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Sylvia Rose

Zodiac, Astrology & Jungian Psychology

Updated: Aug 7, 2024

Astrology holds a keen interest for analytical psychologist Carl Jung, seeking to explain theories such as synchronicity. Dubbed the "Father of the New Age", Jung is concerned about his reputation as a scientist, yet cannot deny the intricate connections of all things.

truth seekers
Truth Seekers

Jung (1875 - 1961) is called "Father of the New Age" for his concept of how the collective human psyche evolves as one Platonic month ends and another begins. One twelfth of a Great Year, a Platonic month corresponds to one of the zodiacal ages, or 2160 years.

Astrologers remain uncertain whether the Age of Aquarius is current or forthcoming. The latter puts us into the Age of Pisces. Many publications posit the Age of Aquarius arrived in the 20th century. Others name the 24th century, 27th and even the 35th century AD.

A time travel and / or communications device
An ancient time travel device

In a description added to his essay on synchronicity:

“ ... I should perhaps add a few explanatory words for those readers who do not feel at home with the ancient art and technique of astrology. Its basis is the horoscope, a circular arrangement of sun, moon, and planets according to their relative positions in the signs of the zodiac at the moment of an individual’s birth.

zodiac, astrology clock
Zodiac Clock

There are three main positions, those of the sun, moon, and the so-called ascendant; the last has the greatest importance for the interpretation of an activity: the ascendant represents the degree of the zodiacal sign rising over the eastern horizon at the moment of birth.
The horoscope consists of 12 so-called “houses,” sectors of 30° each. Astrological tradition ascribes different qualities to them as it does to the various “aspects,” i.e. angular relations of the planets and the luminaria (sun and moon), and to the zodiacal signs.”

zodiac signs
Zodiac Sun Signs

More than just defining astrology as art, technique or science, Jung recognizes the psychological description of character associated with astrology, with planets corresponding to the individual character components.

For Jung, the horoscope is the chronometric equivalent of individual character, through all the characterological components of the personality, and that a person’s natal chart could provide insights into "what the patient’s soul intended for her to achieve.”

top of the world

A natal chart is like a mandala of the soul’s plan for this incarnation. Analyzing transits, Jung seeks a demonstration of synchronicity by correlating movement of planets through the year with a person's natal chart.

They show significant alignments with the patient's personality traits or current psychological state. The insights can apply to brief time periods of time, such as months or years in a society's activities, as well as to much longer time spans like eons.

spiral galaxy
spiral galaxy

An astrological age is a time period which, according to astrology, parallels major changes in the development of human society, culture, history, and politics. There are twelve astrological ages corresponding to the twelve zodiacal signs in western astrology.

As a medical doctor he also feels it's his responsibility to make people aware of the changes experienced at the approach of the Age of Aquarius. He sets the date at 1940 due to the meridian crossing of the first star in constellation Aquarius.

The Age of Pisces phases into the Age of Aquarius
The Age of Pisces phases into the Age of Aquarius

He writes,

" ... My motivation does not stem from arrogance, but rather from my sense of responsibility as a psychiatrist to carry out my duty and prepare those receptive to my message for the forthcoming events that align with the conclusion of an era. Drawing from the lessons of ancient Egyptian history, these events represent shifts in the collective psyche that typically occur at the conclusion of one Platonic month and the commencement of another.
Evidently, these shifts involve alterations in the configuration of dominant psychic elements, known as archetypes or "gods" in the past, that trigger enduring changes in the collective consciousness.

Pioneering Swiss psychologist Carl Jung
Pioneering Swiss psychologist Carl Jung

This process commenced in antiquity, leaving its mark initially as the transition from the age of Taurus to Aries, and subsequently from Aries to Pisces, coinciding with the advent of Christianity. We are now approaching a significant transition that is anticipated as the vernal equinox moves into Aquarius."

Psychological transformations during Age changes are not easy. Similar to how individuals may feel lost, uneasy, and insecure during personal transitions, global shifts can manifest as collective sensations of sadness, discomfort, worry and fear across all societies worldwide.

woman with tears closeup

Jung wants people to navigate these psychological changes consciously. Awareness can mitigate any potential harmful effects.

Jung’s Research on Astrology

In his astrology studies, Jung discovers the shift of eons, huge periods of time, in the zodiac. His research mainly revolves around analyzing the charts of individuals. In a notable experiment from 1955, he analyzes 800 charts.

many rolls and scrolls

In his Collected Works, he discusses findings on the charts of married couples, particularly focusing on the sun-moon aspects. He observes sun-moon conjunctions and oppositions are prevalent among these couples. What are the outcomes of this experiment?

Jung reports

“The statistical material shows that a practically as well as theoretically improbable chance combination occurred which coincides in the most remarkable way with traditional astrological expectations. That such a coincidence should occur at all is so improbable and so incredible that nobody could have dared to predict anything like it.”

two hemispheres
Two Hemispheres

Statistics, according to Jung, obliterate the individual. At the same time, a scientist relies on statistics for objectivity. Jung and his assistants work with astrology for years, interpreting individuals’ charts.

They know many marriages have certain sun-moon configurations. Their enthusiasm and optimism for the outcome creates skewed statistics, demonstrating how “the psychic processes of the interested parties were affected by the synchronistic arrangement.”

skewed perspective

Jung theorizes the value of astrology is in its evocation of synchronicity, to provide insights into lives of individuals and societies’ situations.

How Jung Uses Astrology

From early times, astrologers see a correspondence between various planets, houses, zodiacal signs and aspects, all of which have meanings as a basis for character study or interpretation of a given situation.

old boat and starry sky
climb aboard for a journey to the stars

Jung uses astrology to gain insight into personality and character, asserting it gives a "more or less total picture of the individual’s character." In one example, Jung draws up the chart of a female client. She presents

“... with strong inner oppositions whose union and reconciliation constitute her main problem.' Her chart shows a “conjunction of the sun and moon as the symbol of the union of opposites.”

moon and sun in union
Unity of Opposites

Jung concludes the reconciliation of the tension of opposites, is “what her soul intended for her to achieve." Planetary aspects give clues about the individual’s psycho-physiological disposition:

“by mapping out the positions of the planets and their relations to one another (aspects), together with the distribution of the signs of the zodiac at the cardinal points, it [the birth chart] gives a picture first of the psychic and then of the physical constitution of the individual.”

astrology clock

Many students take up his work, in the concept that “the entire horoscope… is the chronometric equivalent of individual character, through all the characterological components of the personality,”

As a person changes over time, so the transit chart can illustrate, explain and time individual growth:

“The journey through the planetary houses, … therefore signifies the overcoming of a psychic obstacle, or of an autonomous complex, suitably represented by a planetary god or demon.”

saturn with rings
Saturn - compliments of NASA and the Hubble telescope

For example, Samael the king of all demons, the angel of death and husband of demonic Lilith, dwells on Mars. The Christian devil is said to live on Saturn, but it's possible he only vacations there.

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