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Image by Billy Huynh
  • Sylvia Rose

Writing Process - The Final Stretch

Updated: Sep 16, 2023

Happy to be done final edit, format and proofreading for the Reiker For Hire novellas, after plenty of all-nighters for research, drafting and the merciless edits. The trilogy is now on the virtual shelves and so's the anthology.

Working at night is bliss. I love the cool quiet, just to focus and get with the groove, get lost in a feeling. Last night it rained and the air is fresh and fragrant.

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Every writer creates a writing process through trial and error. I know of authors who work it as a nine-to-five job, others who throw it all in the air and see where it lands. Some writers have a daily word count goal. Often it's a bit of this and that. Bottom line, it's important to write every day, or to take time to think about it.

It also takes a while to find the most prolific hours to write and optimize them. It's easy to push it all aside due to life's ups and downs but through it all, I believe what's meant to be, will be, eventually.

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A book is a journey from any perspective. Unexpected twists and turns arise whether for the author or the reader. As an intuitive writer I have a loose idea of the plot direction but the strength is in the definition of the characters, allowing them to take control. They have different ways of interacting with their environment and can lead to intriguing places.

Just as in travel, experience and knowledge accumulate through the journey of writing. Sometimes it's important to discover what doesn't work before finding what does. The adventure of learning is one we cannot take for granted. It's there to be enjoyed, even in retrospect. Happy trails!

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