the significance of numerical patterns and how to extract meanings from them. The above example is very basic and numerology brings a range of nuances to its practice.

Not all numerologists adhere strictly to traditional numerology. Many find connections and symbolism in numbers outside conventional interpretations. Numerology is a metaphysical practice involving vibrational energies of the past, present and future.

Buddha and bowl

For some numerologists, the focus is on personal or spiritual growth, using numbers as tools for self-discovery. Numbers as symbols can guide individuals in self-understanding, identifying hidden potential or navigating the challenges of life.

Furthermore, the interpretations derived by numerologists can vary widely depending on their beliefs, experiences, and methodologies. Some draw inspiration from ancient traditions and cultural practices. Others develop singular systems based on intuition and personal insights.

film strip with countdown

This diversity within the field of numerology showcases the richness and complexity of human interpretations of numbers and their meanings. The potential of power numbers is limitless.

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copyright Sylvia Rose 2024

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