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Animal Spirits: Woodpecker, Wasp, Wren

Sylvia Rose

Updated: Nov 18, 2024

The Woodpecker, Wasp and Wren all bring different animal qualities into daily life. Ancient people lived in the heart of nature and knew how to understand and communicate with the animals, entities and spirits around them. Humans are also part of nature, just like plants, rocks and slime mold.

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Although connections to inhabitants of the wild natural world may have faded through time, we all possess within us a consciousness going back to the days of early humans. Through meditation, spirit work, journeying, dreams, we can tap into ancient channels and harmonize with the rhythm of life.

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Animal spirits bring powerful wisdom and qualities we can use to help on our journey. Each animal has unique talents, abilities and temperament. Meditate and focus on the animal or qualities desired. To open the mind to specific spirits wear jewelry, charms, body decorations; make art or place ornaments having the appearance or energy of the animal spirit guide.

1. Woodpecker - Optimism, Opportunity, Communication

The cheerful Woodpecker is up early hammering on trees and maybe a wooden roof. This bird is an optimist who investigates any opportunity. Specially equipped to carry out his eating and communication needs, the woodpecker has a long sharp beak for drilling, sticky tongue for snapping up insects and three to four toes pointing forward and backward for

secure vertical grip on tree bark.

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A pileated woodpecker gives you the eye from a generous tree
Pileated Woodpecker in the Boreal Forest

To save his brain from shocks the skull is spongy bone, with a relatively small brain close to the skull to keep it steady, and a unique tongue formation, split and reaching around both sides of the brain to cushion it. Woodpeckers are part of the bird family Picidae, which also includes the piculets, wrynecks and sapsuckers.

Most woodpeckers live in boreal forests, though one, the Gila woodpecker, specializes in cactus pests. Northern forests extend for thousands of miles, providing plenty of trees and tasty insects.

Destructive forces such as wildfires and tree blight can threaten the habitat and lives of these birds. At the same time, deadwood harbors the food Woodpeckers love.

When defending nest, food or territory from another of his kind, the Woodpecker has a number of stabbing, flapping and vocal gestures, fluffing his feathers and revealing the bright red of his cap. He might also drum on a tree to voice his displeasure.

These are types of negotiation with the other bird. They compare qualities such as strength, display of red feathers and beak-snapping velocity. Overall, a Woodpecker person is a lover, not a fighter. Rarely do Woodpeckers engage in battle.

Female yellow-bellied sapsucker, type of woodpecker, on a tree
Female Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker

Woodpeckers are birds of the earth and sky. The Woodpecker is Yang, a positive outgoing energy, with the influence of the Yin/Yang water sign Cancer. Cancer delves into dreams and emotions. With his communication talents, the Woodpecker connects to the spirit world as an emissary or messenger.

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In Celtic lore, according to author Kathy Jones, the green woodpecker is the bird of Cliton, Morgen of the Fire. He knocks messages on trees, and the echoes travel throughout the land. The cry of the woodpecker foretells rain.

In native North American lore, Woodpecker is associated with friendship and happiness The Woodpecker, along with Wolf, is the sacred animal of the Warrior God Mars. Mars attunes to the weekday Tuesday and the element Fire.

Woodpecker asks us to share and use precious resources wisely. In the smallest North American Woodpecker species, the Downy, the male has a longer bill for drilling and poking into holes, while the female's beak is shorter, adept in prying up bark in the search for insects. Both woodpeckers can feed from one tree and never exhaust its abundance.

A male downy woodpecker with black white and red markings
Male Downy Woodpecker

Because the Woodpecker combines many diverse qualities he can be seen as the alchemist of the Forest. As a multi-sexual symbol with a combination of male and female qualities, the Woodpecker takes on the traits of a nature deity.

Woodpecker people are curious, intelligent and well-spoken. They are goal-oriented and know what they want. Many different influences appear in their lives and they have a strong sense of inner balance.

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Once a Woodpecker person finds a comfortable environment, domestic patterns emerge and this individual might be happier to stay close to home than travel long distances, whether for work or play.

Driven by Fire, inspired by Air, fueled by Wood and mitigated by Water, a person with Woodpecker totem or animal spirit guide has strong spiritual connections, a charismatic personality and is usually successful in life.

2. Wasp - Matriarch, Work, Community

While some wasps are solitary, most prefer life in a community. Either they colonize one nest, working together, or several wasps cultivate individual holes in a dry mud bank or other habitable area. The best known wasps are the nest-building yellowjackets, hornets, European wasps and brown wasps.

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European paper wasp on a pink flower
European Paper Wasp collects plant fibers for her nest

Wasp colonies are matriarchal. A queen from last year emerges in spring, finds a good nest site and builds a small nest by chewing wood or plant fibers. She creates a type of papier mache to build hexagonal cells and lays eggs.

When the larvae hatch, she feeds them masticated insects, which is why wasps are a benefit in the garden. The larvae eat only insects while the adults consume sweet drinks such as nectar. Larvae also produce a type of sweet juice which the wasps drink or deliver to the Queen.

The first wasps are workers and small compared to the later wasps. They build the nest from now on while the queen provides more eggs. Colonies vary from a few individuals to massive nests filling house walls, created over years.

A European paper wasp makes paper mache out of plant fibers to build her nest
European Paper Wasp building her nest

Although a female Yin energy, the Wasp is also associated with the power of the Sun. Wasps live their entire lives determined by the influence of this fiery celestial body. They navigate, find food and build their homes attuned to the Sun. Their yellow or iridescent colors reflect heat. Dark stripes or patches absorb sunlight and aid in temperature circulation.

In the colony, every Wasp has a role but they're all individuals. Each has markings on her face, which vary according to her rank in the colony. Wasps remember the facial markings of their sisters, preventing enemies from entering the nest.

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Although male Wasps have the reputation for being lazy, they actually do work. The drones gather flower nectar or sweet juice, and feed it to female workers and the Queen.

A man with a Wasp spirit guide is the type to surprise people with talents or abilities they don't know about. In nature, male wasps don't sting, but they can deliver a pinching bite. It's best not to take these guys for granted.

Wasp energy can clarify one's role in society, family or group. Wasps are Old Spirits, emerging in the Jurassic period 150 million years ago. A Wasp embodies awareness, the collective unconscious and the ancient soul. She attunes to work, building, sharing and constructive progress. In Wicca, the repeating hexagons Wasps build represent the Sun.

yellowjacket wasp on a reflective surface, mirror, with reflection
Yellowjacket Worker Wasp checks out her reflection

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Wasp people are in touch with nature on both large and small scales. They may seem finicky perfectionists but have a strong sense of family values and the importance of kin. Action-oriented, Wasp people can travel far, physically, mentally and spiritually. Wasps are ruled by Earth, Air and Fire and have busy lives. It's important to take breaks and rehydrate.

The stinger of the wasp is an ovipositor - it can also be used to lay eggs. This is one way parasitic wasps inject larvae into the maggots of pests such as the emerald ash borer. Parasite wasps don't prey on humans, but can stoke the imagination.

Wasps sting only in defense of themselves or the nest. Wasp venom causes severe pain and possible allergic reactions up to anaphylactic shock. Wasp spirit may warn against being too defensive.

Although she arouses primal fears, the Wasp attunes to quiet confidence and mental calm. Tapping into this ancient spirit is fortunate for transcendental journeyers on the path to self-awareness. The wasp is a symbol of work, wisdom and women.

Wren - Strategy, Hope, Positive Action

The tiny wren has a big personality. Her cheerful song resounds through the hills. She may inhabit forests, marshes, meadows and sometimes comes to visit humans. She's a sign of spring, linked to the rebirth of the earth.

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A pretty brown wren sits on a mossy tree trunk
Wren on a Mossy Tree looking at you and me

A wren house or habitat is a beneficial addition to the garden. The wren is small enough to fit into cracks and holes other birds, such as parasitic house sparrows and predatory starlings, cannot. She dines on insects and fills the air with her bright voice. The wren is a symbol of good luck.

Wrens are social birds who talk to each other. People with a Wren totem have the gift of gab. They're helpful and fun to have around. Wren brings revitalizing energy into the room. Wrens can organize and delegate, but may disappear for a while, only to be found singing in a nearby meadow. Wren energy is sometimes flighty.

A wren sings atop an old stump
Song of the Wren - cheerful & bright

Nonetheless, these small brave birds are great strategic thinkers and able to solve problems and surmount any obstacle with brains rather than brawn.

In Old High German another name for the wren was kuningilin or kinglet. A European story tells of all the birds in a contest to see who could fly highest, thus become King of the Birds.

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After several flew, the Eagle spread his mighty wings and soared up into the sky, flying higher than any other bird. As he was about to proclaim himself King the little wren popped out from under his wing and few even higher, winning the contest.

The wren attunes to domestic bliss and harmony. She likes to visit the neighbors and see what they're up to. People with a Wren personality or totem have an engaging nature. Appearance or a vision of the Wren could be a warning of gossip or false rumors.

Brown wren, pretty bird sitting on an old fence
Wren spirit reminds us "Small is Beautiful". She uncovers opportunities for success.

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She's inquisitive but not mean-spirited so it's more likely she's inviting you to a party. If social activities with friends, spouse and loved ones have been lagging lately, now's the time to renew the bonds and celebrate each other.

The beautiful song of the Wren charms the whole land. A Wren person often has talents or abilities beyond the scope of others, bringing happiness and joy to those around her. Wren is the state bird of South Carolina and also appears on English farthings.

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copyright Sylvia Rose 2024

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