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Animal Spirits - Frog, Cat, Bull

Sylvia Rose

Updated: Nov 15, 2024

Ancient people of Europe including the Germanic tribes were close to nature in all its forms. In shamanic tradition, animal spirits can be helpers or bring qualities such as strength, grace or enhanced senses; and gifts of wisdom or advice.

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In Germanic pagan tradition almost any manifestation of nature is associated with a spirit, specific magic or eldritch entity. Superstitions based on animals include patting your wallet when you hear a cuckoo, for money luck; and tying red ribbons in horses' manes to ward off the malevolent Mare.

See also:

Forest fairy with butterfly holds up a glass or mirror revealing the nature of the beast
Shaman Magic - Nature of the Beast

Shaman lore flourishes today. Animal spirits may bring specific gender energies but are helpful to any gender. Totem animals appear in dreams, meditation or daily life. They can be pets, domestic animals, wildlife; mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, insects and any member of the animal kingdom including the dust mites under the bed.

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Sometimes the smallest physical entity can pack the most punch with special abilities and traits. No one animal spirit is intrinsically more powerful than another.

Call up animal spirit helpers through meditation, dance, an image or symbol, or rhythmic music like drumming. Spirit workers can achieve a trance state much like lucid dreaming. With some animal energies, attuning to the rhythm and vibrations time and patience. With others there may already be a connection.

1. Frog - Health, Music, Moon Magic

The spritely Frog is a wonderful spirit animal, bringing desirable qualities and a peek into the magic of the Moon and Night. Frogs can represent singing and vocal talents, natural health, humor, celebration, mysticism, society and romance.

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Leopard frog in a pond with lily pads, eating a dragonfly or damselfly, frog spirit animal, shamanic totem
Leopard Frog having a snack among lily pads

Frogs have lungs but also breathe through their sensitive skins, taking in oxygen by through the thin surface layer. Some frogs secrete toxins. At one time the skins of Frogs were used for medicinal purposes. Lack of frogs in an area is a sign of poor environmental health.

The Frog is associated with Yin or feminine energy, the element Water, the Night and Moon. People with a Frog spirit or totem are intuitive, clever and may have an unusual voice. Frogs relate to the throat chakra. In North America, one who needs to cough or clear the windpipe might say "I have a frog in my throat."

Frog people are good team players and work harmoniously with others. Friends they have aplenty. Their lively optimism and bright sense of humor stand out in a crowd. They are dreamers, forward thinkers with a mystical side, and can be impulsive. A Frog person might be in the business of entertainment, health or hospitality.

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A green tree frog his throat into a balloon, ready to serenade the night
Tree Frogs & Water Frogs have similar qualities

The Frog is also a symbol of fortune and prosperity. In Eastern philosophies the three-legged Money Frog (aka Money Toad) Jin Chan or Chan Chu is placed in a home or business to attract wealth.

Jin Chan was a member of the hierarchy of Eastern goddesses. She grew greedy and stole the treasured Peaches of Immortality, thus was turned into a three-legged amphibian. Her energy is said to attract money luck.

Frogs can also relate to transformation, cycles and change. Hatched from the egg as tiny pollywogs or tadpoles with slim rudder-like tails, they grow limbs and other distinctive features, and lose the tail to become an adult frog.

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Two people hugging, people in love
Love and Romance

The Frog reminds us how we change as we grow and our life philosophies and priorities. The Frog spirit may express positive changes coming your way and the natural ability to adapt. Avoid overworking a problem.

The Frog attunes to feminine qualities: Yin, the moon and night magic; element Water, linked to the flow of prosperity; intuition and dreams. Frog people are at home with colors green and blue for Wood and Water.

Frogs are also symbolic of romance, and a person with Frog influence may have a deep romantic streak. This is the type of person who sings love ballads under your window by the light of a full moon, Juliet. In dreams or visions, frogs can mean money, a new romance, or a new level of depth to an existing one.

2. Cat - Secrets, Independence, Patience

Another Yin energy associated with night magic is the Cat. The Cat is one of the most familiar totem animals and the second most popular pet on the planet (after fish). She can travel the mystic realms, and bring wisdom or messages from from the spirit world, and reveal esoteric secrets.

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Beautiful gray striped fluffy cat - the Spirit of Cat represents grace, motherhood, sensuality
The Cat relates to mysticism and motherhood

Cat brings heightened awareness. With Cat energy you know when to act, and when to bide your time. The Cat can wait with seeming indifference for a long time, then springs with precision.

Cat people are sensual, independent and may enjoy time alone. Like the Puma, the Cat embodies primal emotion. She carries secrets and hidden knowledge in this and other worlds, and teaches the value of observation. In the lore of Egypt it's said a Cat sits in judgment at the end of a person's life.

Cats also represent motherhood and nurturing. Excellent parents, Cats are strong defenders of the nest. The Cat loves luxury. She brings qualities of grace, elegance and flexibility. Spirit of Cat also relates to sensual attraction. The Tomcat embodies wanderlust. With natural curiosity, some Cat people love to travel. With their love of comfort, others would rather curl up on the couch at home.

A cute kitten roaring with a mighty mew
A mighty roar!

In Germany and other parts of Europe, Cats may be Harvest Spirits. They're also favorite familiars of witches due to their innate wisdom and understanding of esoteric realms. Like Wolves, Cats embody the wild nature within.

While the energy of Cat is feminine, her gifts and traits can apply to anyone. Men who are cat people often have both male and female qualities. Cat people are sensual and graceful. They have an uncanny sixth sense.

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Cats take good care of themselves and are fastidious groomers. A Cat person doesn't have a hair out of place - but beware that glint in her eye. Cat people may appear vain or aloof at times, but deep inside they need the snuggles too. Cats like to live in the moment. Play is important for kittens and adults. The cat encourages us to let go of worries, and play awhile.

a calico cat in the yard
Calico cat - lucky for wealth & prosperity

In superstition, a black cat has different meanings. If you see a black cat on your wedding day, it brings a blessing to the marriage. In Japan, for ladies black cats symbolize new romance or a suitor for marriage.

In Las Vegas, if a black cat crosses your path you shouldn't go to the casino. Calico cats are lucky for money and good fortune in Japan, and are also auspicious in the US and UK, especially Ireland. Calico cats are usually female with only one in 3,000 being male. In Japan the money cat Maneki-neko is fortunate for wealth.

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Cats are sacred to the Norse Goddess Freya or Frigg, whose day is Friday. She rides a chariot pulled by two male cats. Cats are fortunate for mystics, dancers, travelers, writers, night people, business owners and mothers. The Cat's Eye gem chrysoberyl can bring luck and insight to people with a cat spirit animal or totem.

3. Bull - Power, Wealth, Virility

The Bull Spirit relates to physical prowess, financial prosperity and a great sex life. Bull brings an influx of Yang energy. This animal spirit represents the Sun and the element Fire, and is lucky for entrepreneurs, business people, those in positions of influence or power.

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The Bull's curved horns point to the sky. In Shamanic magic the Bull represents power, virility and wealth.
Bull energy can be intense!

The Bull's Fire association can also pull up deep emotions and cause massive destruction. Bull people have energy to spare but must beware of burnout, and may resort to bullying to get their way.

Good leaders if they find balance, they focus on goals and let nothing stop them. Impatience can be their downfall as aggressive Bull energies demand action. Bull may be accompanied by bird spirits such as magpie, blackbird or crane. The common quality of these birds is wisdom.

Bulls have been symbols of wealth since ancient times. Signs of the sacred Bull or Bull Cult appear in the Bronze Age (3300 BC – 1200 BC) in Crete. In Celtic lore, the Bull is revered as Hu the Mighty, symbol of fertility, strength, the land and the tribe. Today if stock market investors see at least a 20% rise in the index and are confident, we say the market is Bullish, as opposed to Bearish if investor confidence takes a dive.

Associated with zodiac sign Taurus, the Bull animal spirit rules the months of April and May. He symbolizes spring and fertility. In German tradition he comes to fertilize the fruit trees at Yule.

A water buffalo with curving horns has a bird on his nose
Water Buffalo bull with bird friend

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The Bull is both a great power and a sacrificial animal. In Hinduism the sacred Bull of Shiva is Nandi, “giving delight” or “giving joy.” He's also Shiva's animal form. When the world becomes evil, Shiva destroys Nandi to make way for beneficial change.

Shetland Bull in a meadow
Hey, let's be friends!

The Bull is a charismatic person who pulls no punches. Honest, hot-blooded and possibly headstrong, the Bull is a good one to have on your side. At least there's never a dull moment. This person may travel but enjoys a good home life.

Bull people are hard to intimidate. If you push, the Bull pushes back. Bull people are competitive and may be found in sports such as football. They can also achieve success as entrepreneurs.

Bull people sizzle with sensuality and vigor. They have no problem finding romantic partners. As a fertility symbol and Harvest Spirit the Bull is associated with creation and abundance. His horns form a crescent like the moon, his avian companions and star representation in Taurus all link the Bull to both the earth and sky.

From native lore comes the saying, "Only Earth and Sky last forever." The Bull is also a sign of longevity.

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copyright Sylvia Rose 2024

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