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Predators of the Microworld: Vampirovibrio & Lysobacter

Sylvia Rose

Updated: Dec 10, 2024

Vampirovibrio and Lysobacter are types of bacteria known to attack, kill and eat other bacteria. Hunting tactics are similar to the strategies of wolf packs and vampire bats. Vampirovibrio prefers aquatic environments, and Lysobacter lives in water or soil.

vampire lestat
Vampires are eternal

Biologically they belong to the class Gammaproteobacteria of the phylum Proteobacteria (Pseudomonadota). These bacteria can be benevolent but are also well-documented for versatile predatory abilities in soil and aquatic environments.

Vampirovibrio species are found in fresh or sea water. As the name suggests, they have a vampiric lifestyle, attaching themselves to prey. Vampirovibrio chagasii targets Escherichia coli and siphons nutrients directly from these bacteria.

vampire bacteria

Above: V. chlorellavorus (white arrow) attached to green algae Chlorella sorokiniana. Scale bar 5 μm, magnification 10,000x.

Vampirococcus is a related epibiont genus. It's an ovoid predatory prokaryote first described in 1983 as a small, anaerobic microbe about 0.6 μm wide, named Vampirococcus in 1986.

A freshwater obligate predator, it attacks species of the photosynthetic purple sulfur bacterium, Chromatium. Vampirococcus attaches to the cell surface of the prey and "sucks" out the cytoplasm using a specialized cytoplasmic bridge.

Lysobacter uses a cooperative hunting strategy. These bacteria work together in groups to surround and consume their targets. Lysobacter enzymogenes can form clusters to enhance hunting efficiency and take down larger bacterial populations.

Lycobacter sp.
Lycobacter sp. looking very boring and harmless

As these genera prey on other microorganisms, they occupy various ecological niches. They are important in controlling bacterial populations and of course nutrient cycling.

These bacteria emerge in the Proterozoic Eon, roughly between 2.5 billion and 541 million years ago. Predatory behavior in bacteria begins over 2 billion years ago when multicellular life first starts to diversify.

At this time, Earth is dominated by single-celled organisms, like amoebae and others of the protozoans below.

many protozoans

Protozoans clockwise from top left: 1. Blepharisma japonicum, a ciliate; 2. Giardia muris, a parasitic flagellate; 3. Centropyxis aculeata, a testate (shelled) amoeba; 4. Peridinium willei, a dinoflagellate; 5. Chaos carolinense, a naked amoebozoan; 6. Desmarella moniliformis, a choanoflagellate. Multiple credits exist for this pic.

Hunting Techniques

Vampirovibrio and Lysobacter exhibit sophisticated hunting techniques. Vampirovibrio typically uses a vampirism method. It attaches itself to the surface of its bacterial prey.

Vampirovibrio punctures the cell and injects enzymes, often using specialized flagella to disintegrate the cells and access the rich soup of internal nutrients. It siphons off nutrients much like a vampire bat drawing blood. This aids their survival in nutrient-poor environments.

Vampire bat
Vampire Bat

Conversely, Lysobacter operates like a coordinated pack. They release enzymes into their surroundings, which break down bacterial cell walls, making the nutrients easier to absorb. This collective effort enables them to tackle larger prey effectively.

Prey Preferences & Digestion

Vampirovibrio prefers specific bacterial species such as Pseudomonas and various Gram-negative bacteria. It's known to target bacteria from the Proteobacteria (Pseudomonadota) and Firmicutes groups, which are common in aquatic environments. They favor Vibrio species, abundant in marine ecosystems.

Below: Lactic acid bacteria, often hunted by Lysobacter sp.

lactic acid bacteria
lactic acid bacteria sp.

Lysobacter bacteria are versatile and can feed on a broad range of bacterial species from water and soil. They often target Bacillus sp such as lactic acid bacteria. Their prey choices are influenced by availability of target species within their environment.

Lysobacter is highly opportunistic, adapting to feed on different bacterial communities. Its ability to glide without flagella or cilia is a source of intrigue to scientists.

Lycobacter bacteria rod shaped
Lysobacter has a broad range of prey and habitat options due to its remarkable powers of adaptation

The digestion processes of both these predatory bacteria are similar. They secrete enzymes to break down cellular components into simpler nutrients, which are subsequently absorbed directly from the prey.

The waste products of this process are organic molecules such as unprocessed cellular debris. After digestion about 45% of the prey's biomass remains as waste, including simple sugars, amino acids and other metabolic byproducts to be used by other microorganisms.

a feast for the picking

Bacterial Intelligence

While bacteria are simple organisms they exhibit remarkable behaviors in a form of collective intelligence. Bacteria can communicate through chemical signals in the process of quorum sensing, allowing them to coordinate activities like predation and biofilm formation.

Their sophisticated behaviors are the result of survival mechanisms formed by millions of years of evolution. Bacteria display complex behaviors and environmental responses.

They communicate through signaling processes, emitting and responding to chemical signals enabling coordinated action among groups. This swarm behavior, evident in Lysobacter clusters, creates an impression of human-defined intelligence, though it's largely instinctual.

artificial intelligence

Likewise, some species of bacteria or cell colonies such as yeast know when they're under attack or even when attack is imminent. They begin producing toxic defensive enzymes. This action is taken up by the surrounding cells and spreads quickly through a group or colony.

The characteristic is observed in trees such as acacia of the African Savannah. A favorite food of giraffes, when over-browsed the tree sends a warning to others by releasing ethylene gas. Nearby trees pass on the message and alter their flavor so they're bitter to the taste.

two giraffes eating
Tastes a bit off, you think?

Facts About Predatory Bacteria

  1. Ecology: Predatory bacteria like Vampirovibrio and Lysobacter are important in maintaining microbial balance within ecosystems and controlling bacterial populations.

  2. Enzymatic Arsenal: They possess a diverse array of enzymes capable of breaking down a wide range of bacterial cellular components, aiding in their predatory lifestyle.

  3. Nutrient Cycling: The waste products expelled by these bacteria can be consumed by other microorganisms.

  4. Research Potential: Scientists are exploring the potential of predatory bacteria for use in biocontrol, bioremediation, and as sources of novel antibiotics. Their existence sheds light on the evolution of predation and symbiosis in microbial communities.

  5. Bacterial Warfare: Vampirovibrio and Lysobacter engage in a form of warfare, asserting dominance over territory and resources by efficiently outcompeting other microorganisms.

  6. Ecological Presence: They are found across various ecosystems, including freshwater, saltwater, and soil.

  7. Evolutionary Learning:

  8. Diverse Adaptation: The hunting strategies of these bacteria illustrate the wide-ranging adaptations that have developed in the microbial world.

a cartoon bacterium with fangs
Hmm ... whose cytoplasm shall I suck today?

Overall, Vampirovibrio and Lysobacter are not hazardous to humans. They primarily target other bacteria and benefit the environment. Certain members of the broader Lysobacter genus are studied for potential in biocontrol and antibiotic production to fight bacterial infections.

Vampirovibrio and Lysobacter exemplify the complexity and diversity of life in the microbial world. Their predatory behavior highlights the relationships among microorganisms and hidden dynamics crucial to environmental health and stability.

natural environment

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copyright Sylvia Rose 2024

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