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Image by Billy Huynh
  • Sylvia Rose

Writing Process - on Learning

Updated: Sep 11, 2023

Having wonderful time. Got fresh apple Strudel and it's a laid-back pace catching the vibe of the next adventure in creation.

To write, paint, make music, create, is a constant learning process. If not - would you do it?

Money's a good motivator, but not plentiful in the arts. While some people have success in treating art like a business, artists are notorious for starving. The dominant mentality favors money over expression. A true artist lives to grow. Creators who seek expression usually have personal motivations. Learning is one of them.

A creator starts with nothing but an idea and builds a world around it. There are no tangible elements, nothing to hold onto until one creates the feeling or decrees existence of them.

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Starting a new edit, draft or idea is a challenge. False starts can slow a person down. It takes a while to find a comfort zone. At the same time, opportunities for learning and trying new things are abundant. Learning is healthy. When writing I like to throw my characters into a predicament and watch them find their way out - with a happy ending.

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Mistakes happen no matter whether an artist works intuitively or step by step or both. Music legend Roy Orbison, who wrote and sang "Pretty Woman" says "Mercy" in the lyrics, originally because he didn't reach the note he was aiming for. The studio left it in, and it became an integral part of the hit song. Some mistakes fare better than others:

"Be careful of reading health books - you may die of a misprint." ~ Mark Twain

Humans learn well, maybe too well. We have the ability to teach and guide ourselves, as well as the power to sabotage ourselves by second-guessing or over rationalizing. As the writer writes, the creator creates, new channels of awareness open up. We learn well by imitation, and best by doing.

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