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Elves & the Shoemaker - A Fairy Tale

Sylvia Rose

Updated: Jun 16, 2024

A poor shoemaker named Karl and his wife Frieda live above their shoe shop, near a small village. Hardship comes upon them. The shoemaker falls ill. Their savings spent, he returns to his bench with only enough leather to make one pair of shoes, and no money to buy more.

shoemaker making shoes

Karl leaves the leather on his bench with a sigh, determined to make shoes in the morning. He and Frieda have a supper of plain gruel and go to sleep. In the middle of the night she pokes him awake.

"Did you hear that?" she says.

"What?" he says. "I was sleeping."

They listen, but hear nothing more. Dismissing the sounds, which could be the wind, they go back to sleep. Next day dawns bright and sunny, but all the shoemaker can think of is the ache in his limbs and the plight of poverty.

hunger is poverty

After finishing the leftover gruel for breakfast, Karl and Frieda go downstairs. Imagine their amazement when they see a beautiful new pair of shoes done with finest stitching, neatly placed upon the work bench.

The door opens and a chic lady enters. "Can you tell me," says she, "is the village far?"

A lovely model wears jacket, slim jeans and sexy shoes
Chic lady with shoes of fine quality

Before they can answer she beholds the fine footwear and her eyes pop. The shoes are of the most supple leather, with plenty of arch and ankle support. "Why, these are just what I need," she cries, and pays the shoemaker twice what he would have asked.

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READ: Lora Ley Adventures - Germanic Mythology Fiction Series

READ: Reiker For Hire - Victorian Detective Murder Mysteries

When she leaves, Karl and Frieda are flabbergasted. Such lovely shoes and more money too? Immediately the shoemaker buys enough leather for two pairs of shoes. With the change he gets sausages for dinner.

sausages sizzling in the pan, hot and juicy
Delicious sizzling sausages for dinner

That night, Karl leaves the leather on the work bench. Frieda leaves a plate of cut up sausage for the mysterious visitors. In the middle of the night Frieda pokes Karl.

"Did you hear that?"

"It sounds like squeals of delight."

Very quietly they sneak out of bed. They peek into the workshop, and blink in disbelief. Three little men nimbly cut and sew leather, heartily enjoying bites of sausage.

fine leatherwork

Karl and Frieda are surprised to see the clothes of the elves in rags. The soles are flopping off their shoes. The shoemaker and his wife hasten back to bed before they're seen.

Next morning Karl and Frieda are thrilled to find two fine finished pairs of shoes upon the bench. Before they have time to rejoice, the door flies open and a well-dressed man enters.

A man in fine clothes smiles at the camera in front of earth brown fabric
A Well-Dressed Man

"Excuse me, good people, which way is Munich?" Then he sees the shoes on the bench. With glee he snatches them up, eagerly examining one pair and the other. He exclaims over the clever handiwork and neat strong stitches.

When he tries them on, they fit perfectly. "I must have both pairs," he cries. "Never have I seen such excellent work. And arch support, too!" Before Karl or Frieda can say anything he tosses a bag of money on the counter, and happily goes on his way.

gold gold gold

The shoemaker looks into the bag and to his shock it's stuffed with gold coins. Karl has more than enough gold to buy leather for eight pairs of shoes and a nice Schnitzel dinner too. The rest of the coins fill their empty money purse.

"It's a shame the elves have to wear rags," says Frieda. "After all they've done for us, we should do something for them. I'll make shirts and trousers."

vintage sewing machine

Karl nods. "Guess they can create only human-sized shoes. I'll make new ones for them."

Frieda sews the clothes, and Karl makes tiny shoes for their magical benefactors.

READ: Cult of the Fire God - Bronze Age Quest Adventure

READ: Lora Ley Adventures - Germanic Mythology Fiction Series

READ: Reiker For Hire - Victorian Detective Murder Mysteries

That night, Karl and Frieda leave food and the new shoes and clothes on the bench for the little men, and hide behind a curtain. Not long after dark, the elves appear and climb up on the bench.

black and white drawing or print from the fairy tale "elves and the shoemaker", collected by the Bros Grimm
The helpful elves cavort with joy

They laugh and leap for joy when they see the new clothes, and try them on. They admire themselves and each other, the well-fitting shoes and delicious Schnitzel. Amazingly fast, they create eight pairs of human sized shoes with the finest of work.

Karl and Frieda go to bed but can't sleep for excitement. Early the next day an entourage of the King stops by the shop. The men demand the shoes at any price, for never have they seen such quality. They give Karl so much gold, his and Frieda's troubles are over.

older man and woman smiling, hugs, happy couple
Karl and Frieda live happily ever after

Karl and Frieda hug each other. They never see the elves again, but the riches bespeak their gratitude for the gifts of new clothes and shoes. Karl and Frieda are blessed with abundance, the elves are dressed, the rich are shod, and everyone lives happily ever after.

The End


Elves are common household spirits in German and European mythology. They are known for quality craftsmanship. Elves may take up residence with humans with the function of a house kobold. However while the Kobold is usually solitary, elves appear in groups.

Depending who tells the tale, elves might be called Wichtelmännchen (little imps) or Heinzelmännchen (brownies). Also depending on region, 'Elves & the Shoemaker' may be told in different local versions, but the moral of hard work and reward remains the same.

'Elf' in the 19th century and earlier can refer to many magical beings, including Santa himself in the beloved 'Night Before Christmas' of 1823. In folklore, it's once thought sickness and disease are caused by elf magic, and that they work with witches for evil.

Elves don't have pointy ears until the 19th century, and some time previously are the size of a regular adult. They can walk among humans without revealing their true nature.


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READ: Lora Ley Adventures - Germanic Mythology Fiction Series

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copyright Sylvia Rose 2024

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