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Image by Billy Huynh
  • Sylvia Rose

World of Alchemy: A Little History

World of Alchemy Series Book One - A Little History - is an entertaining journey through the history, philosophy, key players, evolution and concepts of the marvelous mystical practice of alchemy.

Alchemy is a multi-layered discipline. It's an exploration of body, mind, spirit and nature from the earliest days. Alchemical processes are used from the times of prehistory to modern day in food, drink, beauty and cosmetics, medicine and the cutting edge of science.

As a practice alchemy is over two thousand years old although alchemical knowledge extends further back, to the Egypt of 1500 BCE and prehistory. Based on natural processes and the ancient quest of knowing, alchemy morphs the Iron Age into a Golden Age.

Evolving from such media as metallurgy and Greek philosophy, alchemy reaches unprecedented heights in the late years BCE and early years AD. Greco-Roman Alexandria is inundated with philosophers, mystics, theologians, alchemists and some who do it all.


The progress of this remarkable medium from ancient Egypt to the jewel of Alexandrian alchemy puts the knowledge into the hands of the East upon the Islamic conquest of Egypt. Islamic writers are great documenters and translators, and bring the tria to the tria prima.

The Renaissance Golden Age is the most prolific and well-recorded for alchemists, partly as they have the printing press Alexandrians did not. In China, alchemists are forbidden to make fake gold, and under of Henry IV in England they're forbidden to make real gold.

While alchemy is connected strongly to chrysopoeia or gold-making, its transmutative power extends to the creation of a panacea to heal all disease, a universal goal. Eternal life also arouses world-wide interest. Spiritual alchemy aligns the soul with the Whole.

Above: Alchemical art depicting the omnipresence of the philosophical matter. "The Stone that is Mercury, is cast upon the Earth, exalted on Mountains, resides in the Air, and is nourished in the Waters." (Michael Maier's Atalanta Fugiens. 1617)

Ancient places, quirky characters and a wealth of knowledge about alchemy, nature, science and history await perusal. Share these ideas with others. Release the sparkling treasures within, on an epic exploration of history, medicine, science, philosophy and magic. 

World of Alchemy is a series of quick-read books featuring historical, esoteric, spiritual alchemy and concurrent processes of analytic psychology and nature.

"A Little History" gives an excellent grounding to the study of alchemy as an expressive tool, spiritual reference, hobby or passion. "Spiritual Alchemy" is for those seeking to lead a better life through the psychology of alchemic process.

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