Numbers exude and attract vibrational energy. From the ancients to the modern world, numbers resonate with shades of meaning. This can be as rudimentary as a name power number or a complex system of interlocking links and nuances of personality.

A person's name is used to calculate her power number in the A=1, B=2, C=3 sequence. See an example here.
Numerology Number Meanings
People with Numerology Number 1 are strongly influenced by the Sun, a heavenly body symbolizing vitality, energy, and life force. This cosmic association grants a strong sense of personal power and determination to tackle challenges with confidence and resilience.

This number relates to zodiac sign Leo and the metal tin, which bears the sign of Jupiter ♃ in astrology and alchemy as well. Tin relates to brightness and purity. In a house or business number one can be unstable if at the end but a leader if at the beginning.
Numerology Number 2 is closely associated with the Moon, intuition and emotional sensitivity. Individuals governed by this number are known for a compassionate nature, and deep sense of empathy and understanding towards others.

Two is a number of creativity and dreams. As a house number it's lucky especially if doubled (22). Silver is the metal associated with two, an introspective wealth-drawing energy. In metallurgy and alchemy the symbol for silver is a crescent moon.
Number 3 is governed by planet Jupiter, associated with wisdom, expansion, and spirituality. People with a connection to 3 are sincere and empathetic, with a deep understanding of spiritual realms. A positive outlook on life and inherent optimism make them inspirational.

A number 3 person is well-balanced but may be edgy, pushing boundaries and taking risks. This individual needs room to explore and resents being confined spiritually or in relationships. In a house number or business three represents a strong underlying force.
What can we say about four? It's lucky in the West and unlucky in the East. Four is the most stable of the numerical values in the West. Four tends to err on the side of caution. This person is a great planner and has an eye for hidden details but can be fussy when shopping.

Four's the one who talks to the cops after a noise complaint. Rational, easy-going and honest, this person should not be underestimated. Four is a strategist with an arsenal of knowledge. In a house or business number it may be seen with shortcomings, but is strong in relationships.
Numerology Number 5 is associated with the planet Mercury, communication, intelligence, and adaptability. People governed by this number are known for quick wit, curiosity, and a natural inclination towards exploration and variety.

Number 5 people are versatile problem-solvers. Charismatic and expressive, they are adaptable but may struggle with restlessness and lack of focus. Five is an entrepreneur, lucky in a business or house number especially if one has an active lifestyle.
Six is a very lucky number especially in a home environment. Considered the Mother of the numbers, 6 is a unifying force in families and groups. With a trustworthy, sympathetic, gentle and loving nature, number 6 people can also be fiercely protective.

Number 6 people are well-calibrated. They can appear laid back but put in the driver's seat they can take off with unprecedented speed. In a house number six is favorable. Superstition dictates triple six as a "devil's number" but it adds to 18 and breaks down to desirable 9.
If there's a general lucky number, this is it. Seven attracts money thus is favorable associated with business. Along with three, 7 is one of the magic numbers of witchcraft. Associated with creativity and intuition, it often corresponds to teachers and healers.

Moodiness and anxiety issues might make up the challenging qualities of this number. In a house number seven is spiritual, harmonious and never boring, bringing a dynamic flow to work or play. Seven relates to nature magic and the color green.
Eight is a true power number, a symbol of strength, rewarding work and infinity. Eight relates to the planet Saturn and the metal lead, associated with transformation or metamorphosis. Eight is a goal-oriented person with a balanced concept of the physical and spiritual worlds.

For home or business, eight is a lucky number in China and also fortunate in the West. Whether in a relationship, business partnership, office number, or home address, eight brings out the best in people, situations and resources. In general terms, Eight is a good investment.
Nine is spiritual, transcendent and influential. People ruled by 9 are inventive and easily see the bigger picture. Nine is passionate and protective. It enhances beneficial energies. It can however work in the opposite way, and Nines are cautioned to use their powers for good.

Nines are creative. They can inspire others and work well in groups. However in spiritual exploration nine must be careful of addiction. Nine is associated with nature magic. A Nine person works well with groups of three. House and business numbers thrive with nines.
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