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World of Alchemy: Spiritual Alchemy

Sylvia Rose

Spiritual Alchemy is a set of methods and unique philosophy based on elements of nature, science and analytic psychology. Alchemy of the spirit seeks to illuminate one's inner self, and helps a person lead a happy fulfilling life.

spiritual alchemy
Spiritual Alchemy

From ancient Greek teachings and alchemical processes come the keys to self-knowledge, rejuvenation, candid awareness and connection to the divine.

Understanding the interconnectedness of all things, the processes of nature, symbols and archetypes of the collective unconscious leads to a more authentic, integrated and spiritual sense of being.

An ancient coin shows the origin of Mercury symbol - two snakes on a staff
An ancient coin shows the origin of Mercury symbol - two snakes on a staff

Breaking down psychological and spiritual components, one can discover and identify those causing problems and confront them with tools of confidence and clarity.

Spiritual alchemy transmutes inhibitions and vulnerability into qualities of gold and aligns the Self with the Whole. Spiritual alchemy helps a person lead a better life.

seeking the self
... an individual journey

Discover the Colors of Alchemy and delve deep into the Self in a four-phase process of deconstruction and reconstruction. The Whole is more than the sum of its parts.

Identify symbols and archetypes arising from the collective unconscious, a compendium of wisdom shared by all humans through the ages. These might appear in dreams, meditation or daily life.

apple in a person's hand
Apple - a symbol drawing on archetypes of the unconscious mind, or just a nice light snack?

As a practice alchemy has always been for the betterment of humankind. One of the three goals of alchemy is finding a panacea to cure all sickness. Alchemy influences medical theory, psychology, research and development today.

This book gives excellent insight into the procedures and practices of alchemy. Through ancient, medieval and Renaissance alchemists we find amazing parallels in modern life.

beautiful world

The World of Alchemy series aims at giving the reader tools and information in a spherical context of history, methodology, physical and spiritual paths of evolution applicable to daily life and self-empowerment right now.

World of Alchemy: A Little History Non-Fiction Self Help Enlightenment
World of Alchemy: A Little History

World of Alchemy: Spiritual Alchemy
World of Alchemy: Spiritual Alchemy

Fiction Books:

READ: Cult of the Fire God - Bronze Age Quest Adventure

READ: Lora Ley Adventures - Germanic Mythology Fiction Series

READ: Reiker For Hire - Victorian Detective Murder Mysteries

copyright Sylvia Rose 2024

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