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Gallu (Galla) Demons of Ancient Kur

Sylvia Rose

In Kur, the Mesopotamian Underworld, Goddess Ereskigal presides. She lives in a luxurious palace, attended by servants, scribes, her sukkal Namtar (Sumerian: fate) and the resident gallu demons. The gallu (gallûs, galla, gallas) occupy a special place in hell.

See also:

a demonic sculpture
Gallu demons drag people into the Underworld

The gallu are responsible for dragging the unwilling dead into Kur. They enjoy causing anguish and destruction. Gallu demons can attack through emotional, psychological or physical torture.

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Collectively they are seven Babylonian devils. Sacrifice of a lamb at their altars can appease them. Gallu demons feature in the story of Inanna, her descent to the Underworld, her death and subsequent resurrection.

See also:

the goddess Inanna goes to the Underworld
Inanna's Journey to the Underworld

The epic of Inanna's Descent says the demons “know no food, know no drink, eat no flour offering, drink no libation. They never enjoy the pleasures of marital embrace, never have any sweet children to kiss. They snatch the son from a man’s knee. They make the bride leave the house of her father in law”.

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When Inanna and her rescuers flee, the gallu pursue and try to drag them back to Kur. Ultimately the Overworld residents escape.

See also:

an ancient demon with wings
Ancient winged demon

But it's not over yet. Inanna has been in Kur for three days, her dead body hanging on a hook. She's in a bad mood.

It seems the god Dumuzid (Dumuzi), one of Inanna's consorts, didn't mourn her enough while she was essentially dead. Instead of following the mourning rites, as others of her circle do, Dumuzid sits under a tree in rich robes, attended by servants and dancing girls.

See also:

girl dancing in the forest
a nymph of the woods

Inanna is the goddess of Love, but also War. When her temper blows, woe to those who get in her way. She calls the gallu demons to drag Dumuzid into the Underworld to be cruelly tortured by the demons. The gallas set about their task with enthusiasm.

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After a while, Inanna cools down and relents. Ereshkigal won't let him go. Eventually an agreement is reached, whereby Dumuzid's sister Geshtinanna must stay in Kur for six months of the year, and Dumuzid the other six months.

See also:

The god dumuzid regrets his actions
The God Dumuzid (Dumuzi) at left is tortured by gallu demons, cylinder seal c. 2600 - 2300

While in Kur, Geshtinanna might function as Ereshkigal's scribe. A goddess of scribes, dream interpretation and singing, she lives in the palace, is part of Ereshkigal's court and can also take the place of the Underworld scribe goddess Belet-Seri.

Powerful malevolent entities like Pazuzu and even the evil udug have some beneficial qualities, and likewise the gallas are not all bad. Reference is made to "good udug" and "good gallu".

See also:

sick person in pain
Gallu demons cause pain and illness

However for the most part, as demons they love to inflict pain and suffering. Gallu or galla without an adjective are classed as evil and have no interest in helping humans unless they see an advantage to doing so.

A particularly powerful and hostile gallu demon, Asag, fights the Akkadian god hero Ninurta and his enchanted talking mace. Ninurta is the son of Enlil, a of the primordial god of wind, air, earth and storms.

See also:

lightning, clouds, sea and strip of land
Enlil, primordial storm god

Gallu can refer to a to a dangerous, relentless human enemy. As a noun gallu can also mean ability, strength, power and potency.

See also:

copyright Sylvia Rose 2024

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