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Animal Spirits - Bear, Stag & Eagle

Sylvia Rose

Updated: Nov 15, 2024

Pagan peoples follow a tradition of nature reverence still active in parts of Europe. Spirits live in trees, water, sunlight, wind. Shamanism (transcendence) and animal spirit work are based on spiritual qualities, wisdom and insight we can apply on the path of life.

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1. Bear Spirit - Power, Longevity, Protection

The Cult of the Bear is one of the earliest signs of animal spirit worship among ancient tribes, going back to the time of the Neanderthals, and the most widespread. The meaning of the Bear includes strength, longevity, wisdom, journeying and protection. Mama Bear is ferocious. Although a solitary animal, the Bear can bring blessings of strength and longevity to team projects and relationships.

A big  brown wild grizzly bear walks in his environment, lit by indirect sunlight
Bear - Power, Passion, Protection

The Grizzly Bear (Ursus arctos horribilis) and other big brown bears have an irrepressible urge to chase fleeing creatures. Grizzlies can run up to 48 km/h (30 mph). Higher speeds have been noted but not officially. Climbing a tree is another futile endeavor. Brown bears and black can all climb trees. If the bear is too big to climb the tree, it might just push it over and there you are, lunch.

Perhaps you've heard to run downhill because bears have trouble with the slope. Nope, says US Forest Service. Black and grizzly bears both run downhill as fast as up. Running downhill to escape a bear is an urban myth.

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Suggestions to avoid a grizz attack: back away slowly, avoiding eye contact. If bear charges, stand your ground. Bears often feint a charge. If you run it will chase you, and it will catch you. Working with Bear animal spirit can be dangerous because even in the city, the destructive energy of the Bear spirit can prevail.

A Brown Bear might travel 20 - 40 m/day (32 - 64 km/day) and loves to roam. Bear energy brings fortune to travelers, explorers and warriors. The Bear asserts dominance. If it can't be the dominant animal in its space, it can get depressed even to death. This is why many bears can't survive captivity.

a detailed photo portrait of a beautiful brown bear
Portrait of a Brown Bear

The warrior energy of the Bear infuses fighters such as the berserkers in Old Norse history, who wore animal skins, drummed and danced into a frenzy when going to war. The Bear allows access to deep passions, but brings a warning of overpowering emotions.

The bear also has a strong desire to take things apart. Naturally curious, a bear might break up a dead tree to see what's inside. Maybe yummy grubs. Bear energy is innately destructive, a quality sometimes needed if used with wisdom. Bear people may also have a need to take things apart, and neglect to put them together again. On to the next project.

The Bear is an intelligent mammal who uses tools such as rocks to break apart stone edges and ledges. Bears also love to rub rocks on their faces as facial massage. This behavior's been observed in wild and zoo bears.

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Bear cubs stay with the mother about two and a half years
Polar Bear & Yearling Cub - a Polar Bear cub stays with Mom about 30 months

Polar bears don't hibernate, but most other bears do. Solitary male brown bears may not hibernate unless the weather's extreme. Female bears hibernate, and female polar bears take to their dens, as they give birth during this time. When the Bear hibernates, it does more than sleep.

The Bear's kidneys shut down and fluids are recycled in its body. All its natural systems are rewired. Because of the sudden physical change, to wake a hibernating bear can be deadly - for the bear. If you have trouble waking up, it may be an influx of Bear energy. Bear people need to awaken in their own time.

People who attune to the Bear are capable of great power and monumental deeds. They can be bossy, but have a playful side. Beware of strong emotions such as anger and sudden emotional upheaval or losing your temper. Attune to the wisdom of the Bear for balance.

2. Stag Spirit - Creativity, Mystic, Beginnings

The majestic Stag is a creature of Faerie light. The Stag represents speed, dance, athletics, blessings of beginnings, leadership and night magic. The Stag spirit can manifest as a social animal, surrounded by a herd, or a loner taking time to find new paths inside and outside the Self. The partner of the Stag is the Doe.

A stag or male white tailed deer on a meadow with trees and autumn sky. Stag animal spirit meaning.
Stag - Grace, Beginnings, Abundance

The Stag relates to pride and self-confidence. His senses of scent, vision and hearing are optimal. According to Auburn University research, deer can smell up to a thousand times (1,000x) better than a human. Stag energy enhances the natural senses. Attuning to this animal can show the best path to take, and also any danger to beware.

The Stag is a social creature but brings a strong message. It's better to be alone than in bad company. Seek company with those who support and strengthen you. Maintain personal independence and avoid being drawn into petty squabbles or bickering. The energy of the Stag rises above all that.

Stag imagery is often featured in pagan parades and festivities including the wearing of antlers, hide or skull. Stag energy brings vitality and fertility to relationships, projects, entrepreneurial ventures or life changes. Magic happens in the glow of dusk or dawn. Channels of communication open during cusp times.

The Stag invites us to take journey of senses and psyche. This animal attunes to deeper meanings and unseen forces working in our favor. When the Stag appears it's a good time to start a project or romantic relationship or strengthen one you already have. Have faith if venturing into unknown territory, for the Stag is a dependable ally, guide and protector.

A stag stand in the path, silhouette, inviting us to take a journey
Stag Silhouette on the path

As creatures of Faerie the Stag and Doe exude qualities of mysticism along with Earth magic. A little lingers in the flattened patches of meadow where the Deer rest and brings an infusion of nature and Faerie magic into materials gathered from or spells cast there. A plait or wristlet of braided grass from a place Deer have lain can help open channels of awareness.

The Stag is associated with spring and fall, abundance, romance, fecundity, creativity and sudden flashes of luck or uncanny intuition. People who attune to Stag energy are graceful, quick to adapt and may exude an aura of mystery.

ancient drawing of giant deer at lascaux france
Cave painting at Lascaux, 17,300 years old

A symbol of leadership, the Stag plays to the strengths of hidden skills or knowledge, favoring harmony and calm over chaos and bluster. Stag people have a way of working it out behind the scenes. If this person stands in the spotlight, it may be only in passing, but the moment is memorable.

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Deer appear in Paleolithic (Old Stone Age) cave paintings. In Roman mythology Deer are sacred to Diana the Huntress; in Greek, Artemis. Deer appear in folklore around the globe. In Turkic mythology Deer are associated with wisdom, agility, fertility and the supernatural.

In one of the Jataka tales of India, 4th century BC, the Buddha reincarnates as a deer. The story has many versions and highlights the virtues of empathy, compassion and karma.

3. Eagle Spirit - Intellect, Freedom, Perspective

The Eagle soars high above the earth, keen eyesight taking in every detail, yet attuned to the bigger picture. Esteemed in cultures throughout the world, the Eagle is a spirit of freedom, pride, achievement, visionary talents or skills.

A bald eagle soaring high in the sky. The eagle spirit represents perspective, intellect, freedom
Eagle - Perspective, Intellect, Freedom

In nature, Eagles are apex predators of the air. They're the biggest raptor, with the exception of some vultures, making them the largest birds of prey. With keen eyesight about twice that of humans, they're aware of minute details beyond the scope of ordinary vision.

Eagles know how to save energy. In storms they are able to ride the wind currents and may seem to fly above the clouds. These birds also represent illusions, or events needing a closer look.

Bald eagle coming to land on the aerie or nest
Bald eagle approaches the aerie

Eagles mate for life, with an elaborate courtship ritual. A dream or vision of eagles can be associated with an enduring relationship or marriage. It can also mean a rise in personal power or a vision of prophecy.

The nest or aerie is huge and messy, made by both the male and female. They use the same nest for years, building it into an apartment house ecosystem. Mice and other animals move in. They're too small for Eagles to bother with thus live in the protection of the Eagle's shadow.

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A bird of the Sun, the Eagle brings gifts of progress, illumination and success. The Sun and Eagle equate with Yang energy and the element Fire. Eagle people can reach bold heights of achievement. They are thinkers and dreamers blessed with solar power.

The Eagle relates to intellect and academic honor, as well as focus and perspective. Eagle energy stops a person from being self-absorbed, and asks us to look beyond the obvious. One who works with Eagle energy can rise above the rest in tests of intellect and agility.

European brown eagle sitting on a branch
European Brown Eagle, magnificent bird of prey

One with an Eagle totem may work in a position of responsibility but may not always be comfortable with a leadership role. These people have no problem working alone. They are conscientious, adept and precise.

They may be pilots, prophets or scientists. They often have grand ideas and the ability to carry them through. The Eagle personality can rise to amazing heights.

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Eagles have only a 20-30% success rate when catching prey. People with an Eagle totem or animal spirit are not quitters and ultimately succeed in their endeavors. In indigenous lore, a white eagle feather symbolizes respect, honor, strength, courage and wisdom.

Eagles love their freedom and Eagle people have high standards for themselves and others. Working with Eagle energy can bring you to an elevated position, as in a promotion, financial raise, enlightenment or rising social status.

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copyright Sylvia Rose 2024

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