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Image by Billy Huynh
  • Sylvia Rose

Happy Thursday! Tidbits & Trivia

Updated: Sep 21, 2023

Happy Thursday! Here are the astrological sun signs, lucky colors, lucky numbers, gemstones, flowers, planet associated with Thursday, Eastern crossover, and trivia about Thursday. Thursday is the day of Thunder, Jupiter and the Buddha.

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In the West, Thursday is named for the Norse god Thor. Old High German refers to him as Donar, from a proto-Germanic origin.

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Day of Thunder

Donner means thunder in German. Thursday is Donnerstag. In Deutschland one calls bad weather Donnerwetter, thunder weather. in the 1823 American poem The Night Before Christmas, Santa's reindeer include Donner (thunder) and Blitzen (lightning).

In the Eastern Orthodox Church Thursday is sacred to the Apostles and St Nicholas of Myra. Saint Nicholas, a generous Archbishop, was the inspiration for the gift-bringer of the same name who visits European households the 5-6 of December, and also today's Santa Claus. On Donner, on Blitzen!

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Day of the Buddha

In Hinduism, Thursday is dedicated to Vishnu and incarnations such as the Buddha. The Buddha forsook royal privilege in life and traveled as an ascetic for several years. Beneath a Bodhi tree in what now is India, the Buddha achieved enlightenment. Then, he spent his life wandering as a teacher and spiritual guide. Buddhist priests wear orange as a color of enlightenment.

The Bodhi tree, a type of fig, represents wisdom and knowledge. The growing rate of the heart-shaped leaves relates to the gradual growth of spiritual awareness.

"The mind is everything. What we think, we become." - the Buddha

In most languages of India, Thursday is Guruvāra, with Guru referring to planet Jupiter, teacher or guide. The energy of planet Jupiter is optimistic, joyous and expansive. It's a planet of growth, healing, good fortune, prosperity and miracles.

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Day of Jupiter

The Roman god Jupiter, for whom the planet is named, equates with Greek Zeus, Sky God and flinger of lightning bolts. Orange is the color of planet Jupiter and also relates to successful progress, optimism and enlightenment.

In the Roman pantheon, Jupiter is the god of thunder, lightning and storms, light and the sky. In Eastern culture the planet Jupiter is known as the Wood Star. Green is the color of Wood. One of the five elements, the others being water, fire earth and metal, Wood relates to springtime, growth, the east, planet Jupiter, windy weather, and the Azure Dragon.

Thursday Zodiac Signs

Thursday takes influence from astrology sun signs Pisces and Sagittarius. It's a day of harmonious integration, creative progress and success in projects and endeavors.

Don't get dragged down by unwanted emotions. The day is ripe with potential. Meetings and partnerships are constructive. Money or financial opportunity comes your way. Thursday is lucky for love as romantic energies rise later in the day.

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Sun signs, lucky signs for Thursday, zodiac clock
Cosmic Influences are Fortunate Today

Thursday Lucky Numbers

The influence of Jupiter vibrates with the numbers three and five. Three is a powerful number in magic and relates to harmony, wisdom and understanding. It corresponds to triptychs and cycles such as body mind spirit, past present future, life death rebirth, and represents the shape of the triangle.

Number five is associated with freedom, curiosity or exploration, and change. It's a number of protection associated with the pentacle. Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and on Sunday-starting calendars, Thursday is the fifth day of the week.

Thursday Lucky Colors

Orange is the color for Jupiter and Thursday. Other colors associated with Thursday include yellow and blue-green. Yellow signifies joy and the Sun. It's an upbeat number of humor, laughter and spontaneity.

Blue-green, aqua, cyan, teal, turquoise are color wheel and spiritual opposites of orange. These tones can calm impetuous energies. Blue relates to intuition and dreams. Green is a color of creativity and expansion.

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Blue-green hues inspire imagination, bring harmony to the mind and nurture personal awareness and growth. For independence, confidence and self-sufficient success, purple is fortunate on this day.

Thursday Lucky Gemstones

Lucky gemstones for Thursday include amethyst, aquamarine, turquoise and topaz. Amethyst opens up spiritual awareness and boosts self-confidence. Aquamarine calms and refreshes the mind and activates imagination. Turquoise inspires new projects and brings undiscovered talents to light. Topaz appears in many colors and is overall a stone of healing.

Thursday Lucky Flowers

Plants associated with Thursday include the water lily or lotus flower, and carnation. The carnation is the flower of Zeus. It's botanical name comes from the Greek dios, referring to the God Zeus, and anthos, meaning flower. In Victorian times carnation colors had certain meanings:

  • Red for admiration

  • White for purity

  • Purple for change of mood

  • Pink for gratitude

  • Yellow for rejection

The lotus relates to purity, strength, resilience and rebirth. The water lily attunes to strength and resurrection.

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Fat Thursday - Fetter Donnerstag

Fat Thursday in February is part of the Carnival celebrations in Germany, Poland, Spain, Greece and Italy. Although festivities differ by country and region, Fat Thursday was traditionally the day people ate all the leftover meat from winter.

As temperatures warm in springtime, natural cooling fails. Perishable food is consumed and shared with friends and neighbors. Carnival revelry begins in Germany at 11:11 on November 11, and celebrations get serious after the Winter Solstice.

As a Christian celebration Maundy Thursday refers to the night of the Last Supper and the Passover celebrated by Jesus with his disciples. Ascension Thursday is the day Christ ascended to heaven, forty days after Easter.

More Thursday Trivia

In French, Thursday is jeudi, relating to Jupiter. Most Romance languages use the same reference. In Latin it's Jovis Dies, day of Jove or Jupiter.

In the English poem 'Monday's Child', Thursday's child has far to go.

Chinese zodiac animals associated with Thursday are Rabbit and Rat. Both relate to the planet Jupiter. Goats are sacred to the Thunder God Thor, the Bull to Zeus. The Eagle attunes to Jupiter and Zeus.

Islam and Judaism both consider Thursdays auspicious for fasting.

Since 1935, all general elections in the United Kingdom are held on Thursdays. Local elections usually take place the first Thursday in May.

In the 1970s and 80s, Thursday was 'Fish Day' for restaurants and eateries in Russia.

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Chinese, Baltic and Slavic languages name Thursday "fourth day", having no relation to Thor. Greek, Persian, Vietnamese call it "fifth day". The Quakers also named Thursday the "Fifth Day" to avoid pagan associations. In Japan, India and other Eastern cultures

Thursday relates strongly to Jupiter, the fifth planet from the sun.

For students and office employees on the Monday-Friday work week, Thursday is sometimes referred to as the new Friday or early weekend. There are fewer or no classes on Fridays and offices often take the casual approach that day so Thursday is a common night for pre-weekend parties. This day's also called "thirstday" or "thirsty Thursday".

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