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Spiritual Magic - Numbers Three & Nine

Sylvia Rose

Spiritually, both three and nine have powerful meaning and potent magic. They are ubiquitous in pagan nature magic, divination and traditions of earth or nature-based cultures going back to early humankind, and have potent meaning in later religions. 3 and 9 work well together and produce strong vibrations. They're both positive numbers of spirituality, divinity and enlightenment.

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Number 3 on a rusty wall
Number Three vibrates with positive energy

Three and nine resonate in Christianity, pagan, natural and organized religions. In shamanism or spirit work, these magic numbers can be to transcend the mortal realms, communicate with the spirit word, heal, balance and promote wisdom and knowledge.

Both numbers relate to the spiral shape, representing cycles of progress. Spirals are plentiful in nature, from curling tendrils of vines to snails' shells, rams' horns and great spiral galaxies such as one in which Earth moves.

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A gorgeous spiral shape
Spiral relates to cycles of motion inward or outward; up or down; away from or towards

The spiral has an ancient connection to earth and sky. Visually a spiral can seem to move inward or outward. It can represent life force or energy filling the person, or the person as a conduit transmitting force of life, as a god. It can turn a whisper into a shout.

Not surprisingly the spiral shape is associated with divinity. Gods and goddesses of lore often form triads, such as the Roman goddess Diana, huntress and moon goddess, who's sometimes seen as a trinity herself.

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Diana's symbol is the moon
Diana the Huntress is a Moon Goddess

In neolithic art, spirals often appear in groups of three. The meaning includes three forces joining together, or the positive forward motion of the triskelion, a three-legged symbol of progress and luck; the representation of an Old God trinity, a power sign of divinity. In new age healing it can relate to the mind-body-spirit balance.

Three corresponds to triads, triptychs, triangles, tripods, trilogies and spans of time, such as past, present, future. An upward pointing triangle represents male properties or qualities, downward pointing female. Overall the triangle is a feminine energy, corresponding to wisdom, empathy and intuition.

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light through green glass with shapes
Three relates to triangles, groups of three & color green

The color of number three is green, relating to the female warrior, creativity, nourishment or nurturing, and fertility. Add nine and three to get 12, then 1 + 2 returns to 3. Three is a number of cycles, and 9 relates to cycles within or cycles of cycles. Both numbers 3 and 9 resonate with expansive energy.

In European alchemy, the three primes (Latin: tria prima) were salt, sulfur and mercury. Most religions use power groups of three including

  • Hindu Trimurti - trinity of Supreme Divinity: Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver, Shiva the destroyer.

  • Hindu Tridevi - three goddesses Saraswati (music, art, wisdom) Lakshmi (wealth, beauty, fertility), and Parvati (nourishment, harmony, love)

  • Triglav (lit. "Three-headed one"), chief god of the Slavs

  • Three Jewels of Buddhism - Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha.

  • Three Pure Ones of Taoism - heavenly chi, human chi, and earth chi.

  • Christian Holy Trinity - Father, Son & Holy spirit

  • Triple Goddess of Wicca - Gaia, or Maiden, Mother, Crone

In Judaism, Shabbat ends with the appearance of three stars. In magic, a spell or incantation spoken thrice has increased power. In some beliefs uttering the name of a spirit three times can cause that spirit to appear.

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Number nine brass on rusted steel
Nine - A Major Power Number

The number 9 is three threes, taking the strength of 3 thrice. Nine is a powerful number. In Eastern lore it can magnify the aspects around it, whether positive or negative. Overall it's considered a lucky number. The written 9 arrived into this world as part of the Brahmi numeral system, around 300 BCE.

number nine's development
Number 9 through the ages

Nine is the highest single digit number, representing attainment of a goal or enlightenment of the mind and spirit. The Vaisheshika branch of Hinduism recognizes nine universal substances or elements: Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Ether, Time, Space, Soul, and Mind.

In Chinese lore 9 is the dragon, a fortunate symbol of power and magic. There are nine types of dragons, who each have nine children. The name Kowloon, an area in Hong Kong means nine dragons.

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Hong Kong and Kowloon, nine dragons
The name of Kowloon, Hong Kong, means 9 dragons

In ancient Egypt the Ennead is a group of nine Egyptian deities including and descending from the Sun God Atum and his children, children's children and children's children Osiris, Isis, Set and Nephtys.

In Norse mythology, the universe is made of nine worlds. Nine is the number of days Odin hung on the tree before he achieved enlightenment, or learned the runes. In Greek mythology the nine Muses are Calliope (epic poetry), Clio (history), Erato (erotic poetry), Euterpe (lyric poetry), Melpomene (tragedy), Polyhymnia (song), Terpsichore (dance), Thalia (comedy), and Urania (astronomy).

See also:

woman in pool looking out over forest making heart with hands
The muse has a divine swim

In Pythagorean numerology the number 9 symbolizes the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. In the Baháʼí Faith, nine symbolizes completeness. Ramadan, the month of fasting and prayer, is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar.

In the Christian angelic hierarchy there are 9 choirs of angels. In Christianity there are nine 'Fruit of the Holy Spirit' expected from followers: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

See also:

words 'you are loved' at an angle with flower cross
All you need is love

Nine is a number of divinity in world-wide religions. In numerology nine represents completion (of a cycle or process), enlightenment, compassion and ascendance. In alchemy 9 has transformative properties. A masculine force, it corresponds to the god / planet Mars and color red to balance or harmonize with the power of the feminine 3.

In Greek mythology, the river Styx is said to have nine turns or twists. In other mythologies there are nine steps to the underworld. In ancient Egypt, nine gods rule the Underworld. Nine corresponds to duality, the light and dark, good side and bad side, up or down, in or out, and the harmony between or among them.

See also:

piano player hands & keyboard
A moment of flowing harmony

In mathematics, 9 is called a magic number because the sum of the digits of the multiples of 9 is always 9. For example 18 =1 + 8 = 9; or 288 = 2 + 8 + 8 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9. The Viking Code of Nine are the nine behaviors or qualities expected of a good Viking. They are Honor, Knowledge, Protect, Flourish, Change, Fairness, Conflict, Balance, Control.

In Germanic paganism numbers three, nine, and other multiples of three are significant. At the Temple at Uppsula in Sweden, nine males of every species, including humans, were ritually sacrificed. Three, nine and their multiples appear through folklore, often associated with witches and fairies. Along with number 27, both numbers also figured prominently in the lunar calendar.

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copyright Sylvia Rose 2024

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