Metals, planets, their properties and symbols give insight into nature and personality. The seven metals of antiquity correspond with the planets of the solar system. Each celestial body relates to a zodiac sign, and alchemy infuses new dynamics.

They're easily available and worked by humans. Associations originate in a 7th century AD manuscript by Stephanus of Alexandria. Although Stephanus lives in Constantinople by the time of Islamic conquest of Egypt, he's considered the last of the Alexandrian intellectuals.
This 1682 AD text fragment explains the contemporary view of metals, symbols and meanings. The symbol for gold is also used in Egyptian hieroglyphs for the sun, and in analytical psychology it's the conscious ego surrounded by the unconscious.

☉ Gold,☽ Silver, ♂ Iron,☿ Mercury,♃ Jupiter, ♀ Venus,♄ Lead, 🜬 Antimony
🜹 Sal Ammoniac (ammonium chloride)
A.F. Aqua Fortis (strong water; nitric acid)
A.℞. Aqua Regis (royal water; nitrohydrochloric acid; dissolves gold)
S.V. Spirit of Wine
🝞 Sublimate
🝟 Precipitate
🝛 Amalgama
🜄 Water (feminine principle)
🜂 Fire (masculine principle)
Each metal corresponds to a celestial body. In alchemy the planetary symbols also depict the associated metals. Alchemists mark containers of the toxic quicksilver with the☿ symbol. Quicksilver or mercury is a primary metal of alchemy, associated with immortality.
Metals and Planets
Early metal / planet lists don't always match up. In some one finds Jupiter associated with electrum, a blend of gold silver and the material of the first coins, while tin is given to planet Mercury.
The division of the ecliptic into the zodiac signs is a fundamental concept in astrology, with roots in ancient Babylonian astronomy. This system fascinates scholars and stargazers alike from the first half of the 1st millennium BCE.
For most of human history only five planets are known. In the 20th century, after more planets are discovered, some zodiac signs shift alliances. Each celestial body corresponds to a zodiac sign.

Sun Signs, Symbols, Planets & Metals
Aries - Ram - Mars - iron
Taurus - Bull - Venus - copper
Gemini - Twins - Mercury - quicksilver
Cancer - Crayfish - Moon - silver
Leo - Lion - Sun - gold
Virgo - Maiden - Mercury - quicksilver
Libra - Balance - Venus - copper
Scorpio - Scorpion - Mars - iron; later, Pluto
Sagittarius - Archer - Jupiter - tin
Capricorn - Sea-Goat - Saturn - lead
Aquarius - Water Bearer - Saturn, lead; later Uranus
Pisces - Fishes - Jupiter - tin; later Neptune

The Babylonians, renowned for advanced knowledge of the cosmos, meticulously map out the sky and identify specific constellations. The zodiac today comes from the observations and calculations of Babylonian astronomers over 2000 years ago.
The Dog Star, Sirius, is the brightest star in the night sky. In alchemy symbolism the dog represents Sirius. In ancient texts, Sirius is scorching, bringer of the summer heatwaves. Sirius intensifies the heat of the Sun.

In ancient Greece Sirius is fire, fever and heat. The "dog days" of summer take their name from this star. In ancient Egypt, the rise of Sirius marks the annual flooding of the Nile and arrival of the god Hapi, a time of festivities, rituals and celebration.
Back in the days before light pollution ancient observatories in high places bring one closer to the gods. Five planets seen with the naked eye are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. They influence concepts of mythology, cosmology, and ancient astronomy.
Mentioned by c. 2nd millennium BCE in Sumer, Mercury is recorded by the Babylonians. They call the planet Nabu, after the Babylonian god of literacy and scribes. Ancient Greeks associate Mercury with Hermes, who carries the Sun across the sky in his chariot.
Venus is known by the ancients, and tales of Sumerian Great Goddess Inanna are based on the cycles of the planet. The Babylonians link Mars to Nergal, god of war and death, and the Greeks connect the planet with the war god. As Ares, Mars is a god of the ancient Amazons.
Spiritual Meaning of the Metals of Antiquity
Iron lets one perceive subtle nuances others might miss. It brings resolve and unwavering commitment. This metal temperament has a reserved disposition and preference for rational reasoning. Traditionally iron repels evil energy. Most early iron comes from meteorites.
Lead, considered less noble than other metals, represents the lowest form of evil, like the evil found in the external natural world. However, in a positive sense, it symbolizes good of a similar level. This metal is heavy and toxic but also soft and malleable.
Quicksilver / Mercury
With spiritual cleansing and purifying properties, and ability to ward off evil, this metal is also known for attracting luck and love. It protects against harmful energies and brings beneficial influences into one's life. It's very toxic, sending a message about shallow beauty.
Tin is malleable and flexible. As such, it promotes adaptability and resilience in the face of trials and adversity. Tin is often associated with sexuality and the sacral chakra. It vibrates to rejuvenation, regeneration and healing.
Silver relates to femininity. It hones sensitivity, broadens awareness, enhances intuition, invokes compassion. It's an antibacterial metal. Silver promotes enhanced dreams, love, protection, and improved brain function. Like gold it's edible, used in traditional medicine.
Gold has spiritual significance across various cultures and religions globally. Commonly linked to the divine, it symbolizes spiritual awakening and change. Numerous spiritual beliefs view gold as a representation of purity, wisdom, and spiritual achievement.

Copper has mental and emotional healing attributes as well as physical properties. Like silver, copper is antibacterial. It calms restless anxiety, also enhancing intuition and psychic abilities. This makes copper conducive to meditation and spiritual discovery.
In the 20th century noted psychologist Carl Jung tries to prove his theory of synchronicity using astrology. Jung is noted for pioneering work, but even collaborator Wolfgang Pauli, of the "Pauli effect" thinks he's gone too far. Jung continues to explore ancient methods.

In 1950 Jung writes:
“The basic meaning of the horoscope is that, by mapping out the positions of the planets and their relations to one another (aspects), together with the distribution of the signs of the zodiac at the cardinal points, it gives a picture first of the psychic and then of the physical constitution of the individual.
It represents, in essence, a system of original and fundamental qualities in a person’s character, and can therefore be regarded as an equivalent of the individual psyche.”

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