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Galena: Silver Lead Ore of Metallurgy

Sylvia Rose

Updated: Jul 24, 2024

Galena (PbS) is the primary lead ore for centuries. Lead can be smelted from galena in a regular wood fire. Some galena deposits contain up to 0.5% silver, a high amount. In history these galenas are crucial sources of silver. Ancient Romans mine galena for silver and lead.

Galena, a lead and silver ore, with inclusions of pyrite
Galena, a lead and silver ore, with inclusions of chalcopyrite

Pliny the Elder gives galena its name in c. 78 AD from Greek galene meaning lead ore. It's also called lead glance due to the shiny metallic luster, and is a vital mineral in the mining industry. Galena is smelted by c. 6500 BCE in Turkey.

As a lead sulfide mineral, galena is the world's primary ore of lead. It's found in igneous and metamorphic rocks, in medium heat hydrothermal veins. Lead in galena is toxic if inhaled or ingested from dust particles. Melt point of galena is low at 327 °C (621 °F), same as lead.

Galena closeup with quartz / calcite, amazing natural crystals
Galena closeup with quartz / calcite, amazing natural crystals

In alchemy, drawing silver from galena seems like metal transmutation to the observer. Galena is known for its powerful metaphysical properties. This mineral serves as a guiding light for self-evolution, helping navigate through personal growth and transformation.

Its energy promotes a sense of balance and harmony within the Self, allowing a deeper connection to the spiritual realm. Galena is effective in stimulating the root chakra, essential to establishing a strong foundation in life. The root chakra (Muldhara) is at the base of the spine

Red or pink lotus represents the root chakra
Red or pink lotus represents the root chakra

By activating this energy center, galena helps to instill a sense of stability and security, especially during challenging or uncertain times. This grounding effect can provide a solid anchor for individuals to stay centered and focused amidst life's ups and downs.

Galena is associated with qualities such as steadiness and resilience. Its energy encourages individuals to approach life with calm and composure. Fostering a deep connection to the Earth, much like the rhizome of the lotus, galena promotes holistic health and well-being.

beauty of the earth

Galena is a versatile mineral with a wealth of benefits for spiritual growth, balance and inner peace. Its gentle yet potent energy serves as a supportive companion on the path towards self-discovery and enlightenment.

Broken galena shows perfect cleavage in three directions, with a silver color and bright metallic luster. Galena tarnishes to a dull gray due to lead content. It has a Mohs hardness of 2.5+, about the same as gold, and leaves a gray to black streak.

formed and raw lead
Lead, raw and shaped. Lead has a low melting point and can melt in a regular fire.

Galena is abundant in nature. Widely distributed across the globe, galena is among the most prevalent sulfide minerals. Silver-rich or argentiferous galena is mainly hydrothermal in origin. Galena in lead-zinc deposits has only a small amount of silver.

Common crystal shapes include cubes, octahedrons, or modifications. Typically, galena appears in hydrothermal veins alongside various minerals like sphalerite, marcasite and chalcopyrite, and can be found in low-temperature lead-zinc deposits within limestone beds.

silver bars
Silver Bars

The chemical symbol for lead is Pb, from the Latin word plumbum, which is also the root of plumber. To extract silver, the galena is first reduced to metallic lead. Metallic lead is easily produced simply by heating galena in a regular fire.

Zinc is added to the molten lead, making the silver more soluble. The zinc comes to the surface, bringing much of the silver with it. The silver/zinc alloy is then roasted to recover the silver.

zinc metallic mineral
Zinc, raw and worked into a cube

Geologically, galena is commonly associated with other minerals, such as sphalerite, calcite, and fluorite. These mineral associations provide valuable insights into the formation processes and environmental conditions under which galena deposits are found.

One of the oldest uses of galena is to produce kohl, an eye cosmetic now regarded as toxic due to the risk of lead poisoning. In Ancient Egypt, this was applied around the eyes to reduce the glare of the desert sun, for beauty, and to repel flies and biting insects.

model with beautiful eyes
The Allure of Beautiful Eyes

Galena is used in ceramic glazes and industrially. Spiritually silver is associated with prosperity. The study of mineral relationships, or knowledge of metal, rock or mineral properties, enhances understanding of the beauty and depth of the natural world.

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copyright Sylvia Rose 2024

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