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Care & Feeding of Ancient Gods - Enlil

Sylvia Rose

Updated: Apr 22, 2024

An ancient Mesopotamian God, Enlil (Sumerian: Nunamnir) is a powerful deity associated with wind, air, earth and storms. He's the major god of the Sumerian pantheon, a primordial sky father figure also responsible for creating a great flood.

Read: Cult of the Fire God - Bronze Age Quest Adventure

See also:

An elegant table setting with cloche reflecting clouds, rose, sugar, tea, grapes, food
Breakfast in the Clouds

Originally a patron deity of Sumer, Enlil expands his range to other areas as seen in myths of the Akkadians, Assyrians, Babylonians and Hurrians. His center of power is Nippur in the south central part of today's Iraq.

Read: Cult of the Fire God - Bronze Age Quest Adventure

In Nippur Enlil is worshipped at the Ekur or Duranki temple by 2900 BCE. The name Ekur means 'mountain house', equating with Mount Olympus in later Greek myth.

See also:

carved god sits on a cube
Stone carving of chief god Enlil of Mesopotamian myth

A mountain house is associated with a ziggurat and the worship of one or more gods. A ziggurat can be home to several related deities. As specialized Mesopotamian doctors gain prominence, they also practice in temples.

Read: Cult of the Fire God - Bronze Age Quest Adventure

The Mountain House functions as a meeting place for the Gods, a popular theme in the days of the ancients. In some myths it's considered to be the place humans were created. In the picture below, the top brick structure is a reconstruction of the original.

See also:

here dwells Enlil and all powerful creator god
Mountain House, Ziggurat, Temple of Enlil in Nippur

People of the time believe the mountain house is built by Enlil himself. It's the mooring rope or connection with cosmic sky, where the Gods dwell in the heavenly mountains, and earth. In ancient Sumer the Ekur temple is the most sacred of all.

A Sumerian hymn dedicated to Enlil says:

Enlil who sits broadly on the white dais, on the lofty dais, who perfects the decrees of power, lordship, and princeship, the earth-gods bow down in fear before him, the heaven-gods humble themselves before him. 

See also:

white stairs and hall of arches
House of the Gods

According to another hymn the God Enlil is so holy not even other gods can look at him. Enlil emerges into mythology c. 2400 BCE with the rise of Nippur. He's one of the Seven Gods Who Decree, among the most ancient Sumerian gods who are:

The Sumerians have a deeply spiritual existence, both in the community and in personal life. They feel it vitally important to serve the gods well. The statue of a god is a representation of the deity, treasured and cared for by the priests.

See also:

Lady in the bath with leg extended
Bathing the Goddess

The body of the God/dess, represented by a statue or figure, is kept scrupulously clean. Priests and initiates whitewash or paint the temple regularly. People leave offerings of food, luxuries, votive figures, precious stones, incense and flowers to Enlil and other deities.

The Temple kitchen prepares food for the Gods. Many gods enjoy wine, a drink of the elite. In ancient Mesopotamia most people drink beer, mead or cider as the alcoholic beverage of choice.

See also:

hand pouring wine into glass
Wine is a drink of the upper echelon in ancient Mesopotamia

Some Gods eat three or four times a day. Proper food offerings become so important to the people, many are written down as guidelines on god lists or kaluti.

Prepared by temple kitchen staff and ritually laid out before the cult statue(s) of the temple gods, and food offerings are made to the deities. After the ritual, whatever the gods don't eat is distributed among priests, resident doctors and initiates.

See also:

faux flowers, red lace, close up hands shot
The statues wear fine clothes and ornamentation

Temple priests are also charged with washing the cult statues and changing the clothing. The God/dess is always finely dressed.

Enlil is seen as a kindly father creator figure who watches over humanity and cares for their well-being. It's said he invented the hoe for farming. An early Sumerian hymn says civilization could not exist without Enlil.

See also:

bright lights on earth from space at night
Without Enlil civilization would not exist. Now we know who to blame.

His titles include "the Great Mountain", "King of the Foreign Lands" "Lord of the Winds" and "Supreme Lord of the Universe". He's also called "Nunamnir" and at least one source calls him the "East Wind and North Wind".

Kings admire his leadership and model themselves after him. Many make pilgrimages to his temple, with gifts of precious items and land, to gain legitimacy as rulers. Enlil is known for his wisdom, justice and intolerance of evil.

See also:

ox horns or bull horns
Bull horns represent wisdom. divinity, crescent moon. Gods & kings often wear head gear of layered horns.

Enlil has a crotchety side. One day the humans are making too much noise and he can't sleep. He causes a drought, hoping to quiet them down. When it doesn't work he calls the disease demon Namtar to spread plague through the mortal realm.

The humans wail all the louder. Frustrated, Enlil summons up all his powers as a storm deity and creates a great flood to cover the known lands. That does it. Finally the humans are quiet, and Enlil gets some sleep.

See also:

finally, some sleep
... zzzzzz ...

In 1230 Nippur is sacked by Elamites, a powerful people populating the Persian Gulf area. After the conquest of Nippur, Enlil falls out of favor with the people as a tutelary god. He's soon replaced by the Babylonian national god, Marduk.

See also:

copyright Sylvia Rose 2024

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