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Shen Rings Egypt - Divine Protection

Sylvia Rose

Updated: Feb 18, 2024

Shen rings appear in ancient Egyptian art and spiritual symbolism. The shen ring or shenu is a circle with a rod on one side. The rod may be tied to the ring with stylized cord. The shen ring is especially associated with certain bird deities and royal rulers.

See also:

amazing falcon of Tutankhamen with shen rings & symbols
Falcon of Tutankhamen, Sun God Ra, Egypt 14th century BCE, holding shen rings & ankhs, with solar disc

The falcon above represents the Sun God Ra. Two shen rings enclose spheres of carnelian, a gemstone associated with Isis, the Sun and eternal life. Carnelian is often found in Egyptian tombs due to its solar colors and inner light.

Around the carnelian spheres, the rings are turquoise, also a stone of protection and immortality. Gold represents the Sun, King and Divinity. The two ankhs above the rings signify life everlasting. Other stones used are garnet and lapis lazuli.

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falcon portrait
The Falcon is associated with shen rings and kings

A stylized gold shen ring is pictured below, with circle, rod, symbolic rope or cord connecting the two. In spirituality the circle relates to feminine energy, the straight line to male. As in the Falcon of Tut above, the shen ring can be composed of or surrounded by gemstones and gold to heighten its intrinsic powers.

golden shen ring
Stylized Gold Shen Ring (c. Sylvia Rose)

Especially relevant to the protective powers of Sun God Ra and Nekhbet the Vulture Goddess, the shen ring or shenu is a sign of vision, achievement and reaching new heights. In art a papyrus stalk or symbolic was scepter may stand on a shen ring.

See also:

vulture goddess of egypt
Nekhbet is thought to be a griffon vulture

Shen means encircle. The shen ring symbol depicts or invokes divine protection. In myth and art, shen rings are often carried or presented in pairs. This might be for spiritual or symmetrical value.

A diety holds one ring in each hand or claw, as demonstrated by vulture goddess Nekhbet below. She can also carry one larger ring in both feet, or a shen ring may be shown as a separate symbol. Shen rings are still used as protective amulets today.

See also:

vulure goddess nekhbet with shen rings & crown of Atef
Vulture Goddess Nekhbet of Egypt with shen rings, plumed scepters, crown of Atef

The Vulture Goddess is associated with Upper Egypt and Egyptian Queens. The Queen is known as the King's Royal Wife or, should he have more than one, King's Primary Royal Wife. The Hawk or Falcon is a symbol of kings.

Nekhbet wears the Atef crown of Osiris, a white crown with an ostrich feather on either side, signifying her connection to the Afterlife. The white crown also represents Upper Egypt, of which Nekhbet is patron Goddess.

See also:

carouches carved in rock
2 cartouches or elongated shen rings, Egyptian rock carvings

The shen ring symbol can be stretched or reshaped to contain objects, which are then under the eternal protection of the ring. An elongated form of the shen ring is the cartouche. An oblong with symbols, a carouches encloses and protects a royal name.

The cartouche is especially popular in the Third Dynasy of Egypt c. 2686 - 2613 BCE in art and ornamentation. The shen ring might also be attached to a staff, a symbol of absolute or divine authority. The frog goddess Heqet (Heshu) is often pictured on a shen ring.

See also:

frog on a lilypad
Frog Goddess Heshu on her Shen Ring

In tombs of Egyptian kings and queens the shen ring can also represent the deified deceased. Similar rod-and-ring symbols come from Babylon.

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copyright Sylvia Rose 2024

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