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Image by Billy Huynh
  • Sylvia Rose

Happy Tuesday! Tidbits & Trivia

Updated: Sep 24, 2023

Tuesday is the Day of the Warrior. Here are the good luck symbols, gems, flowers, colors, horoscope signs, trivia, history and more associated with Tuesday. It's a lucky day for positive forward motion in business and personal life, and a passionate one for love.

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Tuesday can be fortunate and progressive for work and love. Read on to discover the many influences for this day in myth, spiritual meaning and history, and how to make the most of terrific Tuesday.

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Ruling God & Planet

Tuesday relates to the planet Mars, warrior spirit, solar power and the color red. The name Tuesday comes from the Old English, arising from Norse Tiw or Týr, god of single combat, law and justice. Single combat can refer to battle between two people or two armies.

Among pagan Germans, the Roman god Mars, fiery, unpredictable, progressive and sometimes vengeful, equates to Tiw. In the ancient German pantheon a sky god called Ziu (pronounced Tsew) has faded almost to obscurity. He returns to the fore in the Lora Ley Fantasy Fiction novels.

In German and Afrikaans the word diens or dienst means service. According to some sources the German word for Tuesday, Dienstag, comes from Proto-Germanic þingsus-dagaz or Day of Thingsus. In Latin, Thingsus is the name of a pagan Germanic god of uncertain origin, who may or may not be equated with Tiw.

Symbols of Tuesday's ruling deity Mars are the sword and shield.

Astrology - Tuesday Zodiac Signs

Besides Mars influence, astrology sun signs Aries and Scorpio rule Tuesday, for an eventful day of action, passion and success. Adventure is in the air. However it's wise to stay grounded, and make no decisions based on emotion or whim.

Aries relates to Fire and the Sun, balanced well by the Water element of Scorpio. Emotions could be changeable and adaptation is the key to success. A Yang solar energy, in Eastern astrology Aries relates to the White Tiger of the west. Scorpio brings Yin influence. Intuition prevails over brain chatter.

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Tuesday Lucky Colors

Colors for Tuesday are red and red shades, maroon, chocolate brown and black. Red invigorates the mind and stimulates lust for life. This color corresponds to action, strength, energy, passion and blood. Tuesday is a good day for hot relationships and wild sex; but if passions take the wrong turn, anger and conflict could erupt.

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In love and life, too much red can be aggressive. Wear or carry deep browns, maroon (red-brown) and other earth colors on Tuesday to maintain grounding and balance. If the mind is nervous or erratic, meditate on the color blue, especially deep blues like Prussian and cobalt.

The color black is equivalent to the element Water in Feng Shui. Black clothing and jewelry are fortunate but balance is important. An overload of black can dampen Tuesday's flame.

Tuesday Work and Business

In business, Tuesday is auspicious for strong progress toward goals. It's not a good day for laid-back meetings or casual planning; rather, take a positive pace and direction comes clear. Tuesday relates to the Sun and Yang energy. It's a day to get things done, especially in the afternoon.

The element Fire commands this day, enhancing the call to action. Fire can be either a nurturing or destructive force. In Eastern philosophy, blue helps protect from the undesirable aspects of this powerful element. On Tuesdays, watch out especially for sunburn or dehydration on the job or on the run.

Tuesday Lucky Metal

Iron is the elemental metal of Mars. Iron is also represented by the deep red to silvery stone hematite, which contains about 70% iron ore. You know it's hematite if it's magnetic. The name hematite comes from the Greek word for blood. Other iron sources include the stone magnetite, and meteorites.

Iron brings a strong elemental energy of Fire and creation magic. In folklore, iron repels evil spirits and negativity. An iron knife buried under the threshold of the door keeps bad energies from entering a home. An iron horseshoe hung over the door does the same.

Horseshoes also act as vessels for helpful and positive energies. Hung with arch up and ends down, it deflects negative vibes and blesses the area or a person passing beneath. Hung like a U, the horseshoe collects good energy and lets it spill over for a slow suffusion in the immediate environment.

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Tuesday Lucky Gemstones

Gems and gemstones for Tuesday include diamond, ruby and topaz. Diamonds are produced from carbon, created by fire. The diamond is a symbol of strength and clarity. It's the hardest stone but also brittle and a direct hit from a hammer can smash it. Many real diamonds have been ruined that way.

A symbol of wealth, diamond also reminds us to take nothing for granted. Problems can be solved in gradually progressive ways.

The diamond opens up the mind to new channels of understanding and brings qualities of patience, mental clarity connection to the divine. Diamond is also a symbol of longevity.

Although the diamond has been revered as a stone of power and strength for centuries, its association with love relationships comes not from innate virtues but from the clever marketing of a diamond company in the late 1930s. Sorry, lovers and dreamers.

Topaz occurs in various colors. Blue and clear are most attuned to the dynamics of Tuesday. This stone attunes to personal and financial health and signifies wealth, prosperity, joy and generosity. Blue topaz helps channel inner wisdom and find the best paths to take.

Clear Topaz relates to confidence and positive intent. It's also used in spirit work to increase one's ability to connect with their animal spirit guides or helpers, and to communicate with animals.

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The rich red ruby can open up channels of passion and protection at work or play. Rubies relate to blood, soul fire and love of life. Ruby is said to guard its wearer from evil magic or intentional harm.

Both ruby and diamond are among the five cardinal gems, the others being amethyst, emerald and sapphire. The cardinal gems are those considered the most precious of all gems since the time of antiquity. In Hinduism the ruby is a stone of the sun, linked to sun deity Surya.

Tuesday Lucky Flowers

Flowers for Tuesday include thistle, honeysuckle and geranium. An edible medicinal plant, thistle is used for treatment of liver and gallbladder disorders; nausea, indigestion, diarrhea; skin ailments and rashes.

Honeysuckle has poisonous fruit but sweet nectar and pleasing fragrance great for aromatherapy. It's associated with the element Earth, planet Mars, and dual meanings. This prolific plant appears in Greek mythology.

The story tells of two lovers, Chloe and Daphnis. They lived far apart and were permitted to meet only while honeysuckle was in blossom. Daphnis pleaded for help from the love god Eros, who made the plant bloom from spring to autumn.

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In Victorian England, geraniums were considered lucky at weddings and for happiness in general. Tuesday's not a particularly good day for weddings, but great for honeymoons. Medicinally, ancient Romans used geranium flowers as ointment to treat wounds or skin problems.

Tuesday Lucky Animals

The animals Wolf and Woodpecker are both sacred to Mars and fortunate on Tuesdays. Wolf embodies qualities of tribe, protection, hidden knowledge and the wild spirit, and can cross boundaries of life and death. A mystic warrior, Wolf is a loyal and wise companion of shamans and animal spirit workers.

Wolf can have a dual quality: that of tribe or family, and spending time alone. Tuesdays are fortunate for family activities. Similarly, the energy may turn toward the lone wolf or truth seeker.

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The cheerful Woodpecker relates to new opportunities, forward progress and optimism. As well as drilling for food, the drumming sound of the Woodpecker is a form of communication with others.

The Woodpecker helps keep trees healthy by consuming pest insects, and so this perky bird is also a symbol of natural health and the healing powers of nature. The influencing element is Wood, relating to creativity, growth and expansion.

Woodpecker also attunes to strategic use or sharing of resources. The male downy Woodpecker, smallest in North America, has a longer beak for drilling into wood. The female's beak is shorter. She pries up bark to find bugs. Thus both birds can dine from one tree without exhausting its resources.

Mardi Gras - Fat Tuesday

One of the most famous Tuesdays is Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday, held in early February. After Christianity, Mardi Gras became a time to eat as much as possible before the fasting of Lent.

Before Christianity it was the time to eat as much as possible of perishable foods stored over winter, as days warm up and natural refrigeration fails. In Germany this day is Fat Thursday or Fetter Donnerstag.

Mardi Gras celebrations in New Orleans and elsewhere take place during the period of Carnival or Karnival, marked with dancing, parades, feasting, elaborate masks and costumes. Among other things the revelries, costumes and noise were meant to scare away evil spirits especially in the darkest days of winter when the Undead were said to roam.

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Tuesday Trivia

The 1838 English folk rhyme Monday's Child states, "Tuesday's child is full of grace".

Lucky numbers for Tuesday include 1 (ambition), 8 (victory) and 9 (divinity).

In Thailand the day is named for the planet Mars in Pali language, which also means Ashes of the Dead. In Thai tradition the color pink relates to Tuesday.

In the US, it's the day most elections are held. In Greece, Tuesday is unlucky as it marks the day of the fall of Constantinople. In Spanish tradition it's unlucky because of the association with Mars and war, therefore death. In both cultures, Tuesday the 13 is especially unlucky instead of Friday. However in Judaism Tuesday is a lucky day.

In Hinduism it's a day of fasting for many. Tuesday is the day ruled by Mangala (Mars) who's also known as Lohita (the Red One).

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