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Image by Billy Huynh
  • Sylvia Rose

Writing Process - Brain Magic

Updated: Sep 14, 2023

How do disparate plot lines and wonky characters somehow merge into a story with a vibrant life of its own? How does creation rise above the sum of its parts? How does music touch the soul of the collective unconscious? How does sleep achieve miracles of the mind?

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John Milton, author of the 1667 epic poem Paradise Lost, woke up each day with the next verse in his head. As he was blind he dictated to a scribe or family member.

The brain's a problem-solving genius. Problem is, its owner can think too much and turn the brain into a tasteless slush pile no self-respecting zombie would want. To learn and grow it's crucial to release control and let the brain make natural associations. It will thank you.

Martial arts expert Jackie Chan talks about focus. Beware of too many minds. Focus on one. Too many internal voices seed discord, self-doubt and sabotage. It's important to find the meaningful focus or goal. Then it's easy to let go and make decisions, consciously or not, leading to the place we need to be.

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Problem solving happens during sleep without effort from writer or creator. I speak from experience. Plot disruptions, character dilemmas and loose threads find solutions. A creator can start the next day with at least an idea of where the manuscript, painting or melody is going, and how to get there from here.

Set the problem adrift. Let tendrils of the mind explore without commitment or excuse. Breathe. Feel the body relax. Sleep well, for no matter how impossible it seems the answer is with you when you wake.

Sleep shuts down the thinking part of the brain so it stops gabbling at you and interfering with intuition. Drifting off in a positive mind frame helps you wake up in one. The intuitive brain is extremely relieved when its physical body goes to sleep and it can do its work in peace.

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Sleep allows us to tap into the collective unconscious, a term coined by psychiatrist Carl Jung in 1916. Collective unconscious is the overall human unconscious common to mankind, originating in the inherited structure of the brain. It differs from the personal unconscious which forms by individual experience.

At one point intuition takes over and the story, book, poem, song, creation evolves and flies on its own. Characters slap a writer's hands for making them do things they don't want to. Surprises happen with bolts of illumination. Plot wrinkles smooth out like magic. Magic, which occurs when creator stop thinking and start creating.

More inspiration arises during creative work than outside of it, whether that be in writing, visual arts, music, theater, design, teaching, learning, home business. Talk is cheap and action brings satisfaction. Or, total destruction can happen.

A time of chaos often precedes one of creation. When it does, it's necessary. If we accept that, new avenues of inspiration and awareness open up all around us.


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