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Image by Billy Huynh
  • Sylvia Rose

Copper: Ruddy Metal of Myth & Magic

Updated: Mar 24

The Copper Age or Chalcolithic Age in history is the first Age of Metal. Copper is one of the original Seven Metals of Antiquity. This metal occurs in usable state in the ground or in placer deposits. Evidence of copper use goes back as far as c. 10,000 - 9000 BCE.

READ: Cult of the Fire God - Bronze Age Quest Adventure

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Evidence of copper mining dates to c. 7200 BCE in Anatolia. Early copper ore extraction involves building fire against a rock face and throwing water on the hot surface. Copper ores are pried from the rock face with mauls and hammer stones. Ores are crushed and smelted.

READ: Cult of the Fire God - Bronze Age Quest Adventure

As the Bronze Age dawns in Eurasia, copper is in demand by c. 3400 BCE. With tin, it's carried as pre-measured ingots on trade networks. Bronze is typically 88% copper and 12% tin. Goods include knives, utensils, bowls, mirrors, arrowheads, daggers and maces.

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In ancient Rome (after the 8th century BCE), the island of Cyprus is noted as a profitable region for mining this warm-toned metal. The English word copper comes from the Roman place name. Copper is one of a few metallic elements with a natural color besides gray or silver.

Copper (88%) and tin (12%) make the alloy bronze. Metallurgists use copper and zinc make brass, a process discovered by accident c. 5000 BCE. With gold, copper adds a warm reddish tinge, creating a favorite treasure of kings - ruddy gold.

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In tradition from the ancient world, ruddy gold or other precious metals are often made into bracelets, chains, amulets or armbands of pre-determined value and worn by a ruler or noble. They're given as a reward, payment or token of friendship.

Copper is created in the stars, and also found in Earth's crust. On Earth, copper is deposited from hot sulfur solutions of volcanic regions. The concentration of copper is up to a thousand times more than found in rocks alone.

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In natural health, copper conducts electric impulses or vibrations of positive energy to dispel feelings of apathy, lethargy, passive behavior, nervousness, hyperactivity, and low self-esteem. Copper calms the mind and helps focus prolific or lethargic energy.

Ancient Egyptians use copper to sterilize wounds and drinking water. They choose the Ankh symbol to represent copper in hieroglyphs. Ankh is the symbol of eternal life.

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In folklore, copper is associated with supernatural beings, treasures of the Earth, origins or beginnings. It brings gifts of prosperity, health and prestige. It's a lucky metal for Libra and Taurus zodiac signs. Copper jewelry opens channels of love and realigns sexual imbalance.

Copper transfers healing energy to body and mind. Found naturally in the body, copper is necessary for iron uptake. It helps create red blood cells, strengthens the immune system and nerve cells, helps form collagen and has antioxidant properties.

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Copper represents beauty, fertility, desire and sexuality. Early mirrors are made of polished copper or tin. Copper is sacred to the Roman goddess Venus, deity of love, beauty and desire.

The spiritual meaning of copper includes purification, mental cleansing, chakra balance, healing and dream enhancement. When entertaining, copper harmonizes the mood and makes guests feel welcome.

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The blood of some crustaceans is copper-based, making it blue. Squid, octopus and some other cephalopods also have blue blood. Humans and most other animals have red iron-based blood.

Copper relates to the home, friends, family and domestic activity. Copper bells are thought to frighten evil spirits. Highly polished, copper is a mirror and can also be a portal. It corresponds to the dawn (Aurora) and morning star Venus.

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Copper tarnishes on exposure to oxygen and develops a protective greenish patina or verdigris, used as blue-green pigment. Verdigris is the reason copper is considered a base metal; while in some definitions copper is noble, according to its chemical composition.

Copper relates to progressive rather than aggressive energy. As a product of Earth and Fire it's a chthonian element linked to linked to creativity, nature magic and passion. Copper can tone down anxiety and impulsive reactions.

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Copper carries the glow of golden orange and pink, the light of the sun and the earth connection. Copper vessels and pots are enchanting for flowers, home cooking and positive energy. The vibration of copper is healing.

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