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Image by Billy Huynh
  • Sylvia Rose

Staring at Walls - Writer's Intuition

Updated: Oct 23, 2023

Staring at walls is a great conduit for inspiration, as we process thoughts with lightning speed. Or, we could be in midst of conversation and attention wanders into a story more real than the person talking at us. A minor distraction turns into a journey beyond known limits. Who needs television, when all the action's happening on the wall?

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Thoughts roam free, colorful and wild, movies of the mind. Thinking is anathema, flow of consciousness paramount. Characters reveal hidden talents and fears. A canny plot twist leads to the dark side of the moon.

Insight and answers do arise from staring at walls. Working on the manuscript also triggers inspiration, and 'sleeping on it' can solve even the worst plot disaster.

Many authors like to plan ahead and have a good sense of the whole before even creating it. I'm a mess. I spew a lot. Characters and plot twists can be a total surprise. At the same time, I love the journey. The writing process satisfies when it's intuitive and spontaneous and works.

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Intuitive Writing

Intuitive writing means depending on feelings or hunches. Humans ultimately are rational creatures. We react emotionally until we're in our mid to late teens and begin to build a foundation of logic. The human brain changes at about age 15 and emotional reactions change to reason-based solutions. Of course, there are always those who never grow up.

Whether we're logic or emotion-based animals is no measure of creativity. Everyone can write intuitively. It's crucial to have a strong sense of characters and environment.

Once parameters are clear, the story takes on an internal logic. The author becomes the conduit, neither forcing decisions on the characters nor making random emotionally based choices. We step aside and let the story tell itself.

If stuck I tell myself "Just write what happens." Deep down you already know what happens. It's true. Don't worry about stringing the right words together. Rise above it all and be an observer for a moment. Writing is rarely a glorious flow. Sometimes it feels like wading through muck.

Intuitive writing takes practice because it's easy to second-guess feelings and hunches. As time goes on, in the literary arena confidence develops along with self-trust, and intuition grows ever stronger.

It's always good to take the time just to stare at walls.

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