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Gods of Ugarit c. 1800 - 1200 BCE

Sylvia Rose

Updated: Jan 29

A small kingdom with a big kick, Ugarit has an independent pantheon of Godesses and Gods, central administration, trade routes inland or coastal, diplomatic allies and progressive ideas.

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Ugarit is a major trade and shipping center in northern Syria in the Bronze Age. The city kingdom rises to become an influential Mediterranean power.

selection of colorful syrian food
Fabulous Feast

Gods and Goddesses of Ugarit

Major Deities

Baal / Hadad - storm & weather God

El - creator God, head of Ugaritic pantheon

Anat - war goddess, often winged

Ashtart (Astarte) - goddess of the hunt, war, sexuality, evening star

goddess in the water
Ashtart (Astarte) Goddess of War, Hunting, Sexuality

Athirat (Elat) - wife of El, highest-ranked Goddess in the pantheon

Kothar-wa-Khasis (Hayyānu) - craftsman God, deity of creators & blacksmiths

Kotharat - seven divine midwives

Nikkal (Nikkal-wa-Ib) - a principal Goddess, wife of the Moon God

Resheph (Iršappa) - God of war, plague, underworld, planet Mars

Shapash - Sun Goddess

Yarikh - Moon God

moon god Yarikh
God of the Moon

Minor Deities

Asray - Underworld Goddess

Arṣu-wa-Šamuma - double deity, meaning Earth & Heaven

Attar - war god, takes throne when Baal dies; soon ousted

Ba‘alat Bahatīma - Goddess, watches over the area occupied by the royal family

Dadmiš (Tadmiš) - Goddess of Healing

relaxing with a facial massage
Goddess of Healing

Dagan - 'biological' father of Baal, sometimes shown beside him

Dimgay - Goddess, a handmaiden of Athirat

Didānu - God, divine ancestor of Ugaritic kings

Gaṯaru - God of Underword, vegetation & war

Gupan-wa-Ugar - Gods, "Vine" & "Field", usually together, messengers of Baal

Gūrūma-wa-Tahāmātu - pair or group of deities of mountains & freshwater springs

Hargub - bird-like God sometimes called Father of Raptors or Eagles

eagle flying in the misty sky
Father of Eagles

Horon - magic, exorcisms, incantations

Hulelu - father of the Kotharat

Ḫiriḫibi - 'divine marriage broker'

Ilib - an ancestor of the Gods

Ilish - herald of the House of Baal

storm & weather god Ba'al

Kannaru - deification of the lyre

Maḏḏara - included on offering lists, identity unkown

Messengers of Yam - aka "embassy of judge Nahar", unnamed messengers of god Yam

Mêšaru - a God, divine judge

Milku - an underworld deity sometimes called King

crown on a skull
Underworld King

Mot - personification of Death

Pidar - associated with Baal, otherwise vague

Pidray - sister of Asray, "daughter of light"

Qudšu-wa-Amrur - messenger of Athirat, called her 'fisherman'

Qudshu - a goddess, purpose unknown

Rahmay - goddess of Athirat's court

Samal - bird-like Goddess, also called "mother of raptors"

Osprey with young in nest
Mother of Raptors

Shakhar - one of the divine twins - dawn

Shalim - one of the divine twins - dusk

Shatiqatu - mythical female exorcist, healer

Sumuqan - "warrior of Baal", associated with wild animals

dSu-ra-su-gu-WA - diety appearing on one god list, purpose unknown

Šaggar(-wa-‘Iṯum) - lunar god and representation of Sinjar Mountains

Šamnu - deity of olive oil

olive branch, spoon of oil
Olives and oil

Šaraššiya - divine personification of Kingship

Ṣidqu - god associated with righteousness

Talish - handmaiden of Yarikh

Tallay - weather deity of dew and light rain

Ṯukamuna-wa-Šunama - sons of El and Athirat

Tiraṯu - god of wine

red wine poured in glass, god of wine
Tiraṯu is god of wine

Uṯḫatu - deification of a ritual censer or incense burner

Yam (Nahar) - god of the sea

Yaparudmay - mentioned in a myth as a possible divine bride

Ẓiẓẓu-wa-Kāmaṯu - appear only as a pair; Kamatu is a God; Zizzu unknown

two eyes of different faces
Ẓiẓẓu-wa-Kāmaṯu (Zizzi & Kamatu), always together

Like those of other strong cultures of the known world, the pantheon adopts some foreign Gods, primarily Hurrian. Assimilating gods is a gesture of consideration to the people of occupied or tradeworthy lands. It helps keep the peace, show respect and bond friendships between leading powers.

Hurrian Deities

Adamma - goddess incorporated into Hurrian pantheon after the fall of Ebla

Allani - Underworld goddess

Aštabi (Attapar) - warrior god

Daqitu - attendant of Hebat

Ea - god of water, knowledge, crafts & creation

Enki emerging from a swim in the pool of eternal life
Enki (Ea) God of Water, Wisdom, Creation, Craftspeople

Ebrimuša - "lord of justice"

Hebat (Hepat) - Sun Goddess

Hutena and Hutellura - Fate Goddesses & divine midwives

Ishara - Goddess of death & desire

Kiaše - Hurrian god of the sea

Kubaba - goddess of unknown origin

Kubaba - goddess of unknown origin
Mysterious Kubaba - goddess of unknown origin

Kumarbi - Hurrian Father of the Gods

Kušuḫ - Moon God with oracular attributes

Ninatta and Kulitta - handmaidens of Šauška (Shaushka)

Nupatik - psychopomp god

Pendigalli - goddess associated with palaces

Pinikir - astral goddess

woman silhouette with stars
Astral Goddess Pinikir - she's a star

Pišaišapḫi - god of the mountain Pišaiša

Šarruma - god sukkal of Kumarbi; also associated with Teshub & Hepat

Šauška (Shaushka) - the great goddess

Šimige - Hurrian Sun God

Šuwala - Hurrian Underworld Goddess

Teshub - weather god & head of Hurrian Pantheon


Non-Fiction Books:

Fiction Books:

READ: Lora Ley Adventures - Germanic Mythology Fiction Series

READ: Reiker For Hire - Victorian Detective Murder Mysteries

copyright Sylvia Rose 2024

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