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Moon Magic - the Feminine Principle

Sylvia Rose

Updated: Jun 10, 2024

Moon magic strongly relates to women or the feminine principle. As the moon wanes and waxes it relates to cycles, dreams, release and beginnings. The moon's chthonic aspect also has influence.

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Moon magic, magical moon light, a few clouds, dark night

 Cycles relate to seasons and years, tides, menstruation, rebirth or reincarnation, episodes of life. In year cycles, the numbers three, seven and nine are significant. Important life changes can happen as the cycles renew. In any moon magic, the lucky number is two (2).

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Moon magic relates to wild animals such as deer. Doe, fawn and stag are creatures of Faerie, who drink doe's milk, and sacred to goddess Diana. The stag connects to beginnings. Animals such as wolves, frogs. owls and cats also attune to moon magic.

a couple of deer at the river

The gem moonstone vibrates to moon magic and the energy of the moon, with properties of healing, empathy and compassion. The precious metal silver gleams with the light of moonbeams. Pearls can awaken spirituality connected to the full moon.

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Silver and moon gems are especially fortunate on Mondays, at the full moon and anytime one is working with moon magic. Like the moon, silver relates to the female or yin energy. Moonstone in jewelry or gemstones connect to romance, healing, intuition and the divine.

silver coins
Silver also relates to prosperity

English Monday, German Montag and French lundi all mean Moon Day. Monday relates to the element Water, intuition and dreams. Mondays are lucky for love, whether romance or loving the self. Thoughts may wander and it's easy to get lost in a daydream.

Moon magic can bring revealing dreams or visions, self-awareness and wisdom. Working with moon phases empowers the connection to nature, cycles of progress or existence, divination or prophecy. Attuning to the moon awakens virtues of kindness and compassion.

Hittite Goddess Inara is associated with the moon and wild animals
Hittite Goddess Inara is associated with the moon and wild animals

Connect to moon magic through meditation, crystals or spiritual trance state. Release the mind to let energies of healing and creativity flow as water in moonlight. This can banish overthinking or self-criticism. Moon magic is for women or the female aspect of any person.

READ: Cult of the Fire God - Bronze Age Quest Adventure

Besides moonstone, gems relating to the moon are selenite, opal and crystal quartz. Moonflower, night-blooming jasmine, gardenia, white rose and sweet alyssum are fortunate in aromatherapy in the garden, a bouquet, scented sachet or as essential oil.

Gardenias white flowers
Gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides) white flowers

The crescent moon connects to the sacral chakra, second chakra or Svadhisthana, located just below the navel. The sacral chakra influences sexuality, creativity and emotions. If it's blocked or unbalanced the person has difficulty in these areas, such as emotional outbursts.

READ: Lora Ley Adventures - Germanic Mythology Fiction Series

Attuning to the moon or its symbols can help balance this chakra, revive a low libido and increase one's personal sensuality. At the new Moon comes a time of beginnings, self-reflection, starting projects, the waning of one cycle and the waxing of another.

A beautiful woman in white, profile, soft light, dark hair
Moon magic invokes the gentle virtues

Cycles are not linear. They happen within larger cycles and can be seen as multi-dimensional. The energy of the circle or spiral invokes a smooth transition and deeper understanding of how we relate to the world and the people around us.

Dark Side of the Moon

The moon has a chthonic aspect, relating to the Underworld, secrets or hidden knowledge. In the ancient world the Moon is sometimes a male figure, such as Sin (Nanna), who's associated with demons, disease and madness.

The Sun is sometimes seen as female due to her nurturing warmth and light, with the moon as male. Gender is no guarantee of temperament. In Egypt the moon god Khonsu brings fertility, while the cannibal Sun Goddess of Australia roasts people over her fire.

In Baltic mythology the Sun Goddess is the primary deity worshiped. Her brother is the Moon. No matter what gender, the "dark side" of the moon means a journey into the self, or awareness of the influence of the subconscious.

Problems of the dark side include illusions, illness, depression, anger or thoughts of vengeance. However, it's usually linked to deep inner awareness and the subconscious. Connections to spirit realms or dimensions might be especially active.

copyright Sylvia Rose 2024

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