Brettanomyces: Favorite Artisan Wild Yeast
Isolate Lactic Acid Bacteria for Artisan Flavors
Five Sugars: Glucose, Maltose, Fructose, Sucrose, Lactose
German Romanticism: Nature & Emotion
Chalk (CaCO3): Bounty of the Primal Seas
Zaffre: Vintage Cobalt Blue Glass & Artists' Pigment
German Peasants' War: Rebellion of Despair
Mercury II Oxide: Red & White of Alchemy
Liver of Sulfur: Alchemy, Metal & Medicine
Scheele's Green: History's Most Toxic Pigment
Copper(II) Sulfate: Blue Vitriol, Chalcanthite
Silverpoint Drawing: Art of the Renaissance
11 Favorite Drawing Mediums of Artists
Sanguine: Red Chalk of Renaissance Masters
Guar Gum: Unique Qualities for Art & Crafts
Mosaic Gold: Alchemy of a Forgotten Art
Aromatic Cold Oil Infusions: DIY Alchemy Perfumes
Artisan Perfumery: Four Degrees of Fragrance
Practical Alchemy of DIY Perfumes & Aromas
Science of Alchemy: Alchemical Innovations