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Image by Billy Huynh
  • Sylvia Rose

Noisy Spirits of German Mythology

Updated: Jun 9

Noisy spirits of Germanic mythology are any who scream, moan, wail, knock or rumble. They include Klagefrau the wailing women; Poltergeist, Klabautermann the sea kobold, and the Pfaffenkellnerin of the Lucerne Wild Hunt.

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Klagefrau - Wailing Woman

Klagefrau wails to foretell a demise or disaster. To hear her is a bad omen. To see her can be death. She's a shape-shifter who can manifest as an animal such as a howling dog, noisy dove, owl or shrieking black cat. She might be very tall, stretching over a house.

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READ: Lora Ley Fantasy Fiction - German Mythology Adventures

A tormented spirit, she often appears as a hazy black figure, or a hag with black shawl or robe. Most common in southern Germany, she's known to take part in the Wütendes Heer (Wild Hunt) or the Swiss Wild Hunt of der Türst.

Poltergeist - "Noisy Spirit"

Poltergeist is a demonic spirit who slams, knocks, rumbles and crashes around the home. Incidents are small at first, such as moving or hiding a phone. More involved events include objects falling from shelves, doors slamming, furniture moving and noises in walls.

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Scratching sounds may be heard especially at night. The Poltergeist presence may be accompanied by other demonic or evil trickster spirits such as Druden and Schrat. Poltergeist events can include the feeling of being pushed, bad dreams or severe anxiety.

Klabautermann - Sea Kobold

Klabautermann is overall a benevolent spirit, living his life at sea and on ships. As a Kobold he may be mischievous. He screams and howls like the wind and batters around the sails. He loves music and may be heard whistling or playing an instrument like squeeze box.

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He's found on the Baltic and North Seas, helping sailors and fishers with their work. He's also a weather spirit who can bring a favorable wind or a howling storm. Like all Kobolds he likes appreciation for his help. He's fond of sweet cakes, rum, or tobacco for his pipe.

Die Pfaffenkellnerin - Lucerne Wild Hunt

Die Pfaffenkellnerin (literally "the pastor's waitress") is a female spirit with glowing eyes. She sits like a Mare atop fir trees or mountains in raging storms and drowns out the howling winds with her manic shrieks of laughter. She often takes part in the Wild Hunt.

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READ: Lora Ley Fantasy Fiction - German Mythology Adventures

Her favorite perch is Seebodenalp, a mountain near Lucerne. Her spirit dates to the Middle Ages and the Protestant Reformation of the 1500s. Housekeeper / lover of a priest, she goes screaming insane when he refuses to marry her as the new law requires.

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Other noisy spirits include manifestations of White Ladies as wailing women. The loud chirping of Heimchen is sometimes used as a Kinderschreck or "child fright" to scare kids into going to bed on time. Nachtkrapp or Night Raven can make a big commotion.

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