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Image by Billy Huynh
  • Sylvia Rose

Asherah: Goddess of Childbirth & Fertility

Updated: Apr 15

Asherah (Ashera) is one of the most powerful goddesses of the ancient world. She's mentioned in Hebrew texts, in records of Ugarit as Athirat, and in the Hittite Empire. Her titles include "Lady" and "holy". During childbirth women often hold a figurine of Asherah.

Read: Cult of the Fire God - Bronze Age Quest Adventure

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Asherah has a number of consorts, some being the same God in different regions. They include:

Her principal consorts are Sumerian Anu, and Ugaritic god ʾEl, the oldest Gods in their pantheons. True to her name, the fertility Goddess has up to 88 sons.

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As a popular folk Goddess, her rites are performed by the matriarch of the home. She's worshipped primarily by women:

"As the women of Jerusalem attested, "When we burned incense to the Queen of Heaven and poured out drink offerings to her, did not our husbands know that we were making cakes impressed with her image and pouring out drink offerings to her?"

Read: Cult of the Fire God - Bronze Age Quest Adventure

Asherah is foremost in the devotions of such female royals such as the Queen Mother Maacah. The Queen's son Asa deposes her for idolatry. This has now become serious.

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Figures, plaques and statuettes of Asherah are common domestic idols. They're placed in the home for protection, usually on an altar, according to archaeological finds. Animals associated with her are the Lioness and the Dove.

Read: Cult of the Fire God - Bronze Age Quest Adventure

Her figurine is kept close during childbirth, often held by the laboring mother. Asherah may be given offerings and praises sung for household blessings too. Hundreds of pillar-base figurines in her image have been found.

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Above, an Asherah figurine is virtually reconstructed. The statuette shows Asherah nursing the Divine Twins of Ugarit. Sacred goats adorn her thighs. Another of her symbols is the Asherah pole, a sacred tree or pole near Canaanite religious sites.

Trees associated with the Asherah pole include palm, oak and almond. Ugaritic amulets include a miniature "tree of life" growing from Asherah's belly or womb.

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Another sign of the Goddess is the inverted or pubic triangle. Due to the popularity of Asherah among women, her worship is suppressed and the dominant ideology demonizes her character.

The Hebrew Bible dramatically associates goddess worship with prostitution ("whoredom"). Jeremiah and Ezekiel blame goddess religion for making Yahweh (God) jealous. His jealousy is given as the reason Yahweh permits the destruction of Jerusalem.

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