A small kingdom with a big kick, Ugarit has an independent pantheon of Godesses and Gods, central administration, trade routes inland or coastal, diplomatic allies and progressive ideas.
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Ugarit is a major trade and shipping center in northern Syria in the Bronze Age. The city kingdom rises to become an influential Mediterranean power.

Gods and Goddesses of Ugarit
Major Deities
Baal / Hadad - storm & weather God
El - creator God, head of Ugaritic pantheon
Anat - war goddess, often winged
Ashtart (Astarte) - goddess of the hunt, war, sexuality, evening star

Athirat (Elat) - wife of El, highest-ranked Goddess in the pantheon
Kothar-wa-Khasis (Hayyānu) - craftsman God, deity of creators & blacksmiths
Kotharat - seven divine midwives
Nikkal (Nikkal-wa-Ib) - a principal Goddess, wife of the Moon God
Resheph (Iršappa) - God of war, plague, underworld, planet Mars
Shapash - Sun Goddess
Yarikh - Moon God
Minor Deities
Asray - Underworld Goddess
Arṣu-wa-Šamuma - double deity, meaning Earth & Heaven
Attar - war god, takes throne when Baal dies; soon ousted
Ba‘alat Bahatīma - Goddess, watches over the area occupied by the royal family
Dadmiš (Tadmiš) - Goddess of Healing
Dagan - 'biological' father of Baal, sometimes shown beside him
Dimgay - Goddess, a handmaiden of Athirat
Didānu - God, divine ancestor of Ugaritic kings
Gaṯaru - God of Underword, vegetation & war
Gupan-wa-Ugar - Gods, "Vine" & "Field", usually together, messengers of Baal
Gūrūma-wa-Tahāmātu - pair or group of deities of mountains & freshwater springs
Hargub - bird-like God sometimes called Father of Raptors or Eagles
Horon - magic, exorcisms, incantations
Hulelu - father of the Kotharat
Ḫiriḫibi - 'divine marriage broker'
Ilib - an ancestor of the Gods
Ilish - herald of the House of Baal
Kannaru - deification of the lyre
Maḏḏara - included on offering lists, identity unkown
Messengers of Yam - aka "embassy of judge Nahar", unnamed messengers of god Yam
Mêšaru - a God, divine judge
Milku - an underworld deity sometimes called King

Mot - personification of Death
Pidar - associated with Baal, otherwise vague
Pidray - sister of Asray, "daughter of light"
Qudšu-wa-Amrur - messenger of Athirat, called her 'fisherman'
Qudshu - a goddess, purpose unknown
Rahmay - goddess of Athirat's court
Samal - bird-like Goddess, also called "mother of raptors"
Shakhar - one of the divine twins - dawn
Shalim - one of the divine twins - dusk
Shatiqatu - mythical female exorcist, healer
Sumuqan - "warrior of Baal", associated with wild animals
dSu-ra-su-gu-WA - diety appearing on one god list, purpose unknown
Šaggar(-wa-‘Iṯum) - lunar god and representation of Sinjar Mountains
Šamnu - deity of olive oil
Šaraššiya - divine personification of Kingship
Ṣidqu - god associated with righteousness
Talish - handmaiden of Yarikh
Tallay - weather deity of dew and light rain
Ṯukamuna-wa-Šunama - sons of El and Athirat
Tiraṯu - god of wine
Uṯḫatu - deification of a ritual censer or incense burner
Yam (Nahar) - god of the sea
Yaparudmay - mentioned in a myth as a possible divine bride
Ẓiẓẓu-wa-Kāmaṯu - appear only as a pair; Kamatu is a God; Zizzu unknown
Like those of other strong cultures of the known world, the pantheon adopts some foreign Gods, primarily Hurrian. Assimilating gods is a gesture of consideration to the people of occupied or tradeworthy lands. It helps keep the peace, show respect and bond friendships between leading powers.
Hurrian Deities
Adamma - goddess incorporated into Hurrian pantheon after the fall of Ebla
Allani - Underworld goddess
Aštabi (Attapar) - warrior god
Daqitu - attendant of Hebat
Ea - god of water, knowledge, crafts & creation
Ebrimuša - "lord of justice"
Hebat (Hepat) - Sun Goddess
Hutena and Hutellura - Fate Goddesses & divine midwives
Ishara - Goddess of death & desire
Kiaše - Hurrian god of the sea
Kubaba - goddess of unknown origin
Kumarbi - Hurrian Father of the Gods
Kušuḫ - Moon God with oracular attributes
Ninatta and Kulitta - handmaidens of Šauška (Shaushka)
Nupatik - psychopomp god
Pendigalli - goddess associated with palaces
Pinikir - astral goddess
Pišaišapḫi - god of the mountain Pišaiša
Šarruma - god sukkal of Kumarbi; also associated with Teshub & Hepat
Šauška (Shaushka) - the great goddess
Šimige - Hurrian Sun God
Šuwala - Hurrian Underworld Goddess
Teshub - weather god & head of Hurrian Pantheon

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