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Broad Beans (Fava) - Bronze Age Crops

Sylvia Rose

Updated: Feb 9

Broad beans (Vicia faba), faba or fava beans are cultivated as a crop from pre-Neolithic times to present day. Among the earliest cultivated crops, broad beans are easy to grow. In the Bronze Age they're found in regions such as Greece, Turkey and Europe.

broad beans
Broad beans are also known as Vicia faba, fava or faba bean, and horse beans

The wild ancestor of V. faba isn't known. Charred faba bean remains are discovered at three Neolithic sites in Lower Galilee, Israel. With radio-carbon dating scientists believe the beans are cultivated by 8250 BCE.

V. faba is a vetch plant of the pea and bean family Fabaceae. It's among the four most common types of pulses: beans, chickpeas, lentils and peas. Pulse is the edible seed inside the pod.

broad bean or fava beans botanical drawing
Vicia faba or broad bean, botanical illustration

Soak beans overnight before eating to remove the outer coat. It might be tough and bitter. Opinion is divided as to whether soaking is required or if the husks need to be removed. Bean age is a factor.

Nutritionally fava beans are a gift from the gods. They're a viable source of protein with 8g / 100g. A hundred grams of (raw) beans has a high content, which is 20% or more, of several vitamin and mineral daily values.


Nutritional Value for Fava Beans per 100 g.

  • Folate 106%

  • Manganese 77%

  • Phosphorus 60%

  • Magnesium 54%

  • Iron 52%

  • Thiamine (B1) 48%

  • Copper 41%

  • Potassium 35%

  • Zinc 33%

  • Vitamin B6 28%

  • Riboflavin (B2) 28%

... also a good source of selenium (12% DV), calcium (10%) and vitamin K (9%).

a mix of foods
Oil, veg, nuts, pasta, onion, broad beans, salt

During the Bronze Age nutrition improves through the known lands as people experiment with food and agriculture. Trial and error with cultivation yields another of the best producing crops in Bronze Age Europe, the gold-of-pleasure plant. It's raised as a seed crop for oil.

Improvements happen over time. Broad beans have a short growing season, aiding speed in development of cultivation. The flowers are favorites of pollinators like butterflies and bees. Broad beans are usually eaten while they're still young and tender.

bowls and baskets piled high at the market
Legumes, tubers, bulb veggies and more at the market

Harvesting can start by the middle of spring for plants sprouted early in hothouse or otherwise conducive conditions. The plants are usually sown from the beans in early spring and harvested mid to late summer.

The immature pods are also cooked and eaten as legumes. Young leaves of the plant are consumed raw or cooked. Broad beans are prepared by shelling, or removing them from pods. They're soaked, steamed or parboiled to remove the coating. They may be eaten fried and salted.

fava beans or broad beans roasted and seasoned

Left to mature completely they're known as horse beans. Harvested in late autumn they're eaten similar to the other pulses or dried legumes. Together with cereals, fava beans supply the body's daily requirements of amino acids.

The terms horse bean and field bean also refer to cultivars with small, harder seeds more like the wild species, used for animal feed. However the stronger flavor is preferred in some human food recipes, such as falafel.

Falafel, national food of ancient near eastern cuisine
Falafel can be made with chick peas or broad beans, with the same recipes used for thousands of years

Falafel are deep-fried balls or patties in traditional Middle Eastern cuisine. They're made from chickpeas, fava beans or both. Recipes include a range of herbs, spices and foods including onion, parsley, coriander, garlic purée, cumin, black pepper, flour and vegetable oil.

Broad beans are hardy plants. They tolerate harsh and cold climates, making them ideal as a north European crop. By 3000 BCE the bean is known in China. In the Bronze Age and earlier V. faba is cultivated in such lands as Egypt, Greece, Turkey, Iran, Europe and Asia.

a broad bean or Vicia faba flower
Bee's eye view of a broad bean flower (credit: Rasbak)

Unlike most legumes, broad beans can grow in soils with high saline content, as well as in clay soils. This adaptability aids the success of the plant in the arid south and near East. Given a choice, broad beans prefer rich loamy earth.

European Bronze Age agriculture is especially associated with development or use of new crops. Besides broad bean they include broomcorn millet (Panicum miliaceum), gold-of-pleasure (Camelina sativa) and einkorn wheat (Triticum monococcum).

broad beans or fava beans in entree
Vicia faba as part of a protein-rich main course

The fava bean is most susceptible to disease and pests in humid environments. The parasitic plant Orobanche crenata uses Vicia faba as a host. Orobanche crenata has no chlorophyll.

It taps into nearby plants through the root system and drains them of nutrients. Fermented manure kills the seeds of the parasite, as does soil solarization, or increasing soil temperature. This can be done with humus or laying down plastic to heat up the earth beneath.


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copyright Sylvia Rose 2024

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