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Image by Billy Huynh
  • Sylvia Rose

Seduction of Hedammu, Father of Snakes

Updated: Dec 12, 2023

Ḫedammu is a mythical Hurrian sea serpent or snake who wreaks havoc on the coast of Syria during the Bronze Age. He's the offspring of the Sea God's daughter, Šertapšuruḫi, and the ancient Underworld God Kumarbi. Hedammu is concieved with a sole purpose - kill Kumarbi's son Teshub.

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The daughter of Kiashe the Sea God, Šertapšuruḫi, is a mythical giantess. She dwells in the valleys and the caverns of the sea. In storms she may ride the waves like foam as a sea witch.

When she gives birth to Hedammu he's already large. He's ravenous and eats everything he sees. He will eat all the fish in the sea and the humans in their little boats too.

As a giant sea serpent he lurks along the coast seeking to satisfy his eternal hunger. He causes floods, dangerous tides and deadly currents.

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When he coils he creates whirlpools. A flick of his tail can sink a ship, and he gobbles up sailors with glee. Finally the Gods know they have to intervene or Hedammu will eat all their worshippers.

Kiashe the Sea God is an ally of Kumarbi thus sworn enemy of storm god Teshub and his siblings, including the Great Goddess Shaushka and warrior god Tashmishu (Tašmišu). He won't help them.

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When he sees the hero Gods, Hedammu churns the seas with laughter, for he's fast and slippery and knows the best places to hide. His natural armor is impermeable. His bite drips venom and his skin is toxic even to immortals.

The fighters are in despair. Their weapons break, their breath comes in heaves but there's barely a scratch on Hedammu. It seems the more they fight the monster the stronger he becomes.

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Hedammu sees Shaushka standing on an island, which used to be a mountain, with her arms aloft. She calls to him in a sing-song voice. Racing in, prepares to wrap his massive coils around her body. His jaws open wide to devour her.

Shauska gazes into his gaping reptilian face. A goddess of war, she's also one of love. Just as he is about to consume her, she turns the power of Venus onto the ferocious snake.

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She dances and sings her song of seduction. The monster pauses. About to eat her, he loses his appetite. Her eyes glimmer with passion and promise. Hedammu is mesmerized.

The union of Shaushka and Hedammu produces all the snakes of the Earth and Seas. The ultimate fate of Hedammu is uncertain. There's no further mention of him in the chronicles of the known world, but he stops plaguing the Syrian coast.

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In this tale and others, Shaushka is equated with Innana (Ishtar), also a strong goddess of war and love. Names and pantheons of these two goddesses are sometimes exchanged.

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