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Alchemy Processes & Related Astrology Signs

Sylvia Rose

Updated: Sep 23, 2024

Alchemy and astrology interact on levels of occult arts, principles of science and laws of nature. Just for fun, here are the twelve alchemical processes, applications and related zodiac signs.

alchemy experiments

These signs became related to the processes of alchemy applied by English alchemist George Ripley (1415 - 1490). These are among the many lists of processes created, from early alchemy to the fanciful frippery of the later Renaissance.

The four phases laid down by Mary the Jewess are colors black, white, yellow, red. These become the nigredo, albedo, citrinitas and rubedo of the alchemical process. By medieval Europe colors are trimmed to black, white, red. Other versions may involve 7 - 32 processes.

making a list

In the 18th century Dom Pernety associates each process with a zodiac sign.

  1. Calcination (Aries)

  2. Congelation (Taurus)

  3. Fixation (Gemini)

  4. Dissolution (Cancer)

  5. Digestion (Leo)

  6. Distillation (Virgo)

  7. Sublimation (Libra)

  8. Separation (Scorpio)

  9. Ceration (Sagittarius)

  10. Fermentation (Capricorn)

  11. Multiplication (Aquarius)

  12. Projection (Pisces)

gold pouring

George Ripley's 12 processes are accepted by the minds of the time due to his extraordinary fame and reputation. Other authors have listed six to twenty-four processes, depending on their degree of infatuation with the concept.

Because these are twelve, and the zodiac signs are twelve, and the number twelve is significant in numerology as a "divine" number, Ripley's list and the astrological sun signs seem to come together naturally.

a blend of sweet flavors

The Processes

Calcination - Aries - Iron - Fire - Mars

Calcination involves subjecting a solid chemical compound to high temperatures without melting, in a controlled oxygen-deprived environment. This process is used to eliminate impurities or volatile substances, or to induce thermal decomposition.

The alchemist heats solids to a high temperature for purpose of removing volatile substances, oxidizing a portion of mass, or rendering them friable (crumbly). Calcination is sometimes considered a process of purification.

Aries is a fire sign, vibrant with action and ambition. The corresponding planet is Mars. Aries geologically is magma, molten rock inside the earth, and relates to the theme of purification by fire. Able to rise from flames of destruction, Aries embodies the spirit of the phoenix.

rainbow bolt

Congelation - Taurus - Copper

Congelation (from Latin congelātiō, lit. 'freezing, congealing') in context of medieval and Renaissance alchemy is the same as crystallization. Crystallization is the phenomenon through which solids are created with crystal structure.

Crystals can be formed through various methods such as precipitation from a solution, evaporation, freezing or direct deposition from a gas.

Taurus is an earth sign, often drawn to treasures such as precious metals and crystals. Crystals in nature are formed when gasses or magma cool in the earth. So, while Taurus may be hot-blooded at times, this person is capable of creating beautiful things.

creation in copper

Fixation - Gemini - Quicksilver

Fixation is the process of transforming volatile substances to enhance stability and durability. It involves separating volatile elements and reconstructing the substance into a solid form, either maintaining its original shape or creating a new configuration.

Fixation in histology, pathology, and cell biology involves preserving biological tissues to prevent decay caused by autolysis or putrefaction. This process stops biochemical reactions and can enhance the mechanical strength or stability of the treated tissues.

Fixation is an excellent tool for Gemini as this sign may sometimes be in need of grounding. Fixatio brings balance, strength and stability. As a meditative tool it helps define goals and direction, and what's important in life.

mirror images

Dissolution - Cancer - SIlver

Dissolution is a common process often associated with salt, a key element of the tria prima. In the Great Work or Magnum Opus, relating to creation of the Philosopher's Stone, salt or other substances may be dissolved, reformed and reused for successive stages.

Cancer is a Water sign but also strongly attracted to crystals. In ancient times metals and gems are considered to have genders and anthropomorphic properties, magical due to their seeming ability to grow from nothing.

This reflects the artistic side of Cancer. The Crayfish is a fluid sign, able to navigate twists and turns of life with subtlety and intent. If stagnancy happens Cancer can use the conceptual process to dissolve impurities of body and mind and re-invigorate the quintessential flow.

Cancer - silver, moon

Digestion - Leo - Gold

Digestion in alchemy is a meticulous process that involves the application of gentle heat to a substance over an extended period, typically spanning several weeks. This technique is carried out by sealing the substance within a flask.

The flask create a controlled environment for the reaction to take place. In alchemy the flask containing the substance is placed in fresh horse dung or exposed to direct sunlight to facilitate the digestion process.

Leo, influenced by the Sun and fire, is not only a blaze in the firmament but a deep thinker, too often in retrospect. Leo is able to "digest" or integrate information or experiences. Contemplating perspectives and wisdom over time establishes a pattern of positive change.

Leo attracts gold

Distillation - Virgo - Quicksilver

Distillation is a way of separating components in a liquid mixture based on their boiling points. The process takes advantage of the different boiling points of the substances present in the mixture. By heating the mixture in a still, the substance with the lowest boiling point vaporizes first.

These vapors are then cooled and condensed back into a liquid state in a separate chamber. The beauty of distillation lies in its ability to isolate and purify substances. Distillation can take such forms as simple, fractional and steam distillation.

Earth sign Virgo finds this process in an ancient practice of women - brewing. The process appeals to Virgo's canny analytical mind. Virgo deals with details in everyday life by separating and treating them according to their nature and may be drawn to herbology.

medicinal plants

Sublimation - Libra - Copper

Sublimation is a process by which a substance transforms directly from a solid to a gaseous state without undergoing an intermediary liquid phase. This occurs under specific conditions of temperature and pressure, allowing certain substances to sublime.

Products obtained through sublimation often have distinct characteristics and properties unseen in original solid form. It's used in a number of various scientific applications and exemplified in the action of dry ice.

This spiritual process and its magical transformation of solid to vapor is ideal for Air sign Libra. Libra is a unique individual with a number of talents not always revealed right away. Libra can also transition from a "solid" to the ephemeral realm of spiritus and dreams.

twirl of transformation

Separation - Scorpio - Iron - Mars/Pluto

A separation process is a technique that transforms a mixture or solution of chemical substances into two or more separate product mixtures, a scientific method of isolating two or more substances to achieve purity.

A separatory funnel is used to separate liquids of different densities. Dense liquid sinks to the bottom of the funnel to be drained out through a valve, away from the less dense liquid, which remains in the separatory funnel.

Scorpio, a water sign, is associated with this process on an elemental and spiritual level. A complex mix of substances, Scorpio is intriguing, but also quick to expunge that which is unwanted, resulting in a more unified sense of the whole.

moment of meditation

Ceration - Sagittarius - Tin

Ceration is continual addition of a liquid to a hard, dry substance while heating the substance. This softens it, as molten wax (Latin: cera). Alchemist Pseudo-Geber explains it as "the mollification of a hard thing, not fusible unto liquefaction".

In Pernety's mytho-Hermetic dictionary 1787, it's described differently, as transition of matter from black to gray, then white, by ongoing heating. Ceration can be interchangeable with other terms in alchemy to describe processes involving burning, like incineration.

Ceration speaks to the progressive nature of Sagittarius, this sign's affinity for transmutation and re-creation, and the nurturing, catalytic and destructive effects of fire. These characteristics appear in the nature of Sagittarius.

sagittarius the archer

Fermentation - Capricorn - Lead

Fermentation is one of the first alchemical processes used, deliberately evoked by c. 7000 BCE. Fermentation is the process in which yeast acts on sugar and converts it into alcohol and carbon dioxide. This process is the prime step for producing all types of alcoholic beverages.

Fermentation is a type of redox metabolism carried out in the absence of oxygen. For example human muscle cells use lactic acid fermentation when muscle cells cannot get enough oxygen to meet their energy needs through aerobic respiration.

Fermentation is a process of life and change. It's created by living organisms. For Earth sign Capricorn this is a part of positive growth. Although Capricorn can have a cynical side, fermentation of ideas and thoughts bring this all into balance, often while the body is asleep.

dream lover

Multiplication - Aquarius - Zinc - Uranus

Multiplication is the process in Western alchemy used to enhance potency of the philosopher's stone, elixir or projection powder. It occurs near the end of the magnum opus in order to increase the gains. Multiplication has a duality of meaning, much like Aquarius.

It's also related to the doubling or tripling of precious metals such as gold or silver. This is often done with asem, a secret metal alloy, appearing to increase the amount of metal. A law against multiplication is passed in 1404 England.

Zinc is one of the metals used in multiplication. This process is a good one for Aquarius due to the nature of this sign to multiply the good. Multiplication is not viewed as a negative unless its intent is evil. Aquarius is a sign with a lot of power, and must be careful to use it wisely.

have some water

Projection - Pisces - Cobalt - Neptune

Projection is the ultimate phase in Western alchemy. Typically, the process is described as casting a small portion of the Stone into a molten base metal. At one time the theory of "seed metal" is accepted, as in growth of gold from a small portion or seed.

The process of projection is used to transmute a lesser substance into a higher form; the typical example is lead into gold. However it's also used as a trick by people such as Edward Kelley, who is so adept he's desired at the court of Elizabeth I. In the end it's not to be.

The process of projection is artistic, intuitive yet oriented to precision, some of the qualities applied to Pisces. The metal cobalt defines the mystic nature of Pisces, as it's linked to the spirit world. The process also relates to the ability of Pisces to create something from nothing.

Immersion in water

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copyright Sylvia Rose 2024

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