Four color stages are required to reach the Magnum Opus, the Great Work or the Philosopher's Stone of the alchemist. These are nigredo (black), aldebo (white), citrinitas (yellow) and rubedo (red). Here's rubedo with a bit of citrinitas in context of all four colors.
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The four alchemic colors are defined by their Latin names.
nigredo (blackness) which represents putrefaction and spiritual death
albedo (whiteness), which represents purification
citrinitas (yellowness), the solar dawn or awakening
rubedo (redness), the final and crucial stage
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Rubedo is used by alchemists to designate the ultimate and concluding phase in the magnum opus or great work. The color red is closely linked with both gold and the philosopher's stone.

Citrinitas, or sometimes xanthosis, is a term given by alchemists to "yellowness." In alchemical philosophy, citrinitas stands for the dawning of the "solar light" inherent in one's being.
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Psychologist Carl Jung interprets the alchemical process as analogous to psychoanalysis. In the Jungian archetype:
nigredo is the Shadow
albedo refers to the anima (man) and animus (woman) - contrasexual soul images
citrinitas is the wise old man or woman archetype
rubedo is the Self archetype which has achieved wholeness

The alchemical process can also happen in three phases as shown. Here citrinitas bridges albedo and rubedo. In the rubedo stage, the alchemist needs to integrate the psychospiritual outcomes of the process into a unified sense of self, before reintegrating into the world.
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During this transformative stage, individuals embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and growth. It can extend over a significant period, potentially lasting several years. This prolonged duration is essential.

Rubedo signifies triumph and the culmination of the great work. It's also known by the Greek term iosis, literally meaning uncountable. In alchemy, the concept of Rubedo is the final stage of the magnum opus, attainment of enlightenment and spiritual transformation.
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This phase is characterized by the color red, symbolizing the fiery passion and energy that accompanies the union of opposites. The process of achieving Rubedo involves the integration of all aspects of the self, leading to a state of wholeness and self-realization.

It's a time of rebirth and renewal, where the alchemist emerges from the darkness of the unconscious to embrace the light of consciousness. The term iosis emphasizes the ineffable nature of this stage, highlighting its transcendent and boundless qualities.
As such, Rubedo is not just a physical transformation, but a profound spiritual awakening. It marks the culmination of the alchemical journey towards inner balance and self-discovery.

It involves the intricate process of synthesizing and validating a multitude of deep insights and experiences gained along the way. Each experience, whether positive or challenging, contributes to the individual's overall transformation.
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The experiences shape perspectives, beliefs, and understanding of the Self and the world. The meticulous nature of this stage requires introspection, reflection, and a willingness to confront and integrate various aspects of one's identity and past.

It is a time of profound inner work, where one might grapple with values, aspirations, fears and limitations, ultimately leading to a more authentic and aligned sense of self. Navigating this process, a person may encounter both clarity and confusion.
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Breakthroughs, setbacks, and growth are integral to the transformative journey. This stage serves as a pivotal point in one's personal evolution, laying the foundation for continued growth, self-awareness, and fulfillment in the years to come.

Alchemical symbols for the red stage are rich and varied, including blood, a phoenix, a rose, a crowned king, or a figure draped in red. References to the reddening process abound.
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The seventeenth dictum of the 12th-century Turba Philosophorum is a notable example:
O Turba of Philosophers and disciples, now hast thou spoken about making into white, but it yet remains to treat concerning the reddening! Know, all ye seekers after this Art, that unless ye whiten, ye cannot make red, because the two natures are nothing other than red and white. Whiten, therefore, the red, and redden the white!

The Turba Philosophorum (c. 900 AD) or Assembly of the Philosophers, is one of the oldest European alchemy texts, translated from Arabic. It's included in the Theatrum Chemicum, the most comprehensive collection on alchemy in the Western world.
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Within the framework of psychological development, particularly among proponents of Jungian psychology, these four alchemical steps are seen as mirroring the journey towards individuation or, the process by which an individual becomes distinct.

This process enables an individual to achieve the harmonious integration of opposing forces. The aim is transcendence, and ultimately emergence from an undifferentiated unconscious state.
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Marking the culmination of the four stages, rubedo is seen as merging ego and Self. This stage is not only the genesis of a new personality but also a transformation that is irreversible, signifying the self's arduous journey towards self-realization.

It can be seen as a "reunification" process, involving harmonization of body, soul, and spirit, leading to self-expression and a reduction in internal conflicts. Self appears in a state of wholeness, where a person realizes her own authentic essence.