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Sprites: Ethereal Creatures of Faerie

Sylvia Rose

Updated: Jan 21

Sprites are small, charming faerie people with no grudge against humans. Their interest in the mortal realm is limited. Sprite magic is based on nature and the elemental energies. They're most associated with air and water.

A water spirit or sprite, fairy, on a rock by waterfall
Flow with the Grace of Water

Water sprites interact with freshwater creatures such as fish, water weeds and other water spirits like nixies. Like many magical beings the sprite has a protective and creative aura, which stimulates its environment.

Sprites can be male, female or androgynous. As they occupy fresh water they relate in Germany to Rhenos Pater, the Rhine River God, who rules all the lakes and rivers.


Together with solar spirits these intuitive personalities are responsible for sparkling drops and rainbows from a waterfall. They often gather at water sources where fresh springs emerge from the deep-delved earth.

In ponds and rivers they help care for tadpoles who will grow into frogs. Incapable of flight, water sprites may hitch a ride on ducks, fish, turtles, drifting river flora or friendly beavers.

A beaver in water takes a look
Need a ride to the poplar patch?

Air sprites can fly by magic, much like fairies. Fairies are wingless until the 19th century. Some air sprites are known as sylphs or sylphids, created in the 16th century by Paracelsus, also the founder of gnomes.

The sylphs of Paracelsus are invisible. Air sprites themselves are rarely seen, taking on the nature of the element. They may appear as wisps of fog or cloud, or maybe a seed caught in an updraft.

dandelion seed

It's said elderberry wine lets a person see pixies, but sprites are elusive. They cross into magical dimensions and see the world in both its simplicity and complexity, aware of natural connections and processes.

Like imps, sprites are about the size of a human finger, can however be smaller or larger. They can alight on a shoulder and whisper in someone's ear, leading the person into a daydream.

girl in summer dress walks on water

Whether water or air their favorite food is nectar and plant sugars. Nectar rich plants in the garden, especially near a pool, will attract Faerie folk. They fear the Harvest Toad but get along well with gnomes.

People might hear sprites laughing or singing as these small entities go about their jobs as environmental caregivers. The garden or wild pool is fresher and more vibrant when sprites are on the job.


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copyright Sylvia Rose 2024

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