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Image by Billy Huynh
  • Sylvia Rose

A Myth of Hahhima, Frost Demon God

Ḫaḫḫima (Hahhima) is a dreaded frost demon god of the ancient Hittites. His realm is a frozen wasteland. He spreads bitter cold and devastation throughout the earth. Two myths featuring Hahhima revolve around a similar theme, as the demon captures the Sun.

Read: Cult of the Fire God - Bronze Age Quest Adventure 

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When Hahhima kidnaps the Sun Goddess of Arinna, Storm God Tarhunna calls a meeting. Without the Sun, the earth will die, and the mortals too. Then who will sacrifice to the gods, tend their temples, prepare their meals and clean their clothes?

Read: Cult of the Fire God - Bronze Age Quest Adventure 

Tarḫunna sends messengers to find the missing Sun goddess of Arinna. Among them is Inar, God of Wild Animals. Inar discovers the demon's plot, but Hahhima freezes him to sabotage the search.

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With manic glee Hahhima freezes everything and everyone he sees. Only the rare white hare escapes to warn the Gods because she pretends to be frozen already.

While the Sun is gone, the Earth is dark and cold. Nothing grows. Evil spirits roam the frozen wastes. The people make fires but the Frost Demon sends howling winds and snow to blast through their houses and put the fires out.

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He's a deity of ice, freezing rain, extreme cold, killing frost, hail and blizzards. Hahhima wreaks havoc through the lands, leaving a path of suffering and destruction.

Shauska the Great Goddess assumes her love goddess aspect and turns on her radiant charms, but Hahhima has a heart of ice and her seductive allure doesn't work on him. He freezes her on the spot.

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War God Zababa and Storm God Tarhunna rise to the challenge. Hahhima sends a hailstorm even Tarhunna's lightnings bolts can't withstand. They fizzle out, and with a cry of triumph Hahhima turns the Gods to ice.

The only ones to escape his manic destruction are the brothers of his father, the divine smith Hashamili, and the Fate Goddesses. All the world lies frozen, and the Sun goddess weeps in vain.

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The great Mother Goddess Ḫannaḫanna (Hannahanna) comes to the rescue. She performs spells, dance, noise with shakers and drums.

Her magic spreads throughout the land. Rituals against the against the demon at first make him vaguely ill. Then his heart begins to melt.

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As he looks around at all the pain and destruction he has one moment of fragility, a tweak of emotion, before he flees back his lands of ice and hastily releases the Sun Goddess.

Once he's back in his own realm, his heart freezes again and Hahhima feels more like himself. The balance has been restored. The Gods thaw out.

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Hannahanna teaches them the sacred rites to banish the Frost Demon, and how to prevent him from appearing too soon or staying too late. She gives them natural medicine to heal the bite of frost.

The gods send a teacher to the humans, and thus are the rituals passed down.

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