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Collective Unconscious: Seeking the Whole

Sylvia Rose

Updated: Jun 28, 2024

Concepts of the One, whole, immortal life force or quintessence appear in different aspects of existence, across various cultures. Inherent in all things it forms an interconnected flow between seemingly unrelated substances, people, events and modes of thought.

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The ability to tap into the collective unconscious, a term coined by psychiatrist Carl Jung, is present in all individuals. It reaches beyond the realm of the conscious and personal subconscious to help shape the whole of a person's understanding and experiences in life.

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Jung states the human psyche is composed of three components:

  • The ego (or conscious mind)

  • The personal unconscious

  • The collective unconscious

three aspects or qualities

Enhanced awareness empowers an individual to perceive perspectives and opportunities which may have been previously overlooked or obstructed. This expanded consciousness extends to the vast expanse of the Universe.

It helps define the understanding of interconnectedness, as well as one's own significance in the world. It encompasses desired concepts and personal realization of goals. Influencing subconscious factors can mold a person's actions, convictions, and cultural manifestations.

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By delving into the depths of the collective unconscious, one gains access to a realm of the psyche transcending personal encounters. A person taps into a wellspring of wisdom and creativity, and understanding of all existence.

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Similarly, for ancient philosophers and alchemists, the One is the prima materia, the secret to making the Philosopher's Stone. It appears in the collective human unconscious, traveling beyond reaches of consciousness to uncover a trove of archetypes and patterns.

charts and patterns and diagrams

Ancient Greek philosopher Plato (c. 428 - 348 BCE) expresses this idea, identifying the universe as a living being:

Thus, then, in accordance with the likely account, we must declare that this Cosmos has verily come into existence as a Living Creature endowed with soul and reason ... a Living Creature, one and visible, containing within itself all the living creatures which are by nature akin to itself.

— Plato, Timaeus c. 360 BCE

glass snow ball

It taps into a wellspring of memories and impulses inherent to all of humanity. In the 20th century Jung agrees with earlier Freud about the effects of the unconscious on personality and behavior, but there they part ways.

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Jung expands on the idea of personal unconscious to include the collective unconscious. In contrast to the personal unconscious, which is molded by an individual's unique life journey, the collective unconscious is rooted in the amassed and evolving heritage of humanity.

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It stems from the fundamental structure of the human brain, growing and adapting over generations. Within this collective unconscious lie certain archetypes. These universal symbols and primal concepts resonate across cultures and civilizations.

The complex web of interconnectivity is created by the collective unconscious. It not only mirrors the vast spectrum of human experiences but also reveals the underlying unity of life and existence.

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It's a reminder of shared humanity and the interconnectedness transcending geographic, cultural and temporal boundaries. Exploring the collective unconscious, insight is gleaned into the real reasons behind thoughts and actions. It taps into the essence of humanity.

By recognizing and exploring these essential connections an individual gains deeper understanding of the shared human experience. In understanding lies the confidence and courage to realize one's true Self, not in the reflections of others but as a spiritual whole.

a large egg on its end
Beauty of the Whole

Although meaning and manifestation may vary, the desire to search, seek, live a better life, understand the secrets of the human mind and the unseen worlds is a quality found in all people. Not everyone knows how to use it.

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