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Egyptian Blue Lotus: Visionary Beauty

Sylvia Rose

The Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) is one of the two lotus flowers indigenous to Egyptian. The other is the White Lotus. A psychoactive plant, it's also called blue Egyptian lotus, blue water lily, and sacred blue lily. Purple lotus is sometimes sold as Blue, but it's a different species.

See also:

Egyptian Blue Lotus or water lily, tranquil scene
Highly prized - Egyptian Blue Lotus

In natural health Egyptian Blue Lotus is used to treat anxiety and insomnia, having a sedative effect. Ingesting the flower can cause a mild euphoric feeling, but like cannibis the effects can differ among individuals. Because of its psychoactive properties it's recommended to handle with care.

The Blue Lotus is sacred to the Egyptian God Nefertum (Nefertem), son of Ptah the Creator and Sekhmet the War Goddess. Known as He Who Sees Beauty or Beautiful One, Nefertum is a deity of fragrance and beauty. The Blue Lotus closes at night and opens by day to greet the sunrise with its ambrosial aroma.

See also:

sniffing lotus
Mmmm, smell that morning breeze

The flower can be taken in tea, or as tincture, dried plant, oil or extract. It's not approved for human consumption in USA but also not illegal. It is illegal in Latvia. The main psychoactive ingredients are apomorphine and nuciferine.

The underground rhizomes or roots are edible too. It's quite possible the priests of Nefertum used the flower to achieve a connection with the divine, granting the ability to see beauty in all things.

See also:

beautiful blonde looking over shoulder
The Art of Beauty

The Blue Lotus is known for its capacity to grow in nutrient-poor soils. It's pollinated by insects, especially evolved to accommodate certain types of bees. The fruit ripens and bursts, scattering seeds throughout the water.

They gradually sink or travel with currents. When they fall to the bottom they sprout to create new colonies or add to exisitng ones. From seed, it takes 3-4 years before the first precious bud appears.

See also:

blue lotus among lilypads
Blue Lotus flower opening up

Especially famous for its fragrance, Blue Lotus has benefits in aromatherapy. The aroma of the flower is linked to the dawn, a time of beginnings. It energizes the creative self.

It can rouse a low libido and has been used for its aphrodisiac qualities. The fragrance is associated with bliss. The Blue Lotus brings visions of the future or cosmic awareness together with mediation, dreams or astral travel.

See also:

silhouette of hand throws silver glitter from jar into air, like stars
... and a sprinkle of stardust

The Blue Lotus is often depicted in the art of Egypt. Nefertum is shown with the stylized flower above his head, an identifying feature and symbol of his divinity. The Egyptians of the ancient world are great herbalists and naturalists. They use the Blue Lotus for ritual, healing and probably recreation.

See also:

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