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Ancient Egypt Remedies: Ebers Papyrus

Sylvia Rose

Updated: Feb 21, 2024

Antelope dung, lizard blood, mother's milk and a crocodile effigy tied to the head are just a few of the recommended medical treatments of the ancient Egyptian Ebers Papyrus. Many Egyptian medical remedies and procedures intrigue and inspire the later Greeks.

READ: Cult of the Fire God - Bronze Age Quest Adventure

See also:

jars of preserved organic matter
Strange things lurk in jars

In Egypt, the first evidence of medical treatments appear c. 3400 BCE. By c. 2000 BCE Egyptian medicine reaches unprecedented heights. Like early metallurgy, some branches will lead to later practices in alchemy, a subject of fascination in Egypt.

Doctors in ancient Egypt study at the House of Life. By the Late Period c 800 BCE, every town and city has a House of Life. The original is said to be the creation of Thoth, the Egyptian god of scribes, medicine, measurement, wisdom and the moon.

See also:

engraving of god Thoth at Luxor
Thoth, god of the moon, wisdom, scribes, medicine, magic, architecture, hieroglyphs; Luxor, Egypt c. 1400 BCE

The House of Life is a compendium of knowledge on many subjects, including copies of the Pharaoh's correspondence, administrative records, magic spells, legal documents and medical treatments.

house of life emblem glyph

The only way to become a doctor in ancient Egypt is to study the written works and drawings of those who come before and apply them in practice. Deviations from specific proven treatments can lead to legal punishment; or, if a patient dies, the death sentence.

left - seal impression with the words pr anx - 'house of life'

See also:

Egyptian Ebers Papyrus with treatments, diseases, remedies, cures
Ebers Papyrus page in hieratic script - treatment of asthma by inhaling mixed herb vapors

Ancient Egyptian medical writings often center on eye disease. Remedies documented in the Ebers Papyrus are varied, and include:

READ: Cult of the Fire God - Bronze Age Quest Adventure

Birth control: "To prevent conception, smear a paste of dates, acacia, and honey to wool and apply as a pessary" (vaginal insert).

See also:

white flowers of elderberry
Elderberry (Sambucus) in flower

Diabetes mellitus: "Drink a mixture including elderberry, asit plant fibers, milk, beer-swill, cucumber flowers, and green dates."

Guinea-worm (Dracunculus medinensis) disease: "Wrap the emerging end of the worm around a stick and slowly pull it out." This remains the standard treatment. Guinea worm disease is caused by life cycle and emergence of the worm, typically in tropics where medical treatment is unavailable.

See also:

wiggly worms causing disease
Parasitic Guinea worm larvae

Bleary eyes: Combine the following ingredients into a paste to apply to the bleary eyed patient: Myrrh, Onions, Verdigris (green copper salts) and Cyperus (sedge) from the North.

Add with Antelope dung, Clear Oil, and Entrails of the qadit animal. This could be painted on with a Vulture's feather."

See also:

bushy papyrus reeds
Papyrus, a type of sedge

To drive Blood from the eyes: create two substances, one from powdered fruit of the donpalm and milk of a woman who has borne a son. The other Cow's Milk.

Then in the morning bathe both eyes from the first mixture. After that, wash the eyes with Cow's milk four times for six days.

See also:

udder of a cow and two calves
Hungry calves

Xanthelasma - harmless yellow bump(s) on or near eyelid skin. A type of xanthoma or cholesterol deposit, a xanthelasma can be soft, chalky or semi-solid. Treatment: Use a combination of red lead, Goose Grease, and Ginger to coat the eyes.

READ: Cult of the Fire God - Bronze Age Quest Adventure

Pterygium - wedge-shaped growth over eye. It can affect other parts of the body. Apply a mixture of red lead (minium); powdered wood from Arabia; Iron from Apollonopolis Parvis (city on the Nile); Calamine (zinc oxide), Egg of an ostrich, Saltpeter from upper Egypt, Sulfur, and honey to the eyes.

See also:

pterygium or surfer's eye
A pterygium, eye affliction also called surfer's eye today (credit: José Miguel Varas, MD)

For an Ear-that-Discharges-foul-smelling-Matter, an application of Incense-in-Goose-Grease ground up with Cream-from-the-Milk-of-a-Cow in various grains is recommended.

A mix of Ass’s Ear, Red-lead, Caraway and Olive Oil, can also be squirted into the Ear.

Trichiasis: a common eyelid problem. Lashes grow in toward the eye. Eyelashes rub the cornea, conjunctiva and inner surface of the eyelids. Treatment: Combine Myrrh, Lizard's blood, Bat's Blood. Tear out the Hairs and Put thereon in order to make him well.

See also:

woman in bath with hand to her face
Itchy eyes, sign of ingrown eyelashes

Then use a mixture of Incense ground in lizard's dung, Cow's blood, Donkey's Blood, Pig's blood, Dog's blood, Stag's blood, Collyrium, and Incense to prevent the hair from growing back into the eye after being pulled out.

Eye remedy for damage done by evil:

  1. A Human Brain - Divide it in halves.

  2. To one half add Honey and anoint the Eye therewith in the Evening.

  3. Dry the other half, crush, powder, and anoint the Eye therewith in the Morning.

See also:

smoky portrait of young woman in green light
Medicine and magic

Blindness: Use two eyes of a pig with the water removed from them, True Collyrium (an eye wash), red lead, and Wild Honey to create a powder and inject it into the ear.


See also:

red led or minium, dye, medicine, paint, poison
Red Lead (Minium) a toxic lead compound. The brilliant pigment minium appears in medieval 'miniatures'.

Constipation: Chew bits of berry along with beer to relieve the constipation.

Migraines: A clay effigy of a crocodile with herbs stuffed into its mouth is bound to the head of the patient by a linen strip, which is inscribed with names of Egyptian gods. This treatment is said to get rid of the evil spirits and demons causing pain.

Recurring Headaches: Combine the inner of an onion, fruit of the am tree, natron, setseft seeds, cooked bones of a swordfish, cooked redfish, cooked crayfish skull, honey, and abra ointment. Apply to the head for four days.

See also:

swordfish swims past
The recipe calls for swordfish bones

Burn wound prevention: use a frog and warm it in oils and rub the afflicted spot, or warm an electric eel's head in oils and apply it to the burn site.

Diabetes: cakes, wheat, corn and grits.

Miosis (over-constriction of the eye pupil): small shavings of ebony wood and saltpeter.

Corneal Opacity (scarring of the cornea of the eye): place powdered granite in a cloth and then upon the afflicted eye.

See also:

man with eye disease
A corneal opacity or scar growth on cornea

Bilharzia, a disease caused by worms; and Hookworms, intestinal, parasitic blood-feeding roundworms. They cause the types of infection helminthiases.

Treatment: warm the Jochauflegung ("yoke application" possibly nexus or central core) of the sau (baobab) wood in oil and give to the patient. The plant Ammi visnaga commonly known as khella is also considered effective for bilharzia and related conditions.

To strengthen the nervous system: use a poultice of flesh of a fat cow applied to the body part which needs the strengthening.

See also:

a marbled big steak
Slap on the steak

Coryza (inflammation of mucous membrane in the nose): "Spit it out, thou Slime, Son of Slime: Grasp the bones, touch the skull, smear with tallow, give the patient, seven openings in the head, serve the god Ra, thank the god Thoth.

"Then I brought thy remedy for thee, thy drink for thee, to drive away, to heal it: Milk-of-a-Woman-who-has-Borne-a-Son and Fragrant Bread. The Foulness rises form out the Earth! The Foulness!"

Four times to be spoken over the Milk-of-a-Woman-who-has-Borne-a-Son and Fragrant Bread; put in the nose."

See also:

bread making in ancient Egypt
Make the Fragrant Bread

To prevent fleas and lice, mix date-meal and water in bowls. Cook the mixture until warm. Drink and spit it out.

To protect grain and repel rodents and vermin, sprinkle gazelle dung and mouse urine around the granary fire.

One of the more common remedies described in the papyrus is yellow ochre, or medicinal clay. Yellow ochre is widely used as medicine. Some ochres have an antacid and soothing effect on the digestive system.

See also:

red ochre and yellow ochre naturally
Natural red and yellow earth pigment ochres

Ochre is a family of earth pigments. Colors include earth yellow ochre, red ochre, purple ochre, sienna, and umber. The major ingredient of ochres is iron(III) oxide-hydroxide or limonite.

Red ochre's color comes from the mineral hematite, an iron oxide. Purple ochre is a similar source with different light refraction. Brown ochre, also called goethite, is a partly hydrated iron oxide. Ochre is favored for painting walls in the ancient Mediterranean world.

See also:

wall of yellow ochre
Bright yellow ochre wall

For health, ochres are rich in iron. Reportedly, ingesting ochre can combat lethargy and fatigue and perk up the metabolism. In ancient Egypt ochre is used to treat nausea.

See also:

copyright Sylvia Rose 2024

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