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Image by Billy Huynh
  • Sylvia Rose

Happy Saturday! Tidbits & Trivia

Saturday is the Day of Saturn. Make the most of this powerful day. Here are the lucky zodiac signs, lucky colors, lucky numbers, gemstones, plants and animals attuned to the Saturday vibe, and trivia about Saturday.

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Saturday is ruled by powerful forces. Work brings rewards, money luck twinkles, romance could blossom, but trickster energies appear to throw gremlins in machinery physical or spiritual. Don't let little things upset balance for it's a day of ancient gods and vast ambitions. Later, social energies flare and the time is right to kick back and have fun.

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Saturday Ruling Gods

When the Romans named this auspicious day in the time of Classical Antiquity (8th century BCE to 5th century AD), the seven-day work week didn't exist. Romans operated on an eight day week, which transitioned to the familiar seven days in the first or second century AD. In Latin Saturday is diēs Sāturnī (Saturn's Day). Planet Saturn rules the first hour of the day.

From the Romans, the name Saturday moved into West Germanic languages. In German it's Samstag. Saturn is one of the most complex Gods in the Roman pantheon. He's a god of hard work and reaping the benefits. Wealth or lack of it comes from the action of the individual. He's linked to the Sky and infinity.

Saturn is the Roman God of agriculture and wealth. He's the father of Roman King of the Gods, Jupiter. His symbol resembles the Greek letter Eta with a cross through the upright line, added in the 16th century to Christianize the pagan mark. The Romans equated Saturn with the Greek Cronus. He was a Titan who overthrew his father Uranus and tried to devour his own children.

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In most languages of India, Saturday is Shanivāra. Shani is the Hindu god representing planet Saturn, and vāra means day. Some Hindus fast on Saturdays to reverse the ill effects of Shani and pray to the god Hanuman.

Shani is the god of karma, justice, and retribution. This deity rules the cause and effect philosophy, in that one's words or actions get positive or negative results. Shani is the diety of longevity, sorrow, old age, discipline, responsibility, leadership, humility, integrity, and wisdom born of experience. He also signifies spiritual asceticism, ie severe discipline and avoiding indulgence; penance and conscientious work.

Saturday Zodiac Signs

Air sign Aquarius and Earth sign Capricorn relate to Saturday. It's a day for dreaming big while keeping one's feet on the ground. Imagination is fertile and steady progress gets the job done.

A little trickster energy appears on this day, and a feeling of being spaced out could send the mind on wild fancies. Earthy Capricorn is a strong compliment and mitigator of adventurous Aquarius. Likewise it could be fun to throw caution to the winds and let the devious humor of the Goat influence the patterns of the day.

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Strong intellectual energy ascends and Saturday is a good one for overcoming mental challenges and tests. An influx of elemental Water creates opportunities for financial or material gain.

Watch out for bickering or conflict with team-mates or partners as Saturday could see a clash of ideas, goals or desires. It's best to find common ground and work from there. At the same time it's possible to make strong progress with focus and perseverance.

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Saturday Lucky Colors

Purple rules the day on Saturday. Pink-purples are passionate, blue-purples tend toward deep thinking. Magenta, on the cusp of bright pink and purple, is a color of uniqueness and creativity.

Purple is a color of royalty or status; confidence, material success, wisdom, mystique and magic. It's a forward-moving energy and maintains a steady pace, a mix of rampant red and dreamy blue.

Vibrant blues are also lucky today, such as Prussian, ultramarine or cobalt blue. Stay away from dark blues like navy. Colors grey or silver can also attract lucky vibes. The color and the metal silver are fortunate for money and love.

Black is the Feng Shui water color of prosperity. Earth energies stimulate the color green with qualities of creativity, growth and nurturing. Aqua motivates imagination.

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Yellow can go either way as fashion. Darker skinned people look fabulous in yellow but light skinned people appear to have jaundice as the yellow reflects onto the face. Overall yellow is a lucky color today, bringing joy, optimism and humor. Yellow gems or flowers also reflect these qualities, although yellow sapphire should not be worn.

Saturday Lucky Numbers

The number 8 rules this day. Eight is the luckiest single number. It corresponds to the sky, journeying, infinity. The infinity symbol is an 8. Eight is balance, wisdom and perspective. Any good work and activities done today are multiplied or enhanced with the energy of number 8. Because it's also linked to Hindu god Shani, number 8 may be unlucky in some cultures. In others it's a number to celebrate.

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Eight attunes to cycles and spirals, symmetry, wholeness and strength. In Chinese culture 8 is lucky because it sounds like the word for generating wealth. Water the money tree for fruitful returns. Eight is a karma number because its energy flows out and comes back to a person.

Another lucky number is 6, relating to the hexagon or six-sided figure. Hexagons correspond to the natural cloud patterns at the north pole of planet Saturn. The six-point Star of David or the Buddhist star Shatkona with 6 points bring positive energy on Saturday.

Number 9 also resounds with luck. The highest prime single number, nine relates to status and individuality. It's three threes. Magic symbols of prehistoric times include three groups of three spirals.

From this came the triskelion, three legs running in a circle. Representing action, cycles and progression, the number nine and the triskelion or triskele are lucky on a Saturday. The pentagram or pentacle is a symbol of protection.

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Saturday Work & Business

Saturday is auspicious for work, whether at home or on the job. It's unlucky to go to the theater Saturday afternoon, unless for work. On Saturday, work done is magnified in influence and quality, and will bring good things your way.

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If Saturday starts on a low note, fear not. By noon the energies pulse. It's not a good day for meetings or dieting. It's good for finishing projects and auspicious for friendship, celebration and gatherings. Later in the day is time to play. While Saturn demands discipline and labor, this powerful planet begins to relax toward evening. If misery rules the early hours, later adventures promise joyfulness and fun.

Saturday night is fortunate for work in the public eye, in hospitality or entertainment industries. In the West it's a top money-making night for those who work. For others, social activities pick up as the solar influence of Sunday begins to creep in.

Saturday Lucky Metals

Silver is a luck-attracting metal due its associations with both wealth and romance. A glint of silver could catch Cupid's eye. Romantic relationships begun on Saturday may be difficult at first but worth the effort in the end.

Silver is also a favorite metal of nature spirits in pagan lore, and a coin tossed into a fountain or well could bring a blessing of luck. This is how the tradition of the wishing well began.

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Gold is unlucky on Saturday. It can attract illness or accidents. Wait until Sunday to wear or display gold. Also avoid alloys like brass or pewter. Another negative metal is lead. Beware of toxic people or situations.

Copper and iron jewelry or ornaments have especially strong powers in deflecting negative energy. These two metals are good for grounding on a flighty day. Copper magnifies the transfer of energy between two people. This warm-toned metal can also open the channels of love, and is sacred to Venus.

Iron is known for its protective powers against evil magic and malevolent entities. Wearing or displaying iron can repel or weaken the powers of Faerie folk such as elves, nixies, tree spirits, imps, moss people and other nature spirits who might be up to mischief. It's also considered to protect against witchcraft. Iron is also a symbol of work and earth magic.

Saturday Lucky Gemstones

Blue sapphire is the stone of the day, with glowing blue tones. The name sapphire comes from Latin sapphirus, from Greek sappheiros referring to lapis lazuli. Lapis will also give the day a little boost as will blue glass. The grey sapphire can also bring luck. Blue sapphire helps focus and concentration, tapping into the intuition or dream state. It's a clarifying stone of trust for meditation and spiritual journeying.

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Amethyst enjoys another day in the sun as an influential crystal. Deep purple colors and upward-reaching mineral formation attune to success, prosperity, harmony and mystical connections.

Amethyst in one of the stones considered precious in ancient times. As a type of quartz this translucent stone enhances mental clarity and mystic awareness. It was a popular stone at Saturnalia because the Romans believed it had powers to stave off drunkenness.

Amber is lucky for women, especially set in silver. A translucent, solidified resin from bright god to deep golden tones, amber helps absorb negative vibes and release crisp, rejuvenating energy, helping to soothe anxiety or mental conflict. Amber lifts the mood and brightens the day.

Black onyx can facilitate the flow of wealth. Clear gemstones such as rock crystal are lucky for aura cleansing and heightened spiritual connection any day.

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The Ruby, fundamentally a blood red sapphire, is lucky for some and can bring disaster for others. Libra, Taurus and Capricorn shouldn't wear rubies on Saturday. In some situations ruby can cause conflict or make someone "see red" or get angry. For optimal potency of this stone, don't wear Ruby in the morning. Amber or grey sapphire are positive Saturday morning gems.

Saturday Lucky Flowers

Holly is a lucky plant for Saturn. It was distributed and worn during the Roman feast of Saturnalia (Dec 17 - 23). Saturnalia was the Roman version of the earlier Greek festival of Kronia, celebrated in late midsummer.

Some Romans saw Saturnalia as a revival of the ancient Golden Age, when the world was ruled by Saturn. The poet Catullus called it "the best of days".

Holly vines and wreaths, like Rowan, have protective powers against evil spirits. The verdant foliage and bright berries of holly remain fresh and strong while other plants wilt in winter. In pagan traditions this plant is a symbol of fertility and eternal life.

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Pansies and orchids are both fortunate today. In mythology, pansy juice can be used in love potion. In Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, fairy king Oberon uses wild pansy potion to trick fairy queen Titania into falling madly in love with the first living thing she sees. Pansy is also a flower of memories and remembrance.

Orchid relates to fertility and virility, and given on a Saturday this flower is a sign of love. Orchids also signify individuality, inner strength and beauty.

Saturday Lucky Animals

Saturn rules black animals, and animals who live underground or in holes. If a black cat crosses one's path on a Saturday it's a sign of luck. Rabbits are fortunate as their procreative nature goes into work or play.

The Goat has influence this day. Goats embody trickster energies, motivation, vitality, fertility and cleverness. In Greek myth, the god Cronus (Rom. Saturn) devoured his children and the only one to escape was Zeus (Rom. Jupiter), thanks to his mother fooling Cronus with a stone.

Zeus was raised by a nanny goat in a cave by the sea, or a nymph tending goats, depending on who tells the tale. The goat is a symbol of nourishment, health and strength. As Saturn was tricked he looks upon the goat with a certain distrust, so sparks could fly in the realm of mischievous energies. Otherwise the Goat is a cheerful and positive ally.

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With the flow of elemental Water energy, fish have a special magic and so do marine mammals likes dolphins. They represent hidden depths, secret wisdom, agility and adaptability. Fish relate to abundance and their positive energy can be captured in art, food fabrics or decor.

The Snake is sacred to Cronus. As an animal spirit the snake represents healing, strategy, sensuality and wealth. Snake can be likened to the Lindwyrm of German mythology, a type of dragon.

Saturday Trivia

In Scandinavia, Saturday is lördag, lørdag, or laurdag. The name is derived from the old word laugr/laug, meaning bath, thus Lördag equates to bath-day. This is due to the Viking tradition of bathing on Saturdays.

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Up until recently in the chronology of centuries, Saturday was a regular day of work for many. In the 18th century, a custom of Saint Monday or Holy Monday made that day an extension for the Christian Sabbath on Sunday.

In the British steel industry, the power of unions held sway in the late 19th century. Steel workers negotiated a partial day of work Saturday, finishing at two. Eventually, Saturday became a full day of rest and this was the birth of the weekend in Western society.

For Jews, Messianics, Seventh Day Baptists and Seventh-day Adventists, the seventh day of the week is Shabbat (Seventh-day Adventists: Sabbath). It goes from sundown Friday to nightfall Saturday and is the day of rest.

According to the international standard ISO 8601 Saturday is the sixth day of the week. The three Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) regard Saturday as the seventh day.

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