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Bizilla - Shining Love Goddess Sukkal

Sylvia Rose

Updated: Dec 31, 2023

Bizilla (Bizila) is a Mesopotamian goddess sukkal to the great matriarch and Queen of the Gods, Ninlil. Her name Bizilla means she who is pleasing. She's also a love goddess.

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See also:

Bizilla dances raises her veils like wings
Bizilla - sukkal to Ninlil and goddess of love

She's closely connected to other deities of passion, romance and the dance of love. One is Nanaya, goddess of erotic love. Bizilla and Nanaya are often listed in the court of Inanna.

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The worship of Bizilla centers on Ḫursaĝkalama, near Kish, where she's patron deity. Also attested elsewhere, in Ḫursaĝkalama she's found in the court of love and sexuality goddess Inanna (Ishtar), Queen of the Heavens.

See also:

man and woman passionate in the shower
The Love Goddess relates to passion and desire

Bizilla might appear with Ninaya as a divine dyad, which is popular in Mesopotamian religions. In Uruk and Borsippa she's often worshipped in tandem with Nanaya.

The Nippur god list places them in the house of Inanna but not together. In Uruk, Bizilla may be presented in a triad with Nanaya and another Mesopotamian love goddess, Kanisurra.

See also:

three neolithic spirals
Trinity, triskelion, trinity, triad of Stone Age spirals

They were also worshipped as a sacred trinity in Bīt-Bēlt. It's now a lost city, mentioned only in tablets. In the fertile delta, lands and river systems are constantly changing. Cities on the coast in c. 3000 are up to 200 mi (322 km) inland now.

One text names Ninshubur (the sukkal of Inanna), Nanaya, Bizilla and Kanisurra as Inanna's attendants. Love goddesses relate to all kinds of love, including love lost or unrequited. They also embody the qualities of lust, desire, temptation, seduction, passion and the celebration of sexuality.

See also:

Bizilla dances, with sultry eyes and smile
She knows all the moves in the dance of love

Bizilla is thought to have her start as the sukkal of Ninlil. Her parentage is unknown. As time goes by she develops her own cult of worship outside the sphere of the mother goddess, but retains her position as sukkal.

In some areas, Bizilla appears in the court of Nungal, goddess of prisons, associated with the Mesopotamian Underworld Kur. Nungal is a goddess of punishment, but also compassion and clemency.

See also:

shadow person behind a translucent wall with prison bars
Nungal Goddess of Prisons will listen to pleas

She can be called upon to help reduce a sentence or for mercy in judgment. Associated with her, Bizilla attunes to another meaning of her name: lovingly caring. A Babylonian festival for medicine goddess Gula includes Bizilla and Ninlil.

See also:

copyright Sylvia Rose 2024

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