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Image by Billy Huynh
  • Sylvia Rose

Lapis Lazuli: Vibrant Blue Gem of Ancients

Throughout the ages people gaze upon lapis lazuli with wonder and awe. Mines in the Indus Valley, south Asia, date back to at least 7500 BCE or Neolithic Age. Afghanistan still produces some of the most beautiful lapis stones in the world, since 7000 BCE.

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Along with amethyst, amber and turquoise, lapis lazuli is a treasured item of trade. Afghanistan brought lapis to the Indus Valley cultures by 6500 BCE. Beads of lapis are often found in ancient burial sites of c. 4000 BCE.

Lapis is used by Assyrians, Akkadians and Bablylonians as ring seals and jewelry. The Epic of Gilgamesh (1800 - 1700 BCE) mentions lapis several times, so it was likely in the public eye at the time.

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The figurine above is Ptah, the great creator god of Egypt. He's a patron of artists, designers, sculptors, creators. His son Nefertum is called 'the Beautiful One'. And that's no lie.

The traits and spiritual meaning of lapis lazuli gemstone include prosperity, intuitive action, prophetic or revealing dreams. It can open channels to a rise in status or greater spiritual awareness, peace, harmony, truth, healing of emotional trauma.

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Lapis is vibrant in jewelry. The intense royal blue color, sometimes with golden pyrite inclusions, makes it one of the most desired and precious stones of the ancient world.

Queen of Egypt, Cleopatra, takes an exotic cosmetic step as she colors her eyelids with the blue pigment. Lapis is a favorite stone for carving beetles or scarabs, which are traded through the east and Mediterranean. The Mycenaean Greeks also trade with Mesopotamia for the brilliant blue stone.

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Lazurite, a type of sodalite, gives the stone its intense blue color. Besides lazurite, most lapis lazuli also includes calcite (white), other sodalite (blue), and pyrite (metallic gold).

Lapis lazuli is among the components of the rich funeral mask of Tutankhamun (1341–1323 BCE). Despite its use in the ancient world, knowledge of lapis lazuli did not reach Europe until the Middle Ages.

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Lapis lazuli relates to the throat chakra (self-expression, speech, song), and the chakra of the third eye. The third eye chaka is between the eyebrows and relates to perception, increased awareness and divine or spiritual communication.

In the European Middle Ages lapis is ground down to pigment, creating the color ultramarine blue. Ultramarine is the most expensive of all pigments during the Renaissance but finds its way into the palettes of painters such as Vermeer and Titian.

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Much lapis lazuli still comes the mines of northeast Afghanistan today. Other sources include Lake Baikal in Russia and the Chilean Andes. It's used in Inca jewelry and carvings. Pakistan, Italy, Mongolia, the United States and Canada all contribute to the global market.

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