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Divine Light - Sun Goddess of Arinna

Sylvia Rose

Sun goddess of Arinna is also called Arinniti or Wuru(n)šemu (Wurusemu). She's the chief goddess of worship in the ancient near East, and in Hittite mythology acts as companion of the ruling weather god Tarḫunna.

See also:

sun goddess of arinna
Sun Goddess of Sacred City Arinna

She protects the Hittite kingdom and is known as "Queen of All Lands." Her cult centre is the sacred city of Arinna near the Hittite capital Hattusa. In the 14th century she and her deific family were heavily favored by the Hittite King Mursili II. It may have been during the rabbit fever plague, which lasts twenty years and devastates population and country.

The Sun goddess of Arinna is originally worshipped by the Hattian people who occupy part of Anatolia. Hattians call her Eštan, and Wurunšemu ("Mother of the land").

See also:

wheat, sun, dynamic energy, dark clouds and sky above
Wheat and Weather

When the Hittites arrive c. 1600 BCE, they're quick to assimilate the Hattians. To ease this process they adopt the Sun Goddess of Arinna as a major deity.

Her messenger is the Eagle. The Sun goddess of Arinna and the weather god Tarḫunna are considered the Divine King and Queen of the Gods. They are named differently across cultures but perform the same functions.

Sun Goddess of Arinna and stormy Tarḫunna have a daughter Mezulla, who also has a daughter. In the sacred city Arinna the Sun Goddess forms a divine trinity with her daughter Mezulla and grand-daughter Zintuḫi.

See also:

three figures two shadows one live

Mezulla is a minor goddess with formidable power. As daughter of the chief deities she can act as intermediary with them for mortals. She also accompanies military campaigns. Her name simply means 'her daughter' as Zintuhi means 'granddaughter."

In the 13th century BCE the priestess queen Puduhepa labored to organize and rationalize the religion of her people. An inscription reads

Sun goddess of Arinna, my lady, you are the queen of all lands! In the land of Hatti you have assumed the name of Sun-Goddess of Arinna, but in respect to the land which you made of cedars, you have assumed the name Hebat.

See also:

woman by the sea in loose garb with hands together
Queen Puduhepa pays homage to the Sun Goddess

Around the 14th century BCE, the Weather God of Zippalanda, the Weather God of Nerik and the corn god Telipinu are listed as sons of the Sun Goddess and Tarḫunna. The Sun Goddess of Arinna is also connected to the Sun Goddess of the Earth and the Sun God of Heaven.

The sacred site of City of the Gods, Arinna is the place early Hittite Kings were ceremoniously crowned. The most important temple of the Sun goddess is in Arinna.

A golden solar disc represents the Sun Goddess in her temples. The discs may be given by Hittite queens or other gift-givers. She also receives silver and copper discs.

See also:

sunset over field of grass
Golden Disc of the Sun

Deer are sacred to the Sun goddess and are on her sacrificial lists. Cultic vessels such as rhytons in the shape of deer or deer heads serve as ritual ware. Golden deer statuettes from the Early Bronze Age were found in the Kızılırmak (Red) River, belonging to the Sun Goddess during the Hattian period.

The Sun Goddess of Arinna is sometimes portrayed as a woman figure. Statuettes show her as a sitting goddess with a halo. She might have a child on her lap as in the top picture.

See also:

copyright Sylvia Rose 2024

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