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Image by Billy Huynh
  • Sylvia Rose

Happy Monday! Tidbits & Trivia

Updated: Jun 8

Monday is the Day of Women and the Moon. This day relates to the Moon in many cultures and languages. Here are the lucky colors for Monday, gems, metal, ruling astrology signs, flowers, lucky numbers, Monday trivia.

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Monday is influential, creative, uplifting and successful with the right tools and wisdom to tap into the special magic that is Monday, the Day of the Moon. It's a good day for meditation, ideas and connecting to the divine.

Depending on the calendar Monday is either the first or second day. The German Montag, French lundi and English Monday all mean "Moon Day." In the North American 5-day work week it's the first day of the work week and has negative associations in business and enterprise.

Monday relates to moon magic, the element Water with a touch of Fire, intuition and dreams. Romance might pluck the heartstrings today as the scent of roses fills the air. It's easy to get lost in a daydream.

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Monday Ruling Gods

Deities associated with Monday include the Greek goddess Selene (Roman Luna) who presides this day. The moon is also sacred to Roman hunter goddess Diana. In Germanic myth the Sun (Sonne) is female and the moon (Norse: Mandi) is male. In the night, he reflects her light.

In Hinduism, Mondays relate to the Hindu god of the moon Chandra or Soma, associated with the night, plants and vegetation. In various languages Monday is Somavara. Fasting on Mondays shows dedication to the deity Shiva. One of Shiva's symbols is the crescent moon.

In ancient Egypt the moon god is Konshu. He's associated with women and fertility because he gave the wife of Ra, the sun god, five extra nights of moonlight so she could bear her children, which Ra had forbidden.

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Monday Zodiac Signs

The astrology sun signs equated with Monday include Cancer and Aries. Aries is also the sign for Tuesday and the energy of this sign and planet Mars could build later in the day. Most of Monday belongs to Cancer, the Crab or Crayfish, and the influence of lunar power.

Cancer is a Yin energy supplemented by Yang and associated with element Water. Dreams, visions, inner feelings may have deeper meaning. Cancer is also fortunate for money and material gains, a quality bolstered by the influence of Yang Aries. These fire and water signs don't always mix well and some emotional disruption could happen after noon. Avoid conflict. Later in the day, paths of progress open up.

As the moon is a reflection of fire and director of the tides, ornaments or artwork of the moon can be lucky for harmony and mental fulfillment. Catch a jar of moonlight on a full moon night and release it or wear a vial as an amulet to help attune to the magical flow of Mondays.

Monday Lucky Colors

Blue, purple, silver and white are fortunate for Monday. Blue vibrates with dreams, hidden depths, feelings, intuition, truth and clarity. Deep blues open up the subconscious and spirit pathways. Pale blues and aqua blues refresh and mind. Aqua perks up the imagination.

Purple touches the mystic and encourages confidence. It's a color of balance, royalty, success and eldritch energies. Wear or decorate with purple to boost the lunar connection. It's also a lucky color to attract money on this day.

Silver is a popular money magnet and also hones intuition and feminine senses. It's a color of the moon and sun sign Cancer. Silver grey colors bring overall good fortune today.

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White is a color of beginnings. White reflects all colors and also corresponds to multi-colored effects like rainbows and light spectra. Meanings of white include innocence, the tabula rasa or blank slate, attuning to the divine in the cosmos and the Self. Like Black, White is a strong goddess color.

Monday Lucky Numbers

The numbers of Monday are 2, 7 and 9. Two is a number of balance and harmony, but also warns of emotional disturbance. Relating to the moon the number 2 can help channel feminine energies, virtues of kindness, compassion and inner strength. Those who identify with two are caring and helpful to others.

Seven is one of the magic numbers of the mystic arts, and a very lucky number. As a prime number it stands for uniqueness and self-confidence. Number seven seeks answers and deeper meanings. If Monday dumps you into a run of bad luck, this number could boost you out of it.

Number 9 is associated with fairies, protection, expansion, mystic connections and deities. In Eastern astrology number nine enhances energy. It is the highest single number thus closest to the gods. In some folklore, it's safe to enter a fairy ring only if the person runs around it nine times first. Number 9 can also enhance negative energy so use with care.

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Monday Work & Business

Monday is not a good day for early morning business meetings. Progress may seem slow and scattered. Monday has a long history of being the most dangerous day of the week. More workplace accidents happen on Mondays than on any other day.

It's a lucky day for compromises and agreements. Attaining high goals today is difficult but progress can be made. Set stepping stones in place. Creativity burgeons and Monday is auspicious for finding solutions.

Partnerships are strong as number 2 rules the day. Monday is a good time to formulate ideas, make drafts and create concepts.

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Monday Lucky Metals

Silver is the metal of the day and brings illumination and luck on Mondays. Silver favors curves over straight lines, the journey over the destination, thought before action. Silver is a queen on the throne, a traveler in the night, a flash of inspiration and a guiding light.

Beloved by the spirit world, silver opens up lines of communication and channels of awareness. It's one of the noble metals of metallurgy and one of the metals of antiquity. It has the highest conductivity and reflectivity of any metal.

Silver is used in jewelry and ornaments, mirrors and conveyance of electricity. It's also used to convey magical currents, attract prosperity and connect with ancient wisdom or past lives.

The metal magnesium can also bring good vibes on Mondays. Found abundantly on the moon it's also a common earthly metal and can provide grounding, protection and perspective. When exposed to air it forms a thin coating to protect itself from further corrosion.

Magnesium is the third most common element in sea water, after sodium and chlorine. Salt water hydrotherapy might be an option for optimal health today.

The bathing benefits of magnesium go back to 1618, when a farmer in Epsom, England tried to give his cows water from a well. The cows refused to drink but the farmer noticed the water seemed to heal scratches and rashes. The element became known as Epsom salts, eventually recognized by scientists as hydrated magnesium sulfate.

Monday Lucky Gemstones

Moonstone is the primary gem for Monday, as well as amethyst and crystal quartz. Moonstone relates to the Third Eye Chakra and Solar Plexus Chakra. It's associated with the element Water and the moon.

Moonstone is a gem of inner strength and emotional calm. It attunes to beginnings, growth and magical insight. It can help channel or attract energies in moon magic. Moonstone's mystic glow comes from adularescence, the diffraction of light through layers.

Amethyst, a type of quartz, is one of the most precious ancient gems. Relating both to air and water it attunes to the magic number three. Amethyst offers protection, enlightenment and a boost to self-esteem. On Mondays it can inspire creativity and connection to the collective unconscious.

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Clear quartz or rock crystal brings powers of divination and awareness, and facilitates the flow of energy in the body or environment. Like the color white, clear quartz reflects all colors and attunes to colored optical or prismatic effects. Quartz embodies the power of light. The light of the moon can charge its positive energy.

Monday Lucky Flowers

White flowers are fortunate today, such as jasmine and rose. A night-blooming fragrant plant, jasmine has soothing effects in aromatherapy. Jasmine cleanses the aura and promotes relaxation and prophetic dreams.

Jasmine incense or tea helps relieve anxiety, improves digestive health and aids in restful and refreshing sleep. In the evening jasmine can enhance sensual energies.

White rose fragrance or flowers attract or signify eternal love. They also encourage trust in others or oneself. In some cultures white is symbolically associated with death. White rose allows transcendence or rising up to a new level of spirituality, and relates to the divine. Roses are edible and tasty. Sprinkle a few petals in salad.

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Monday Lucky Animals

Lucky animals this day are deer, who relate to the Faerie realms, and the cat, who travels the spirit worlds. The Hare is also fortunate due to lunar and spiritual associations. The Hare is a creature of the Moon and realms of mystery.

It's the original Easter bunny and is also linked to madness, as the March Hare. Attuning to Hare energy gives guidance in unfamiliar realms. Hare relates to dual elements Moon and Earth. Although this energy can seem skittish the Hare is well grounded.

The Doe and Stag are creatures of the Moon, night, Faerie and the gods. They're sacred to Diana the Huntress and also protected by the magic of the Fae. Fairies and moss people often use doe's milk for drinking and baking.

Deer can bring sensory awareness and sensitivity to one's environment. Deer relate to beginnings, night magic, psychic connection and gentle virtues. If confidence is lacking, attune to the energy of the Stag.

The Cat relates to the feminine, the moon and the night. Cats know hidden trails and hidden facets of being. The Cat engages the wild spirit. She taps into the primal Self and the aspect of the hunter. Cats teach patience. They know when to stay quiet and observe, and when to make a move with ruthless precision.

The curious Cat also loves luxury and pampering. She encourages playfulness and learning through play. The Cat is an excellent mother and a symbol of motherhood.

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Monday Trivia

The Eastern Orthodox Church commemorates Angels on Monday. Priests may fast to connect to these heavenly bodies.

Monday is unpopular in popular culture. On October 17, 2022 Guinness World Records announced Monday as the 'Worst Day of the Week'.

Monday is significant for most Muslims as it's the birth day of prophet Muhammad. He also received his first revelation (which would later become the Qur'an) on a Monday. It's one of the week days for fasting, the other being Thursday.

Monday is xīngqīyī (星期一) in Chinese, meaning "day one of the week". In North America Sunday is Day One and Monday Day Two. Historically, the Greco-Roman week started on Sunday (dies solis), and Monday (dies lunae) was the second day.

According to the 1893 English verse Monday's Child, "Monday's child is fair of face."

Lundi Gras or Fat Monday was once celebrated to precede Mardi Gras. On that day a king was crowned to preside over the Carnival festivities. The tradition has seen some revival since the late 20th century.




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