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Saccharomyces cerevisiae: Queen of Yeasts

Sylvia Rose

Updated: Feb 2

Saccharomyces cerevisiae, brewer's or baker's yeast, is undisputed Queen of yeasts. This immobile single-celled organism is popular in fermentation, has surprising traits and significantly shapes the history of the known world.

Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Saccharomyces cerevisiae colony of cells

A type of fungus, this microscopic mama has been used by humans for millennia, considered the first domesticated microorganism. Creating products like bread, wine and beer, S. cerevisiae is prolific in numbers.

Millions of yeast cells can appear in a couple of days. S. cerevisiae and other yeasts can make chains or pseudohyphae of daughter cells. They may be elongated to cover more ground colonizing and exploring territory.

parts of a budding yeast cell

In nature S. cerevisiae is found on surfaces of ripe fruits like grapes, apples and plums; in soil, and in tree bark. S. cerevisiae is also present in flower nectar, or even in feces of mammals like cows and horses.

It travels to beehives on little bee feet. It's often found in cells surrounding honey and will start fermentation if the water level reaches a certain amount.

yeast appears as a white film on fruit like grapes and blueberries

In the wild this may be due to rain leaking into an abandoned hive. Creation of honey mead is believed to start this way, to the delight of Neolithic humans, and bears, who love fermented honey as much as sweet.

Wild ecosystems provide sugars and support the yeast's rapid growth. While popular in controlled environments Saccharomyces cerevisiae remains part of the untamed world.


Saccharomyces cerevisiae usually reproduces by budding. Under a microscope, the budding process is obvious but doesn't move very quickly. It takes about 90 minutes from start to finish.

The mother cell creates a fully functioning daughter cell, who separates and begins producing its own daughters. A mother can create several daughters. Bud scars are visible as dark patches on the cell membrane.

Yeasts enjoy environments of high sugar concentration. Saccharomyces cerevisiae rapidly consumes sugars and excretes alcohol (ethanol) and carbon dioxide, a necessary process in producing beer, wine and bread.

Budding process

In fermentation products Saccharomyces cerevisiae influences flavor and aroma. Even slight variations in grape sugar levels can produce different tastes and scents.

While yeast prefers anaerobic environments, it can ferment sugars in aerobic conditions. It may form a skin on top of liquids to create its own oxygen-free environment.

yeast biofilm

The skin is a biofilm made of yeast cells and other particles bonded with a special secretion. Yeast creates this to keep unwanted elements out while it's busy in its habitat. It's known as a top-fermenting yeast.

In beer brewing it forms kräusen, a froth made of CO2 expelled by the yeast, organic particles and yeast bodies. A healthy kräusen is a joy to behold. It means the yeast is functioning at peak performance.

rich creamy kräusen

Sugar Preference and Food Breakdown

One of the reasons S. cerevisiae is so versatile is its ability to break down a wide range of carbohydrates. It feeds primarily on simple sugars, such as glucose, fructose and sucrose, using these for energy.

Its sugar preference differs based on availability, with glucose the most favored option. Yeast needs the digestive enzyme amylase to deconstruct the polysaccharide starch into sugars it can absorb. It's present in malt.

Yeast's ability to ferment sugars into alcohol and carbon dioxide makes it indispensable to human lifestyles. Saccharomyces cerevisiae turns grape juice to wine, barley mash to beer, and dough into airy flavorful bread.


Reproduction and Spores

Saccharomyces cerevisiae has a dual reproductive option, using either sexual and asexual reproduction. Under favorable conditions, it reproduces asexually through budding.

Under stressful conditions, yeast switches to sexual reproduction. Cells undergo meiosis to form haploid spores resistant to harsh environments, such as high heat, desiccation, or nutrient scarcity.

spores forming

The spores germinate and grow when conditions improve, enabling S. cerevisiae to survive environmental extremes. Yeast is a sac fungus (ascomycete), creating spores within the membrane of the mother cell.

Overall S. cerevisiae tolerates temperature changes, high alcohol levels and limited nutrients. Natural genetic adaptability and ongoing genetic manipulation by scientists are part of this.

Yeast produces alcohol but has a fairly low tolerance of it. In nature, acetic acid bacteria ingest the alcohol and make acetic acid, the active ingredient in vinegar.

Acetobacter acetic acid bacteria

This is not desired in industries such as wine making. Since the yeast goes dormant at too high a booze level, genetic engineering is used to increase its tolerance.

Natural talents of this yeast include production of esters and phenols. S. cerevisiae is known for ethyl acetate, an organic ester compound imparting fruity flavors with pear or banana scents into the brew.


Interactions with Other Microorganisms

Saccharomyces cerevisiae interacts with a variety of other microbes, either in competition or cooperation. It's usually found together with bacteria such as lactic or acetic acid; as well as mold and other microbes.

Competition: It often outcompetes other yeasts and bacteria in sugar-rich environments, thanks to its efficient fermentation ability and production of ethanol, which acts as an antimicrobial compound.

Synergy in Fermentation: In traditional beer and wine production, S. cerevisiae sometimes works alongside non-Saccharomyces yeasts, such as Brettanomyces, enhancing flavor complexity.

Manifestations of Brettanomyces - under microscope it's smaller and more gangly than S. cerevisiae

Microbial Interactions: S. cerevisiae communicates with neighboring microbes through chemical signaling, allowing it to modulate its growth and activity based on its microbial environment.

Travels of Yeast: Though it can't move around on its own, yeast can fly. It can ride an air current, a dust mote, insects and other organisms. In fluid it goes with the flow and can also stick itself to a substrate with its secretions.

Killer Yeast: Saccharomyces can produce toxins to target other yeast species or even weak cells within its own species if conditions get too crowded. Less common in commercial strains, it can still ruin a good brew.

taste test time

Nutrient Storage: S. cerevisiae stores resources like glycogen and trehalose, giving it a reserve for times of stress.

In industrial, artisan and scientific settings, these interactions are used to fine-tune fermentation processes, create signature flavors and study microbial ecosystems.

Modern Applications

Biotechnology: It's a foundational model organism in genetic research due to its relatively simple eukaryotic structure and its similarities to human cells in areas such as DNA repair and metabolism.


Biofuel Production: Scientists are engineering S. cerevisiae strains to convert plant biomass into bioethanol.

Pharmaceuticals: This yeast is used to produce vaccines, enzymes, and even insulin.

Nutritional Supplements: Deactivated forms of S. cerevisiae are marketed as nutritional yeast, a popular product among vegans.

Commercial dried yeast pellets - between 90 - 207 billion yeast cells per packet

Facts About Saccharomyces cerevisiae

  • Oldest Domesticated Yeast: It is one of the oldest domesticated organisms, predating even the domestication of some livestock.

  • Space Pioneer: S. cerevisiae has been sent into space in studies of the effects of microgravity on microbial life.

  • Fermentation Efficiency: It is the powerhouse behind global beer production, which amounts to over 2 billion hectoliters annually.

  • Bio-Engineered Marvel: Scientists have developed strains of S. cerevisiae for products from biofuels to entirely synthetic compounds.

  • Genetic Model Organism: Saccharomyces cerevisiae is widely used in scientific research.

  • Leaders of Fermentation: Over 80% of all fermented foods and beverages use S. cerevisiae in one form or another.

  • Nutritional Benefits: This yeast is considered a good source of B vitamins.

  • Meaning of the Name: The Latin term Saccharomyces cerevisiae translates to "sugar fungus of beer production," highlighting its importance in brewing.

  • Wide Range of Strains: Over 1,500 species of yeast are identified world-wide. Within these, 1,000 distinct strains of S. cerevisiae are recognized, each tailored for specific applications in the food and beverage industry.

Saccharomyces cerevisiae rightfully earns its title as Queen of Yeasts. Its versatile metabolism, survival strategies, diverse talents and importance to human lifestyles eclipse all others.


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copyright Sylvia Rose 2024

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