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Spiritual Alchemy: Fixatio (Fixation)

Sylvia Rose

Fixation, fixatio or fixing is a process of alchemy and spiritual alchemy. Within the mystical world of the alchemist, fixatio is used in transformations. Fixation changes a volatile substance to a stable state unaffected by consuming powers of fire.

woman with blazing fire in hand

Fixation can mean:

  • in chemistry: reduction from a volatile or fluid to a stable or solid form

  • in biology: preserve the physical properties at the living state of the specimen as much as possible, as a bug is "fixed" in amber

  • in psychoanalysis. an arrested state of developing emotion or instinct at an early life phase, due to a severe traumatic or overwhelmingly emotional experience

  • in mental health, a preoccupation with one subject or issue; obsession

  • in photography (fixing): the process of making an image permanent, removal of light-sensitive particles

alchemy laboratory

Fixation is a chemical or spiritual metamorphosis. The process can preserve the original form of a substance or transmute it into an entirely different structure, imbuing it with new properties and resilience.

In alchemy, fixation is a pivotal concept embodying the essence of transmutation and metamorphosis. It represents the intricate process through which a substance transcends its ephemeral nature to attain permanence and stability.

Alchemical drawing, fixatio, fixation or fixing
Alchemical drawing, fixatio, fixation or fixing

In spiritual alchemy, fixation can strengthen, remodel or realign one's inner core. Nature is the deciding factor and must take its course. Almost all alchemical processes are based on those of nature, such as fermentation, distillation and desiccation.

Within the realm of fixatio the alchemist harnesses forces of transformation to achieve a state of permanence and resistance to external influences. In spiritual alchemy the process is similar.

in the misty morning light

Spiritually this is a good process for building inner fortification and stability. Seeking and finding the essence of an issue, trait or desire brings it to the surface through levels of unconscious mind and ego. Layer by layer the practitioner unveils the quintessence of a thing.

It's important to behold the issue, characteristics, feeling or substance from all sides before beginning to reshape. Consider the element's prime matter. Introspection and contemplation can define the "substance" to be transformed and the beginning of the transformation process.

heart of gold

It's a spiritual and philosophical question, during which a substance or individual moves toward metamorphosis even in the asking of it. During fixation, the alchemist uses elemental forces of nature to stabilize the substance, guiding its evolution from volatility to solidity.

The alchemist seeks hidden potential within the substance, unveiling its true nature and purpose. Ultimately, fixation is a transformative experience at the heart of the alchemical magnum opus.

fresh sweet corn

The practitioner must seek the truth at the core. There is no secret, only patience and awareness. The process is in the details of transformation.

Transformation occurs as the substance is gradually refined. The alchemist manipulates the building blocks of reality, preserving the original essence or quintessence of a substance, infusing harmony or transmuting it to new form.

amazing transformation

An example of fixation in nature is the action of microscopic by bacteria in soil. Soil microorganisms live in roots of grasses, plants and trees. Specialized enzymes allow them to break the strong triple bond of atmospheric nitrogen, and convert it to more accessible forms.

Significant amounts of nitrogen are fixed in the soil as ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates. This process, known as nitrogen fixation, is crucial for the cycling of nitrogen in ecosystems, health of the earth and the environment.

little tree

This process forms a bridge between the volatile and the stable, the ephemeral and the eternal. By mastering the art of fixation, the alchemist gains access to secrets of transmutation on all levels.

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copyright Sylvia Rose 2024

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