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Microbe pH Levels: Acidophiles, Neutrophiles & Alkaliphiles

Sylvia Rose

Updated: Feb 7

Acidophiles, neutrophiles, and alkaliphiles are microbes which prosper at certain pH levels and environmental conditions such as sulfur springs and salt lakes. Some, like bacteria, have a legacy going back to times when conditions on Earth are inhospitable to extremes.

primal earth

pH in Microbial Ecosystems

pH measures the acidity or basicity of water. The scale ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 as the neutral point. A pH below 7 signifies acidity, while a pH above 7 signifies a base. Mid range is from 5 - 9.

This is not a sharp cutoff, and different bacterial types can mingle. Microorganisms able to function at very high acidity or alkalinity, salinity, heat and other harsh ecosystems are known as extremophiles.

Among the three major groups, pH preference determines their habitats. Many also have intriguing life habits, such as the extremophile Cupriavidus metallidurans, which consumes metals and excretes visible 24k gold.

gold makers

Acidophiles or acid lovers help weather rocks and minerals, increasing nutrient availability in acidic soils. Soil enriched with acidophiles improves bioavailability of essential minerals, such as iron and zinc, by up to 40%.

Neutrophiles dominate environments like compost heaps, where they decompose organic matter and recycle nutrients back into the soil. These bacteria break down about 25% of the organic material added to compost.


Microbes like bacteria decompose dead organisms, animal waste and plant litter to get nutrients. They are efficient recyclers. Decomposition releases chemicals like carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus, which ultimately go into the creation of new life forms.

Alkaliphiles or alkali lovers contribute to the productivity of soda lakes, supporting a variety of microbial communities. In these environments, they create a balanced ecosystem that allows other species to thrive, maintaining ecological diversity.

baking soda raises alkalinity in tap water
Baking soda raises water alkalinity

Soda lakes get their name from high concentrations of dissolved sodium and carbonate, similar to baking soda. Interactions between water and volcanic rocks below create soda lakes. They often contain high salt concentrations.

Acidophiles - low pH

Acidophiles are at home in highly acidic environments, typically pH levels less than 5. This group includes both bacteria and archaea. Their membranes, proteins and other cellular structures are uniquely adapted to withstand extreme acidity.

They're found in locations like acidic hot springs, metal-rich sites and areas impacted by acid mine drainage. Acidophiles are equipped with biochemical resources to protect their cellular functions from the harsh conditions of low pH.

sulfur mine

One example is Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans. The bacterium oxidizes iron and sulfur, and is used in bioleaching processes. It facilitates the extraction of metals like copper and gold from ores.

Examples of Acidophiles:

  1. Thermoplasma spp.: These archaeans are found in hot springs and mine drainage areas, where they thrive in very low pH environments.

  2. Ferroplasma spp.: Found in iron-rich, acidic mine drainage, these microbes are known for their ability to oxidize iron while tolerating extreme acidity.

  3. Sulfolobus spp.: This genus of hyperthermophilic sulfur-reducing archaeans is often found in geothermal areas, thriving at pH levels as low as 2-3.

  • Acidophiles often produce organic acids as metabolic byproducts, which can contribute to their survival by lowering the pH further.

  • Some acidophiles are essential bioleaching, a method used in mining to extract metals by oxidation in low pH solutions.


Above: Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans

Neutrophiles - midrange pH

Neutrophiles prefer neutral pH ranges, typically between pH 5 and 9. This group of microbes encompasses the majority of known microorganisms, including both pathogenic and beneficial species. Neutrophiles are remarkably diverse.

This group comprises microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi, and represents a vast majority of microbial life. A classic example is Escherichia coli, commonly found in intestines of warm-blooded animals including humans.

e coli
Escherichia coli image courtesy of CDC (Centers for Disease Control & Prevention)

Neutrophiles are experts at nutrient cycling, decomposition, and industrial processes such as food production. About 80% of all microbial life falls into this category.

Many form biofilms, or communities working together to create protective structures. Plaque on teeth is a type of biofilm. Listeria monocytogenes can create biofilms on food processing equipment and withstand cleaning processes.

bacterial biofilm of Staphylococcus aureus

Examples of Neutrophiles:

  1. Escherichia coli: A well-known bacterium that is a typical inhabitant of the human gastrointestinal tract (GI), E. coli has optimal growth around pH 7.

  2. Staphylococcus aureus: This pathogen flourishes in neutral pH environments and is notorious for causing various infections.

  3. Saccharomyces cerevisiae: Commonly known as baker's yeast, it is vital in fermentation and thrives best at around pH 5-6.

  • Neutrophiles are important to nutrient cycling and ecosystem stability. They decompose organic material and contribute to soil fertility, allowing other organisms to live.

  • They are essential in industrial processes, such as fermentation, brewing and bioremediation due to their adaptability to varied environments.


Alkaliphiles - high end pH

Alkaliphiles are hardy organisms preferring a pH greater than 9. These microorganisms are prevalent in environments such as soda lakes, alkaline springs, and hypersaline regions. Their unique adaptations empower them to flourish where most other life forms struggle.

A notable alkaliphile is the archaeon Natronobacterium in highly saline alkaline habitats, like Lake Natron in Tanzania. Natronobacterium has specialized ion pumps to manage its internal pH, so it can function efficiently in extreme alkaline environments (over 12).

Lake Natron, Tanzania

Examples of Alkaliphiles

  1. Natronomonas spp.: These halophilic archaea are found in highly alkaline environments like soda lakes and are known for tolerating both heat and high pH.

  2. Bacillus alcaliphilus: This bacterium has industrial significance, found in alkaline soil and is known for its enzyme production.

  3. Corynebacterium glutamicum: This organism is significant in the biochemical industry for its use in amino acid production.

  • Alkaliphiles often produce enzymes that can function under high pH conditions, making them valuable in industrial applications such as detergent formulations and bioremediation.

  • Some alkaliphilic bacteria can survive extreme salinity, helping scientists understand the complexity and ingenuity of life in extreme environments.


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copyright Sylvia Rose 2024

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