Calcite is made up of calcium carbonate (CaCO3). With stunning crystal formations and a range of beautiful colors, calcite also has industrial applications, and can derive its existence from metal-eating bacteria of micro-ecology.

About Calcite
Calcite is one of the most abundant minerals on Earth. Its chemical composition, calcium carbonate, gives it a wide array of physical properties, including its capacity to fluoresce, its variability in hardness (3 on the Mohs scale), and its distinctive rhombohedral crystal shape.
Beyond its beauty, calcite plays an instrumental role in ecological and geological processes. Calcite makes up about 4% of the Earth's crust. It is a primary component of sedimentary rocks like limestone.

The chemical formula CaCO₃ is the same for limestone, calcite and calcium carbonate. Calcite's distinctive properties include a fizzy reaction with hydrochloric acid and birefringence, in which an incident ray of light is split into two rays.
Notably, calcite is important to the carbon cycle, acting as a carbon sink regulating atmospheric CO₂ levels. Limestone, primarily composed of calcite, contains approximately 80% of the global carbonate reservoir.

Calcite & Limestone
While calcite and limestone are closely related and even share the same chemical formula, they are not the same. Limestone is a sedimentary rock created from calcite. It forms under pressure from the accumulation of organic materials like shells, coral, and other debris.
In contrast, calcite is the mineral form of calcium carbonate, which also has the chemical formula CaCO3. Calcite exists in a pure crystalline state and as a component of rock types. Limestone consists of calcite and materials like clay and fossils.

How is Calcite Made in Nature?
In nature, calcite can be formed through the biochemical activities of organisms, such as mollusks, corals. Corals can generate vast amounts of calcite as they build reefs. Certain bacteria secrete calcium carbonate to create shells and structures.
The calcium eating bacterium Sporosarcina pasteurii is a main contributor to calcite production. Calcite can precipitate from water by evaporation or chemical reactions, resulting in sedimentary deposits.

In marine and freshwater environments, fluctuations in temperature, pressure, and pH can lead to the chemical precipitation of calcite from calcium-rich solutions. This causes significant calcium carbonate deposits. In freshwater lakes, such as Lake Huron, up to 70% of benthic sedimentary layers is calcite.
Sporosarcina pasteurii Calcite Making Bacteria
Calcite is formed is through the action of bacteria, particularly Sporosarcina pasteurii, a type of ureolytic bacterium. The urease enzyme hydrolyzes urea to produce ammonia and carbonic acid.
These bacteria are crucial to microbial-induced calcite precipitation (MICP). When Sporosarcina pasteurii metabolizes urea, it releases ammonia to raise the pH of the surrounding environment, making it more alkaline.

The pH increase causes dissolved calcium ions and carbonate ions to combine and precipitate as solid calcite. This process catalyzes formation of calcite and also aids in soil stabilization.
It enhances biodiversity, and can facilitate the remediation of heavy metals and nutrients in contaminated sites. These bacteria can precipitate calcite at about 1 to 10 grams per liter.
Colors of Calcite
Calcite can display a spectrum of colors, including colorless, white, yellow, pink, green, blue, and brown. These colors are attributed to several factors, including inclusions (impurities), the presence of other minerals, and light interference patterns within the crystal structure.

Colors of calcite crystals come from:
Impurities: Different minerals present during calcite's formation can introduce distinct colors. For example, iron often creates hues of yellow or brown, while manganese can yield pink calcite.
Light Refraction: Calcite features specific crystal structures with various optical effects, resulting in an array of visual colors.
Environmental Conditions: The environment's temperature, pressure, and chemical makeup at the time of crystallization significantly influence the color of the calcite.
Recognizing the color variations in calcite not only enhances its appeal but also provides insights into the environmental conditions during its formation.

Stalagmites & Stalactites
Calcite is responsible for the formation of spectacular cave formations, stalactites and stalagmites. These formations occur as mineral-rich water drips from cave ceilings, gradually depositing calcite as it evaporates.
Over millennia, this builds stunning icicle-like stalactites from the ceiling and stalagmites rising from the floor. Consistent dripping causes formations to grow into impressive natural structures. In the Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico, some stalactites are over 12 m (40 ft).

Calcite in Nature and Industry
In Nature
Calcite is crucial for the formation of geological features and contributes to the carbon cycle. It serves as a habitat for various aquatic organisms and supports soil health.
In Industry
Calcite is used in production of cement, lime and glass. It acts as a filler in products like paints, plastics, rubber, and adhesives. The agriculture sector also uses calcite to improve soil pH and enhance nutrient availability.
Used as an aggregate in concrete, calcite enhances structural stability. It is estimated that around 90% of the cement produced globally contains limestone, a significant source of calcite.

Carbon Capture
Calcite's ability to sequester carbon dioxide is a factor in mitigating climate change. By facilitating the conversion of CO₂ into stable mineral forms, calcite helps reduce greenhouse gas levels.
Due to its unique optical properties, calcite is used to make polarizing microscopes and other optical devices.
Cosmetics and Pharmaceuticals
Calcite acts as an important filler in many cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, showing its wide-ranging applications.
In nature, calcite fosters soil fertility and is essential for diverse aquatic ecosystems, supporting numerous marine species.

Facts About Calcite
Calcite is the primary mineral found in the shells of many marine organisms.
The crystal structure of calcite belongs to the trigonal system.
Few minerals exhibit double refraction (birefringence), and calcite is one of them; when looking through a piece of calcite, a person can see double images of objects.
Calcite is an essential indicator of past environmental conditions and is often studied in paleoclimatology.
It is a major component in the formation of coral reefs, helping build complex ecosystems in marine environments.
Crystal Habits: Calcite exhibits several crystal habits, including rhombohedral and scalenohedral forms, making it a favorite among mineral collectors.
Fizzes with Acid: Calcite is well-known for its vigorous reaction with hydrochloric acid, where it fizzes and dissolves, releasing carbon dioxide gas.
Limestone Formation: Most limestone deposits originate from ancient marine environments, indicating historical deposits of organisms causing calcite accumulation.
Hardness: On the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, calcite has a rating of 3, meaning it can be easily scratched by a knife.
Worldwide Distribution: Calcite is found globally, forming in a variety of environments, from oceans to caves and soil.

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