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Image by Billy Huynh
  • Sylvia Rose

Happy Wednesday! Tidbits & Trivia

Wednesday is the Day of Mercury. Here are lucky symbols, ruling zodiac signs, flowers, gems, folklore, animals, trivia and tradition associated with Wednesday. The name of this day has more than one origin. In astrology, the symbol of planet Mercury represents Wednesday.

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In popular lore Wednesday is derived from Old English Wōdnesdæg and Middle English Wednesdei, or 'day of Woden', the Anglo-Saxon name for the Norse Uber-god Odin. The Anglo-Saxons, many of Germanic origin, settled areas of Britain between 450 and 1066.

The German name for Wednesday, from the 10th century, is Mittwoch or literally midweek. The Korean the word for Wednesday is 수요일; su yo il or 'water day'. In Japan, the word for Wednesday is 水曜日 (sui youbi) also meaning 'water day' This day is associated with Mercury the planet, whose name means 'water star' in Japanese.

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Day of Mercury

Other terms for Wednesday come from Romance languages including the French mercredi, Spanish miércoles or Italian mercoledì, The variations arise from the Latin dies Mercurii or Day of Mercury.

During the time of the Roman Empire, the Norse god Odin was equated with Mercury. Though known as messenger of the Gods in the Roman pantheon, Mercury is much more significant. He's the god of financial gain, commerce, eloquence, messages, communication, divination, travelers, boundaries, luck, trickery and thieves. Mercury also guides souls to the Underworld. He's linked to music. His Greek equivalent is Hermes.

The God Mercury holds a caduceus or staff with intertwined snakes. In the 19th century it became a symbol of medicine or healing in the West.

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Before then it was more closely linked to alchemy and used as the symbol for a universal medicine, or Azoth, the essence of everything. It was known by alchemists as quicksilver, the only metal to be liquid at room temperature.

The caduceus has several associations. Before its use as a mark of medicine it was also a symbol of liars, thieves, eloquence, trade, negotiation, alchemy, and wisdom, all facets of Mercury's diverse nature.

Though we give Mercury a masculine quality, he's more an androgynous god. In most depictions his build is slim and graceful. Unlike many gods he has no wife. In myth he's known to be promiscuous. He has a daughter with the love goddess Venus (Aphrodite).

In Thailand, the color for Wednesday is green; green is also the astrological color for planet Mercury in the Western world.

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Wednesday Vibes

Wednesday is ruled by Mercury, god of financial gain and commerce. It's a good time to water the money tree!
Good Day to Water the Money Tree

Wednesday's a good day for trade, commerce, and financial endeavors. Your wealth could increase with the vibes of mighty Mercury. It's also a good day for communication, meetings, heart to heart talks and self-expression.

On Wednesday hidden details might surface. Confidence gets success. A swift strike occurs, related to medicine, money or enlightenment. Beware of an untrustworthy person or situation. As Mercury brings the energy of thieves and tricksters, keep an eye on your gold.

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In health, Wednesday rules the kidneys, liver, digestive system, throat & lungs, nervous system and immune system. Watch out for accidents or health problems in those regions.

In Western astrology, zodiac signs associated with Wednesday are Virgo (Earth) and Gemini (Air). For people born under these signs Wednesday is considered lucky. Taurus also can have a profitable day.

This is an auspicious day to analyze facts, delegate work and learn new things. Beware of being caught adrift in a daydream. A clash of personalities may cause difficulty. Teamwork can accomplish great things if motivation is shared.

Lucky Colors

Lucky colors for Wednesday are

  • green

  • blue

  • earth brown

  • yellow

Wearing clothes, jewelry or making art in one or more of those colors could bring good fortune. Buying a car? Yellow is the most visible color on the road.

Green relates to growth, nurturing, natural health, creativity or creation, nature and the environment; the emotion jealousy; springtime and hope. Green is the color of the female warrior, the equal and opposite of Red, Mars or the male warrior.

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Green is also a color of the element Wood in Eastern philosophy. Blue is harmony and mental refreshment, the color of truth in dreams. It's a Water color and helper of Wood, as it carries Wood on its surface.

Earth browns have a red or golden hue. Working in earth or decorating with natural materials are lucky too. Yellow is a color of humor, friendship, joy and optimism, a bright splash of good cheer.

Lucky Animals

Lucky animals for Wednesday include

A green snake is coiled on a leaf. Snake is a lucky animal for Wednesday
Snake enjoying the Wednesday mood

In animal spirituality the snake is associated with both health and wealth. In lore it can be seen as a type of dragon. In German mythology, the Lindwyrm increases everything it lies upon, thus grows its hoard of treasure. The Lindwyrm spits venom, which in small amounts can be medicinal. The symbol of the Snake or Dragon is fortunate on Wednesday

The tortoise is sacred to Mercury as he invented the lyre from its shell. Thus the god is also linked to music and innovation. The rooster heralds a new day. The hawk is a winged messenger, and the ram a symbol of the Sun.

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Lucky Flowers

Chrysanthemum, other asters and lavender can attract lucky vibrations on Wednesday. Chrysanthemum repels negativity and protects the wearer or environment from magical harm. It's linked to fidelity and longevity.

Asters in general relate to love, faith and wisdom. Colors have various meanings. Purple is a color of royalty and confidence. An aster poultice can relieve pain and heal wounds.

Lavender is fabulous for aromatherapy, bringing mental calm and harmony. It's a flower of serenity and grace.

Eastern astrology elements Wood and Water are both fortunate. Wood is growth and Water is associated with the flow of money. Gardening, nurturing an idea, or a stroll through the woods in nature can be beneficial on Wednesday.

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Lucky trees and foliage for Wednesday include hawthorn, oak, hazel and vine. Wood of those trees or a basket or wreath made of vines can be fortunate. Ash Wednesday is the day to leave a gift of nourishing wood ash for the Eschenfrau, or Ash Woman, who lives in the ash tree. In Christianity, Ash Wednesday is the day before Lent.

Lucky Gems

Lucky gems for Wednesday are emerald, agate and blue sapphire.

Emerald relates to the heart chakra, emotional calm, inspiration, prosperity and feelings of love. Worn as jewelry this stone attunes to eloquence, riches and power.

Agate promotes harmony of mind, body and spirit. This stone improves concentration, stimulates the mind, enhances skills of analysis and perception. It's a stone for grounding and emotional security.

Blue Sapphire attunes to royalty, honesty and trust. It's linked to the throat chakra, and royal blue awakens the third eye. Blue sapphire is a stone of enlightenment.

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More Trivia

In Christian biblical references, God created the sun and moon on Wednesday.

In Nordic tradition, Wednesday is Lillördag, or "little Saturday", when people celebrate Wednesday evening as if it were the weekend.

In the English folk rhyme Monday's Child, 'Wednesday's child is full of woe.' This was the inspiration for the child character Wednesday on the Addams Family series.

In Hinduism, Budha is both a god and the name of Mercury the planet. Budha is a deity of Wednesday, merchants, commerce, merchandise; and preserver of nature. He rides a golden lion or in a chariot pulled by eight deep yellow horses.

In North America, Wednesday is "hump day" or the middle of the work week. All downhill from here.

Happy Wednesday!


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