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Michael Maier: Rosicrucians, Art & Alchemy

Sylvia Rose

Updated: Aug 11, 2024

Michael Maier (1568–1622) is a German physician, alchemist, epigramist and composer. A prolific writer and shrewd thinker, he influences Isaac Newton and more. His most famous work is undoubtedly the mystical Atalanta Fugiens,1617-18.

First Page of Atalanta Fuegens
First Page of Atalanta Fugiens by Michael Maier, illustrations Matthaeus Merian

Above: First published in 1617, Michael Maier's alchemical emblem book contains a preface on ancient music and the Greek myth of Atalanta and Hippomenes. Atalanta is a huntress in the entourage of Artemis. Hippomenes competes with her in a foot race, to win her affections.

The book consists of 50 engraved emblems, each accompanied by a discourse and an epigram in verse set to music in the form of a fugue for three voices - Atalanta, or the vox fugiens; Hippomenes, or the vox sequens; and Pomum objectum or vox morans.

A fugue composed by Michael Maier
A fugue (musical work for 2 or more voices) composed by Michael Maier

In 1608, Maier arrives in Prague, officially entering the service of Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II as a physician and imperial counselor in 1609. Just ten days later, Rudolf elevates him to hereditary nobility and bestows upon him the title of Imperial Count Palatine.

Maier is granted a coat of arms featuring a bird and frog connected by a golden chain. During this period, Maier releases a limited edition of De Medicina Regia et vere Heroica, Coelidonia (1609), which includes his autobiography.

Finding the Philosopher's Stone - Michael Maier 17th century
Finding the Philosopher's Stone - Michael Maier, Atalanta Fugiens 1617 - Emblem # 21

The emperor's interest in the occult contributes to his great respect for Maier. However, by April 1611, Rudolf's political situation had significantly worsened, leading to his virtual house arrest in Prague. Maier departed the city during that same month.

A devout Lutheran all his life, Michael Maier has a strong influence on Sir Isaac Newton. Maier's religious beliefs influence public and private life and he becomes a significant figure in the emerging Rosicrucian movement.

Rosicrucian mystic meanings
Rosicrucian "Invisible College"

His involvement with the Rosicrucian movement blends Lutheran faith with cabalistic and alchemical practices. The Rosicrucian philosophy of spiritual enlightenment and pursuit of hidden knowledge inspires him to explore the clandestine arts.

Rosicrucianism, a philosophical mystery movement, arises in the early 17th century in Europe. The anonymous release of two texts heralds the arrival of a new order, symbolized by the Rosy Cross or Rose Cross. These soon attract diverse seekers of knowledge.

Rose Cross, Robert Fludd "The Rose Gives the Bees Honey"
Rose Cross, Robert Fludd "The Rose Gives the Bees Honey" 1629 (the rose is also an alchemical symbol)

The writings spark curiosity and fascination among intellectuals and spiritual enthusiasts. Central to Rosicrucian beliefs is that of a global transformation of humanity, with scientific methodology based in ancient hidden wisdom.

This wisdom, unknown to average people, promises insights into workings of nature, the material world and spiritual realms. The Rosicrucians maintain this knowledge has been safeguarded through the ages, awaiting a receptive intellectual climate for its unveiling.

Maier is a leading advocate for the Rosicrucians, sharing information about the "Brothers of the Rose Cross" in his writings. He believes the purpose of the Brothers of R.C. is to promote arts and sciences driven by inspiration, including alchemy.

Scholars analyzing Maier's texts highlight that he never professed to have created gold, a claim also absent in the works other Rosicrucians. Their writings suggest a symbolic and spiritual approach to alchemy.

Through a blend of direct and allegorical writing, these texts convey nine stages of the transformative process involving the threefold body of humans, the threefold soul, and the threefold spirit, along with other esoteric teachings related to the Path of Initiation.

Spiritual numbers 9 and 3 both have significant meaning in cryptic arts, relating to divinity, trinities, triangles, progress and luck. Neolithic rock art often combines three groups of three spirals.

Atalanta Fugiens # 34 - Sun King & Moon Queen
Atalanta Fugiens # 34 - Sun King & Moon Queen - Unity of Opposites

The manifestos associated with Rosicrucianism teachings use cryptic language derived from a range of mystical traditions such as Hermeticism, alchemy, Jewish and Christian mysticism. These disciplines form the foundation of Rosicrucian teachings.

The movement's emphasis on unity of spiritual and scientific knowledge, along with its promise of personal and collective evolution, continues to resonate with those who seek a deeper understanding of the mysteries of existence.

Atalanta Fugiens  # 36
Atalanta Fugiens # 36: cubes of prima materia

One of Maier's notable works, Themis aurea, draws upon similarities and differences of Lutheran theology and Rosicrucian mysticism. The text reflects his dual interests, combining religious symbolism with alchemical allegories to convey truths.

Each discourse is accompanied by an epigrammatic verse, prose and a musical fugue. It's considered an early example of multimedia. The fugues are arranged in three voices symbolizing the philosopher's stone, the pursuing adept, and obstacles in his way.

Atalanta Fugiens  # 39 michael maier
Atalanta Fugiens Emblem # 39 - Riddle of the Sphinx

" ... It is the first alchemical Gesamtkunstwerk [total or whole work of art] that comprises music, images, poetry, and prose together in one piece. As is stressed on the frontispiece of the book, all the senses are involved in contact with this treatise.

~ Florin G. Calian

immersive experience
immersive experience

Among his writings Maier describes,

"... The most mysterious arcana, that is, the Egyptian-Greek Hieroglyphics: not yet known to the common people, to demonstrate the false gods, goddesses, heroes, animators, and institutes for sacred receivers among the ancients, the origin, from one of the Egyptians' artifice, which performed the golden medicine of the mind and body, whence so many allegories of poets, legendary narratives of writers, and errors scattered throughout the encyclopedia are revealed in the clearest light of truth, and each is restored to its tribe, expounded in six books ..."

" ... The emblems of the golden table of the twelve nations, this is the Hermaea or the festival of Mercury, chosen by the twelve heroes, celebrated by the use of the chemical art, with wisdom and authority of equals, to Pyrgopolynices, or that adversary, boasted for so many years, who insulted the maiden of Chemia with both vicious arguments and witty insults, confounding and disarming , but the artists most deserving of it should be restored to their honor and fame ... "

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