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Image by Billy Huynh
  • Sylvia Rose

Happy Friday! Tidbits & Trivia

Updated: May 21

Friday is the Day of the Goddess. Lucky symbols, gems, colors, interesting trivia, tidbits and facts about Friday! It's a day to honor women, sacred to Frigg and Venus. Friday signals the end of the average work week in the Western world. Friday's loaded with tons of trivia, lore and facts from early to modern times.

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Friday is named for the Norse uber-goddess Freya or Frigg, corresponding to Roman Venus. It's a day to celebrate the beauty and power of women, the gentle virtues or the female warrior. In German Friday is Freitag (Frigg's Day). Frei in German also means free.

In Hinduism, Fridays are significant for married women. On that day they worship the goddesses. In most Indian languages, Friday is Shukravāra, named for Shukra, the planet Venus. In Islam, it's a holy day starting Thursday at sunset and ending Friday at sunset.

Friday's symbol is that of Venusa circle with a downward cross, which is also the symbol for woman. In Viking times, the planet Venus was called Frigg's star. Zodiac sign influences for this day are sun signs Taurus and Libra.

Gemstones for Friday include emerald and diamond, as well as pink and green gems such as peridot and rose quartz. Green is a color of the female warrior, creation, growth and nature. Pink relates to kindness, compassion and gentle love.

Colors associated with Friday include shades of blue especially in Thailand and the East, with pink and white more popular in the West. Blue is a yin color, and the color of the element Water. It corresponds to dreams, truth and intuition.

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Like All Dreamers ... (Jean-Paul Sartre)

Also in Thailand, Friday's a lucky day to get your hair cut. In Australia and the UK it may be known as Poet's Day, using the acronym 'piss off early tomorrow's saturday'. North Americans are more familiar with TGIF (thank god/goodness it's friday). The United States also recognizes Black Friday, the Friday after Thanksgiving, as a day to shop big bargains.

Lucky trees for Friday include the apple tree, cherry tree and maple tree. A charm, carved runes, jewelry or décor accent made of the wood of these trees is especially fortunate for stability and protection.

Animals of Friday are cats and falcons, sacred to the Goddess Frigg or Freya; and doves, which are sacred to love goddess Venus, especially in pairs. Two doves represent love and faithfulness.

The element copper is also associated with Venus, possibly because she enjoys looking in mirrors, which were once made of polished copper. It's lucky to wear or display this metal on Fridays.

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Lucky flowers for Friday are daisies and jasmine. With its Goddess associations, especially the Goddess of Love, Friday is a great day for romance. However, it's not a good day for starting major projects. If traveling on a Friday, seek speed and protection with the energies of amber or moonstone, both of which have feminine qualities and compliment the Friday vibe.

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In maritime lore, Friday is an unlucky day to set sail. Friday is considered unlucky in many cultures, especially Friday the 13th. The date occurs two to three times a year. It finds its way into the slash horror popular culture of the 1980's as a franchise of twelve films.

The tradition of misfortune associated with the number thirteen has two main sources - in Norse myth, twelve gods gathered at Valhalla. Loki the trickster was not invited. He crashed the party, became the thirteenth deity and orchestrated the death of the beloved god Balder.

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Another association with unlucky 13 comes from Christianity, in which thirteen individuals were present at the Last Supper. Also in religion, many Christians are asked to abstain from eating the meat of warm-blooded animals on Fridays, which led to many restaurants serving fish and chips that day. Good Friday is the day of the crucifixion of Christ, which brings unlucky vibes, but it's a lucky day for planting potatoes in spring.

The poem Monday's Child, a children's rhyme from the nineteenth century, says "Friday's child is loving and giving." Predicting fortunes or traits based on the day of birth goes back to medieval times.

The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster - yes! it does exist - celebrates Friday as a holy day. The Jewish Sabbath starts at sunset on Friday and lasts until nightfall Saturday.

For most Western countries, Friday's the fifth day of the week. In Iran, it's the last day of the weekend, and the work week starts on Saturday. In Israel and regions using Sunday as the first day, Friday is the sixth. Quakers call Friday the Sixth Day to avoid pagan associations with the name. In Slavic countries it's simply called the fifth day.

Happy Friday!


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