German Romanticism: Nature & Emotion
Alchemy & Religion
Advances in Chemistry 1600-1800: German
Women Brewers: Brewing History of Europe
Prague: Bohemians of the Renaissance
Protestant Reformation of Renaissance Europe
Literature: Great Literary Patrons in History
Difference Between Astrology & Astronomy in the Ancient World
Roman Empire: Situation 300 AD
Olympiodorus of Thebes & His Parrot
Medieval France: Peasants, Knights & Urbanites
Rosicrucians: Order of the Golden & Rosy Cross
Alchemists of Ancient Alexandria
Salt: Exalted Mineral of Alchemy
World of Alchemy: A Little History
Spiritual Alchemy: Alchemical History
Narcissus the Freedman Imperial Rome
Slaves Unchained: Freedmen of Ancient Rome
Messalina: Death & Desire in Ancient Rome
Poppaea Sabina: Child Bride to Roman Empress